Sweden's Casablanca release brand new album 'Miskatonic Graffitti' September 25 (Despotz Records)
And right here at MelodicRock.com we are excited to premiere the first track from the album "Closer".
The track "Closer" is the second part of Casablanca's Miskatonic Graffiti concept album.
In this section, the characters Mat and Josie find themselves confronted and chased by someone or something who has slipped through the passage to The Mountains and seemingly wants to kill the two of them. The story takes a sudden turn when Sgt. Doom steps in. This is a classic horror story that ends in favour of the victim while the perpetrator faces a cruel and certain death.
C A S A B L A N C A:
Anders Ljung (Space Age Baby Jane) - Vocals
Josephine Forsman (Sahara Hotnights) ' Drums
Erik Almstrom (Bullet) - Guitar
Ryan Roxie (Alice Cooper, Slash's Snakepit ) - Guitar
Erik Stenemo (Melody Club) - Guitar
Mats Rubarth - Bass
The third full-length album from Casablanca, is a concept album based on the Chuthulu mythology, with a twist. Before man The Old Ones ruled the world stated H.P. Lovecraft!
But before The Old Ones, The Original human being of the Golden Void (the Original) ruled the earth Casablanca now claims!
The Originals were creatures way beyond superstition and religion. Knowledge, enlightenment, style and rock 'n' roll was the real thing! But then came The Old Ones... Shackled and tossed away into another dimension by The Old Ones who soon would share their destiny. Ever since then The Old Ones have an urge to return and destroy the modern man and rule the world once again. However, The Originals also have an unwavering desire to somehow return and prepare humanity in time before The Old Ones return to throw the world into absolute darkness once again.
This is a story that instead of total cosmic terror, choose to highlight the passionate life stories standing strong in an almost hopeless situation. This is a story of those who despite the impending collapse of the civilization; do not give up the fight, or their dreams of sex, love, rock and fast cars.
Miskatonic Graffiti comes in three sections. In the first section (Enter the Mountains) The Phantom returns to our four dimensional space, approximately 200 years ago. The touchdown takes place in a location later to be called The Mountains, a place where gates to other worlds may appear.