
Brett Walker (1997)


Born and raised in Norman, Oklahoma Brett Walker picked up the guitar at age 15 and soon began playing school assemblies and town functions.

At age 20 he made the decisive move to Los Angeles where he found himself as a "hired gun" playing with such artists as Tahnee Cain and Nick Gilder. A It also marked his introduction to the world of professional song writing.

Branching out on his own, Brett began seriously pursuing a career as a singer/songwriter and in 1988 had his first cut on a record on a major label record. He continued working on his own, and on the strength of his tape, went to NYC to work with renowned producer David Prater (producer of Fire House and Dream Theater).

In 1989, Brett wrote two charting singles; one for Jimi Jamison and the other for the band Alias. "Waiting for love" recorded by Alias, went on to become Brett's first top ten single in 1990.

After being courted by several companies, Brett signed a major publishing deal with Virgin Music in 1991.

Now I stole all that from Brett's web page (thanks Brett!), and that sort brings us up to where Brett released his awesome debut album 'Nevertheless'. So I caught up with Brett to see how one makes such a good record......

So Brett, you have been working as a songwriter for a number of years. Was always your intention to have solo records?
When I first started playing as a teenager, I always pictured myself in a band. But after I got a bit older, I realized that my lyrics only made sense to me when I was writing about something personal or close to my heart. So it just seem natural to make music as a solo artist. Other people that know me well tell me I am definitely a solo artist. I think that other people tend to see you more as what you are than you do.

Can you tell me some of the artists you have written with/ or for? I know of your hit with Alias, and also a song covered by Jim Jamison you and Carl Dixon wrote.
I like writing for myself mostly these days. It seems that the business of trying to get songs on other peoples records has turned into a very corporate commercial game. I don't know, maybe it always has been and I am just now noticing it. It seems you have to have titles like "Waiting For Love". I think I've grown out of that.

You seem to work with Carl a lot. Good guy to write with?
Carl is a very intellectual person. He reads alot and can converse on any subject intelligently. Great sense of humor. Horrible kisser though! (joking)

You wrote a few on his solo record 'One'.

How did your solo deal come about with Zero, and with Empire?
Magnus Soderkvist called me up from Sweden and asked me if I would like to meet with him and Christer Wedin from Empire. I was flattered and excited.

Congratulations on a superb record!! (Nevertheless) There are melodies and harmonies an the album, that you just don't hear often enough, or of quality like that.
Is it hard to get that mix, or is it just the style you write in and enjoy?

I just do what feels good to me and I have to believe that what feels good to me, is also felt by other people. I find if I make a real heart felt statement that is honest, the rest of the world feels the same way. ya know?

You wrote with some pretty cool musicians for the record.... Can you describe working with.....Stan Bush......Nick Gilder......Moon Calhoun......Jim Peterik......and Jonathan Cain.
Now that would take a while! Jim Peterick is a very funny guy who has a very dry sense of humor much like my own. So we sort of naturally clicked. Nick Gilder is very artsy and a little more on the unique side. He's not really into an instrument or music theory, but that is what gives him his (Sky is the limit) creative veiw towards music.

Now, you worked with Jonathan more on the new Railbirds album, didn't you? I read that you are a huge fan of his!
Yeah, Faithfully still gives me chills from head to toe when I turn up the speakers to 10. One of the best all around musicians I've ever had the pleasure to work with. It was tough producing his organ playing on my record, because everything he played was brilliant. I honestly couldn't decide which takes were the best.

Why the change to a band name?
We're aiming for an American release with this band. America is not really signing many male solo artists these days. I think Bryan Adams kinda wore that dream out for the moment.

Yeah, that Bryan Adams thing, it's a real shame he has to resort to material like the schlop he sings today. I still think his finest album is 'Into The Fire'. He actually sang about something then!! He has such a class band, they are all being sold short.
I agree 100% And don't be afraid to print your opinion on that. I think there are alot of people that feel that way. But alot of people are afraid to say it. Hey, life is too short for gutless music. Even if he did make gutsy music at one time. That don't mean you have to like everything he does.

Where did the other guys in The Railbirds come from?
I've known em forever. Old friends...

