The extraordinary, uber-versatile Jeff Scot Soto has taken this opportunity to run over 10 tracks from his very varied and distinguished career in “unplugged” form.
Unplugged may be the easiest term to describe this, but it’s a little simplistic for what this actually is. The 10 tracks have been re-envisioned and totally re-worked to the point where a couple are almost new tracks.
Every track is a winner – not hard when you’re picking 10 amazing songs – but even then, some stand out as really surprising and might even rival their original versions for passion and performance.
JSS’ vocals here are nothing short of amazing and give the stripped back nature of the songs, you really get to hear him wail. For me, the voice is the lead instrument on this release.
As JSS fans, you’ll know the songs – but special mention goes to:
Eyes Of Love was one of the big songs that really launched JSS as a solo artist and it sounds fresh and vibrant here.
The big ballad If This Is The End is simply sublime here. A vocal that defies gravity and so much passion.
Holding On was another key solo track and here features an even more soulful touch.
Till The End Of Time is re-made for acoustic guitar and sounds great.
Don’t Walk Away is perhaps the biggest left-turn of this release – re-imagined here as a R&B soul anthem….very cool.
Somebody 2 Love from the original Eyes album is another twisted gem. Soulful vocals, acoustic guitars and…a twang? Love it.
In a year of financial hardship and lack of tours, support the artist with a digital download purchase: or
Great fun, relaxed and laid back, soulful and passionate – lots to love about these 10 songs and the production behind the re-thinking is well worth the investment here.