With a heavy heart I must announce some major changes to the MelodicRock Fest 4 event.
Those that know me know that I’m an honest, straight talking person, so in keeping with that, I’m not going to BS anyone or try and spin this any other way.
The facts are that ticket sales for MRF4 have been extremely disappointing. I take full responsibility for that and will take the time to consider the various reasons for that.
I believed 100% in the line-up that was presented to all, giving die-hard fans the opportunity to see many names otherwise not possible. But, it just hasn’t been a good enough response to allow the festival to go on as announced. As stated, I take full, humble responsibility for that.
I know there are some that will delight in this news and have a field day with it. Let their response to the news reveal their true character.
I will use this test of my character to make an impossible situation workable as best as humanly possible.
The idea of cancelling this event outright was not an option in my mind. That would have been the easier option I’m sure, but with many booked to travel I could never do that. Instead I’d rather try and salvage an event worthy of keeping the MRF name and spirit.
I have spent several days talking with artists, the venue and everyone involved and believe that we have a plan to move forward with. It’s a plan that keeps the integrity of the original event and I think still delivers in the face of adversity.
The event is now planned to be 2 full days instead of 3. With great regret, the Sunday portion on the weekend must be cancelled and several bands removed from the line-up. Friday and Saturday will be longer to compensate.
I'm extremely sorry to have to bring this news to you. To lose one band from the event hurts, but several for this reason really stings.
At the same time as all this has been going on, there has been ongoing problems with the all-star project Lost Angeles. To put it simply, that project is no longer and therefore they will not appear at the event. See below for a statement from Eric Ragno.
But all is not lost, Eric will still be at the event with Stan Bush and Talon and we’ve decided to bring the marvellous Gary Moon along for the ride, so he could pop up just about anywhere all weekend.
I originally planned for The Poodles to swap from Sunday to Saturday, which they wanted to do, but a prior gig booking in Sweden will prevent that from happening. It is with deep sadness that the guys declare that despite attempts to change that booking, they cannot make MRF.
The 100% double-confirmed and definite revised line-up for the 2-day MRF4 event will be:
7th Heaven
Stan Bush
Work Of Art
Johnny Lima
Grand Design
Maxx Explosion
Madman's Lullaby
The Radio Sun
Mitch Malloy
Heaven’s Edge
Tango Down
Paul Laine
Bombay Black
House Of Shakira
Sadly also removed from the event are: LRS, Degreed, Shooting Star, Crossing Rubicon, Loud Lion and Romeo Riot. All artists have been very understanding and supportive and I thank them for being a part of the original event.
Ticketing Changes:
With the MRF weekend now missing a Sunday schedule, a number of changes have been made to ticketing.
All current ticket holders have been emailed and offered full refunds if so desired.
GA tickets which were priced at $65 will now be reduced to just $20. Those with tickets for Sunday can get a full refund or use their ticket for either Friday or Saturday or both days if so desired.
No further 3-day tickets and VIP Passes are being sold. Those holding those tickets have been emailed with information on some additional perks.
To everyone that has purchased tickets this event is taking place because of YOU.
I am hugely disappointed that a greater number of people haven’t seen MRF in the same light as myself and those involved in the show and those with tickets already.
This is a tough blow to deal with, but once again I thank those that do support MR.com, MRR, the artists, this crazy business and this show and other MRF events in the past.
Eric Ragno: “We received word tonight that due to scheduling and family medical issues, both Paul Sabu & Jesse Damon will be unable to perform at the Melodic Rock Fest. I'm genuinely stunned - we had our first rehearsal scheduled for this week, we locked down a great drummer and the set list was just finalized. Sadly, it's not meant to be.
I've played every MR Fest and several Firefests (usually with multiple acts), and I know what a disappointment it is when a band has to withdraw. I've never experienced it this way until now, and honestly it just sucks. On behalf of the band I offer my sincerest apologies to all of you, and especially to Andrew. Lost Angeles was assembled specifically for the Melodic Rock Fest, where we planned to release our debut. No Fest = No Lost Angeles. Sorry gang...we gave it a good shot.
I would like to give special kudos to Gary Moon (Night Ranger) for stepping in and putting forth all of his positive energy - he's an incredible talent and a great friend, and I know that will continue on. Gary was especially excited to be performing for all of you, and we will have to make that happen next time around.
That being said, I look forward to seeing you all at MRF where I will still be performing with Stan Bush, and my friends in Talon. Come rock with us, won't you?”
Any questions or enquiries, let me know anytime.
Thanks as always,