RICK SPRINGFIELD Symphony Album Done

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RICK SPRINGFIELD's next release - a studio re-recordinging of his hits with a full 60-piece orchestra is done.
Rick will celebrate by holding a special live event March 30. Full info for that event: https://www1.ticketmaster.com/rick-springfield-acccompanied-by-symphony-...
The night before is a special fan night:
“Don’t know what a dress rehearsal is? Well, it’s like the ultimate sound check package lasting over 90 minutes. Watch Rick perform with his band and the award winning, eighty-member Santa Monica High School Symphony Orchestra, while they navigate through the line up for the next evening’s world premier of "Orchestrating My Life". There’s bound to be a tad of tom-foolery between the band and a wholelotta kick ass music. You’ll see a different side of Rick as he maneuvers though the evening making last minute adjustments to this amazingly personal show. We are limiting this rehearsal to only 200 guests to ensure EVERY seat is fantastic. Every guest receives a commemorative lanyard and a limited edition, fine art quality 16”x20” print signed and numbered by the photographer and personally autographed by Rick. Come spend a rare and special night with Rick Springfield at the beautiful Saban Theater in Beverly Hills on Friday, March 29th.”
The album details will be announced soon with track, label and release details pending.