I know the biggest question going around right now – is WHEN will we hear the MRF5 details?
That’s a VERY good question!
I appreciate everyone’s patience. The lengthy process underway right now is necessary and extra special care is being taken to bring the very best possible lineup to both events.
I also want to ensure that the lineup announced is the lineup that turns up. Changes are always a risk with long term planning and so many artists, but MRF has a very good reputation for delivering what is promised.
Right now I am in the final stages of negotiations with several artists that will complete the lineup of MRF-USA.
Likewise for MRF-Scandinavia – but in that situation I’m working with Johan Nylen and the Rock Stage team to finalize all plans there.
I can confirm that the Malmo, Sweden event will take place May 31-June 2. That date is FINAL! The venue is booked and will be announced shortly.
MRF-USA is of course taking place May 4-6 at the site of MRF3&4 – H.O.M.E Bar Chicago in Arlington Heights.
There will be an event hotel, but don’t book yet…there will be a deal and it may not be the hotel from last time.
A couple of points I’d like to make for both shows in general:
- Ticket prices announced will be the same price right up until event weekend.
- There will be VIP options that embrace the whole event experience and once gone, are ALL GONE!
MRF-USA is set to feature a mix of classic, cult and new artists, from within the USA and around the world – more international acts than any other show to date!
As final details fall into place, at this stage I envision a lineup announcement at the end of this month and tickets on sale a couple of weeks after that.
Stand by for those details….