Absolutely superb slice of nu-Scandi melodic rock, bathed in synths and keyboards and occasionally delving into some heavier guitar driven tracks. This I think, could be the band’s best album to date – they have grown with each release so far.
And while the style is now fairly well-tread, with a lot of competition in the marketplace, the class of the songs and sonically tight production propel this to the top of the pile.
The album starts with gusto, but the closing ballad/rocker/anthem triple play is hard to beat.
“We are glorious” sing the guys on the opening number. Why yes indeed you are Creye. It doesn’t take a lot of words to describe what’s going on here, so I’ll recommend you just stop wasting any more time and go check this out.
Welcome to full blown musical maturity and congratulations on what will remain one of the year’s best Scandi-AOR albums.