Synth-wave AOR outfit Magic Dance quickly established themselves as a leader in the retro-genre, but for their newest album, the band has updated their sound to a more contemporary modern rock production and song style.
There are still waves of synth and more keyboards than a Yamaha outlet store, and while the change is subtle, it definitely heralds a different approach.
The vocal style remains in place as do the lush keyboards, but the direction chosen has changed the way the songs are structured, and the band has lost some of their unique 80s sound in an attempt to reach a wider audience.
The song writing is not nearly as catchy or unique and I’m hearing strong hints of modern melodic rockers Anberlin in amongst this album.
That all said, this is still a very enjoyable romp, with a distinct sound driving the largely uptempo album. I’m just struggling to identify individual songs and if given the choice, would rather the sound of the past.