Tell me about the different sound on the new album.
Well I wrote or co wrote all of the tune so it is still my kinda thing. I'd like to think it is a bit more modern than nevertheless. I want to always try new things. Otherwise, whats the point. I respect people that have a common thread that runs through their work called, Quality. Not familiarity.

You mentioned that you are trying to licence that album elsewhere around the world. How is that going?
I'm working on remixing and writing a few new things with Steve Lukather for an American release. Hopefully soon.

I love the captions on the sleeve of Nevertheless, after each song. Does Brett Walker have a pretty good sense of humour?
Yeah I think so. I'd like write a little more of it into my music in the future. Some of the greatest rock-n-roll lyrics of all time are very humorous in a satirical way. Tom Petty's the king of it.

It's nice to see an artist not taking themselves too seriously all the time!! How about touring? Do you enjoy getting out and playing live?
Yeah, we just did a Scandinavian tour that was a lot of fun. Very tireing though. I learned alot. You got to take care of yourself out there on the road, or else you burn out and can't sing. When people want to take you partying, they don't have to be on that bus at 9:00 the next morning and be on stage singing the next night. I used to think I was immortal. After a couple of weeks of partying in Sweden, I realized I am not.

What albums have you been listening to recently, and what records have influenced/inspired you to write?
I like the new Sheryl Crow record. I don't know, I seem to be getting less and less impressed by the music these days. Maybe it's just a phase I'm going through. Or maybe most of the current pop music out there just sucks large donkey ding dongs. Actually, I'm more turned on by whats happening in Europe at the moment.

Is there anyone out there you would love to write with?
Honestly? Not really. I'm more turned on by hearing other peoples magic and being inspired to go create something on my own. It's a very personal experience and I have a lot of fun exploring it on my own. Sure there are some heros of mine that I would be excited to work with if they showed interest. Steve Lukather is one of those hereos.

What else are you up to at the moment?
I just finished a couple of countryish tunes for a country artist that Dan Huff is producing in Nashville. It's not real dirt country.. More like the Eagles.

Okay Brett, you have to tell me about working with Steve Lukather!
Steve is a great guy. No egos, no rockstar attitudes or bullshit. He's a very humble guy. If you didn't know what great work he has done, you would probably know him for 5 years and he would never tell you. That's how down to earth he is. A living example of what a celebrity should be. Which is ironic because a lot of people in LA tend to think name dropping impresses people. When your around Luke, what name could you possibly drop? I mean hell, he's played on damn near everyones album. I mean what name could you say to impress him! "Ya, I'm working on this project with the Pope at the moment?" I mean really..
We are planning to remix the new album at his studio and are writing a few of new songs to add to the album.

With you re-mixing with Steve, does that mean that the album is not currently out in the States?
No it's not out in the states yet. We had some problems with our American Label (Intersound). I'm actually glad about that now. I tend to think that all things happen for a reason. Which is another story.....

And when it is releases will it still be the Railbirds album (or most of the original anyway)?
That's a good question. I think we will pick the very best of the record and add a few songs to it. Ya know, try to make it top notch. We are talking to a couple of major companies for an American release.

And I have to ask, have you any great bits of gossip or innuendo that I can help spread?!!!
I'm all out of gossip at the moment. Except I heard that Brett Walker used to be a lesbian female. Bretrisha. OK OK enough....

Thanks Brett!!
OK, Thanks Andrew and I'll talk to you soon.

For your enjoyment....Brett's discography (also borrowed from his site!):
1990 Stranger Michael Thompson Band / Geffen Records.
1991 Waiting For Love Alias / EMI Capitol Records (BMI Award Winning Top 10 Single).
1992 Taste Of Love Jimi Jamison / Scotti Bros Records (Billboard AOR top 50) Also available on Jimi Jamison/Survivor Greatest hits Volume 2 / Scotti Bros Records.
1993 After The Tears Jeff Paris / Now And Then records.
1994 Nevertheless (Entire album) Brett Walker / Empire Records Scandinavia / Toshiba EMI Japan (Scandinavian Top-40 National Sales Charts / with Top 10 radio hit ).
1994 Snakes In Paradise (co wrote 5 songs & produced the album) Snakes In Paradise /
Toshiba Japan / Various Labels In Europe.
1996 Brett Walker & The Railbirds (Entire album) Brett Walker / Intersound Records /
Westcoast Sony Scandinavia (Top 40 Radio Hit In Sweden & Denmark).
1996 Silver & Gold, It's A Good Thing, Drown In Your Ocean Westcoast Compilation CD Westcoast/SGA Europe.



