I was a big fan of Rust N Rage’s last album – so much so I released it on my own label at the time. So I was eager to hear this, their third and probably most important outing.
Now on Frontiers - the label with the most bands on the planet, the band needed to up the ante to further their mission, but also to ensure they stood out from the pack of other Frontiers releases, where it is all too easy to get caught up in the mayhem and missed.
Thankfully the quality of this album should fend of both challenges, as the material here easily ups that of ‘Tales From The Wasteland’.
Bigger songs, bigger choruses, bigger guitars, bigger vocals, and most importantly, not only bigger, but better songs.
The pace is also quite fierce. The guys know how to rock and with this album should put themselves on the map with other Scandi hard rockers like H.E.A.T, Treat and US rockers like Dokken and Motley Crue.
A sleazy, glam-fused, hard rock tour de force!