RUSH Deliver Hard Rock Masterpiece 35 Years Ago Geddy Lee, Alex Lifeson, Neil Peart Direct 'Moving Pictures'

Wednesday, November 26, 2014
Podcasts & Radio

Dallas, TX - Feb 3, 2016.  North American syndicated Rock radio show and website InTheStudio: The Stories Behind Historys Greatest Rock Bands rolls out the red carpet for the thirty-fifth anniversary of RUSH's most successful album, Moving Pictures.

Sales alone do not convey the importance of their eighth studio album Moving Pictures to Rushs long career, nor to rock music itself. Music was changing, Rush lead singer/composer Geddy Lee tells us in this InTheStudio episode, and without Lee, guitarist/composer Alex Lifeson and drummer/lyricist Neil Peart embracing the fresh musical ideas in the crosswinds of the early Eighties with songs Tom Sawyer, Red Barchetta, Limelight, Vital Signs and Witch Hunt, it is doubtful that a path to mainstream success would have been cleared for later major bands including Metallica, Queensryche, Smashing Pumpkins Billy Corgan, Dave Grohls Foo Fighters, Tom Morello with Rage Against the Machine and Audioslave, and Dream Theater.

InTheStudio host Redbeard speaks to Geddy Lee, Alex Lifeson and Neil Peart about the significance of Moving Pictures to the Rush legacy.                                                  
It (Moving Pictures) gave us a kind of acceptance and credibility that none of our previous records had previously done. - Geddy Lee

It was very enjoyable making Moving Pictures. It flowed, everything sounded good. The vibe was good, everybody was in great spirits during the whole process. - Alex Lifeson

Being a trio is something that is special to us and I think its special to our fans too... We are known as a trio. Our reputation has a lot to do with our live show and what the three of us can do live. -  Neil Peart

RUSH Moving Pictures @ 35/ InTheStudio interview is available now to STREAM at:

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