The Storm - Ron Wikso (1997)


Ron Wikso is a busy man. Not only is he the drummer from AOR supergroup 'The Storm', featuring Journey bassman Ross Valory and ex-Journeyman Gregg Rolie (and Steve Smith initially), but he is also the drummer in a revamped Foreigner. Add Cher and David Lee Roth to his resume, and I would say that would make him an essential gentleman to talk to! Here goes...

So Ron, how long have you been playing drums, and how did you get started?
This year marks 30 years! I started when I was REALLY young!! Basically, I just started with a neighbor of mine showing me some stuff on a practice pad and then my mom got me private lessons from the local elementary school's band director. Then, a couple of years later, when I was old enough, I joined the school band and kept it up from there.

What was you're first big gig?
If you mean my first big tour, that would have to be the Cher tour that I got in 1989. We did the MTV Music Awards, Prime Time Live and lots of other major TV stuff in addition to the arenas and amphitheaters that we were playing at on tour. Prior to that I had worked with a lot of other people that you would probably consider to be fairly big but, not in quite the same capacity.

How did you get into the role as The Storm's drummer?
I was initially referred to The Storm by Pat Torpey (drummer for Mr. Big). Mr. Big was being managed by the same guy as The Storm...Herbie Herbert.
Pat heard that Steve Smith was leaving and reccomended me for the job. After that, I learned that I had also gotten a reccomendation from Steve and from Deen Castronovo (drummer for Bad English, Hardline etc.). I also happened to mention to Mickey Curry (drummer for Bryan Adams) that The Storm might go on tour with Bryan and that there was a chance I might check out the gig.
Well, he immediately (with no prompting from me by the way) got on the phone with Bruce Cohen (Bryan's manager) and called Herbie on my behalf!!! I was blown away that all of these guys would do that for me!!
Anyway, even though I had all of those referrals, I still had to audition (along with about 15 or 20 other guys) and, after meeting the guys and playing with them on 2 separate occasions, they asked me to join the band.

How does the band go over live? I have never read a review for one of their live performances.
When the band was out touring, we did very well live. I have some reviews laying around here somewhere and, perhaps I'll dig them out and have them posted on The Storm's Web Page.

You are working with some great musicians, has it been fun to work with Gregg Rolie, Ross Valory and Kevin Chalfant?
I have had the very good fortune to work with many of the best musicians in the world, and the guys in The Storm are certainly among them....it's been a blast!!

You were saying you stepped in right after the first album was released, for touring....and now you are a full fledged member with co-writing credits etc. Did it take long to fit in?
I must say that the guys in the band, particularly Gregg, made me feel at home virtually right away, so I guess the answer would be no, it didn't take long at all!!

What was the band doing in between albums? I know there was record company difficulties etc. How did you keep busy?
We have all kept busy in our own way but, for me, it's been by working with as many people as I can on various projects and by continuing to tour. In 1994 I toured with David Lee Roth and since 1995 I have been touring with Foreigner. Unfortunately, The Storm was forced into a bit of a state of limbo waiting to see what we could do with the record that was already in the can. It took a while but, at least we have finally gotten it out there!

So what happened to finally get the second album out, besides the fact that MFN signed you in the UK.
Well, there were some legal issues that needed to be settled but, basically our managers had to negotiate with Interscope Records so that we could take the record elsewhere. Once that was taken care of (and that's what took the most time), Scott Boorey (our manager) was able to make the deal with Music For Nations in Europe and Avex Trax/Bareknuckle (EMI) Records in Japan. We're currently looking into having it released in the U.S. and the rest of the Pacific Rim.

When was the second album actually recorded? I heard it was right after the first!!
It was recorded about 2 years after the first one. Pre-production started in February of 1993 and tracking began in March of 1993. The album was mixed and mastered by July of that same year so, as you can see, it took about 3 years from the time it was recorded for it to see the light of day.
That was very frustrating, especially because we all thought we had made a great record. Oh well, you can't cry over it...at least it did see the light of day!

The band had a great debut album, but the second was a much more cohesive and balanced effort. What do you think about the second album?
Well, first of all, thank you! Second of all, I would have to agree with you.
I think that the songs are better overall and that the album plays pretty well from beginning to end. You might say I'm a bit biased though!!

Was it great to be a part of the songwriting, with the two tunes on the 'Eye Of The Storm' album?
It was a very satisfying experience to be able to take my song ideas to a guy like Gregg Rolie and actually have him listen to them!!
Then we were able to work on the stuff together with Kevin Chalfant and I think the results were pretty good. When I first heard Kevin sing the demo for "Waiting For The World To Change" I was elated!!

Do you do much in the way of writing?
I have dabbled with it on and off over the years but, it's never been my main focus. I have been thinking of getting more into it again though. We'll see.

So dare I ask...where are the band at now? And what do you see happening next?
Well, basically we are all just living our lives. I'm doing the Foreigner gig, Ross just did the Journey record, Gregg has been putting out his solo stuff and the Abraxas stuff, Josh has been playing with some people in the Bay Area and Kevin has been doing his solo stuff back in Illinois.
As far as what I see happening next, I hope to see the record released in America and the Pacific Rim. I know that it's doing fairly well so far in Japan and we hope that, if it does well enough, we may be able to go over there and tour in the fall but, that's really a bit premature at the moment.
We would love to do that in other territories also but, it would have to be economically feasible.
We would also love to do another record at some point but, we have to see where things lead with this one first.

The record has just come out domestically in Japan, is there any chance of a U.S release?
There's a very good chance but, we haven't made any deals at this point.

I would have thought the album would be a natural hit in the states given half the chance!!
We think so too so, keep your fingers crossed!!

Okay Ron, here is where I dig for the dirt - tell us about working with David Lee Roth!!!
What do you want to know?!

Is the guy a real control freak or is he misunderstood?
Well, I really don't want to get into any particulars about working with Dave but, I will say that it was certainly an experience I will never forget!!

You know, I am a huge Van Halen fan, and a huge Sammy Hagar fan. But if they were going to dump Sammy, Dave seemed like a good alternative. When the band dumped him again, I thought he won a lot of fans from his dignified response, and exit...What do you think?!!!
I wasn't there so, I don't know what actually happened. But, as Don Henley said, there's 3 sides to every story...yours (Dave's), mine (Van Halen's) and the cold hard truth.

What about working with Cher? That would have to be an experience!
Working with Cher was quite an experience. Her gig was much different than what I do normally with bands.
There were so many other things to be concerned with...the timing of set changes, playing cues for dancers etc. It was cool but, in a much different way.

Now I am also curious to hear about your involvement with Foreigner. How did that come about?
I was referred to Foreigner by my friend Thom Gimbel, who I went to Berklee College of Music with. He has played sax and guitar with them on and off since about 1992 or 1993. He also plays, keyboards, sax and sings backup with Aerosmith.
Anyway, he had heard that Mark Schulman (who I also knew a little bit) was leaving the band and that they had listened to about 40 or 50 drummers and hadn't found one that they liked yet. I also knew Foreigner's managers because they had worked with David Lee Roth (until Dave fired them) in 1994.
Thom put me in touch with Bruce Turgon (Foreigner's bass player) and after talking on the phone for awhile (turns out we had a lot of mutual friends), Bruce arranged for me to go to New York to play with the band. After playing with them for a couple of days, they hired me!
As far as what we are doing right now, we are going to Japan on April 15th for about 11 days. I know that we are supposed to go out this summer (possibly to Europe) but, I don't know exactly what or when that will be.
We are also supposed to do another record at some point this year but, that has not been scheduled yet either. We should know soon though!

When did you join up with Foreigner? I saw them live in Canada in '93....awesome concert!
I joined the band in January of 1995.

Do you know what David Lee Roth is up to now?
I heard he's spending a lot of time in South Florida but, other than that, I have no idea.

And finally, what plans do you personally have for the future? Are there any projects that you would like to put together?
I'm not exactly sure how to answer that one. I just usually take things as they come. There are lots of projects I'd like to try and put together and lots of people I would like to work with but, it's hard to say what will actually come to fruition. Time will tell!!

Thanks Ron, I will be back to you for an update! Till then, good luck with everything.


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