
Tribute Albums (2002)


Tribute Albums: How to...case study...Boston!

I asked Escape Music boss Khalil Turk about their recent release A Tribute To Boston - just how does one go about setting up a tribute album and how was Escape's Tribute to Boston put together?

What lead you decide on doing a Boston Tribute album?
After recording a Foreigner tribute album Steve Morris and myself were very satisfied with the results, so I brought up the idea to Steve, “How about recording a Boston Tribute?” We have always been huge fans of this band since their debut, and Steve was very happy to do it.

Were there any other artists in your mind to invite to participate?
There were many artists in my mind, I had to be selective who to invite. I gathered many names of musicians, when I decided who to invite on the album, and send the invite out to all. They were all delighted to take part on this tribute, being in this business for such a long time, you meet and to know many different musicians from established names to beginners, and you have to be fair with all of them.

So Boston is the band - what's the process involved in getting a tribute started and off the ground? Do you start picking a base band, or songs, or...?
First of all we pick the songs, with Boston most of the songs had to be from their first album and so on. Then we decide who will be good on each song. Once the lead singers are pinpointed, we look for a good solid rhythm section Bass / Drums. In the mean time Steve Morris will be preparing all the studio works programming and so on - while I am getting in touch with musicians.

Who picks who will sing what track? Is that up to you, or did guys like Chris Ousey come to you with their favourites?
Usually Steve and I decide who will sing which song. Or we ask the singer would they like to choose any particular song. With Chris Ousey, Steve thought Cool The Engine - check out Tommy Denander guitar solo it smokes!! - and A Man I'll Never Be (Japan only) would be suitable for him, knowing Chris he can sing anything even if you give him a telephone directory!!
Steve Overland wanted to sing Amanda, Timothy Lewis wanted to sing Can'tcha Say. Sometimes it doesn't work. After recording some vocals if we are not happy with, we will scrap it, and invite someone else to sing it again. It happened on the Foreigner tribute and on this one too.

When did you start recording and how long did the whole process take to finish?
started with the pre-productions, programming of the songs and backing tracks way back in the summer of 2001, while I was getting in touch with the singers and musicians and arranging their time schedule who was available and who wasn't.
With Terry Brock, it was excellent timing, he was over in the UK to the GODS show was very convenient. I picked Terry up from his hotel to the studio in Runcorn, and he sang two songs and all the back grounds, and harmonies in three hours, what a great singer! Steve Overland was easy too, he only lives 20 minutes on the train to the studio. The album took almost one year to finish the album. This summer 2002.

Obviously some parts are recorded in various different studios, the mix process must be quite complicated. Can you take us through that?
Yes, some of the recordings has taken part all over place , from New Jersey (Mike Walsh / Timothy Lewis) to Vancouver, Canada (Kenny Kaos, Dave Hopia and Frank Baker), and back to the UK then all over UK from Warrington to Royton Lancs (Vinny Burns, Don Airey) Bedfordshire to Sweden (Tommy Denander and Anders Rydholm, Peter Sundell from Grand Illusion), Norway (Ronni Le Tekro), and back to Warrington then to Runcorn...Wah! Well travelled album.
What Steve Morris will have to do next is send CD-R or ADAT of each song as two tracks bounce down, to the person whom had to record their parts, and all they have to do is just play or sing on other tracks available to them. On ADAT with 8 tracks, less two tracks used as bounced down. Once they've recorded their parts they will send the recordings back to us, then Steve will transfer all that person parts into the master recordings all this procedure is taken place in our own studio Ocean Reach Studio. Then we will take all the tapes to the studio for mixing. Now days everybody uses Pro-Tools Nuendo.

Who did the artwork for the release?
I have always used Chris Johns (KICK) – from Crusoe. Chris is a very good friend of mine, and very talented, we have been working together for the past 5 years, and he understands my likings. He usually comes up with an idea, and then I will chop and change things around it plus re-arranging.

Obviously anyone can pick a song and sing it, but what are the technical requirements of doing an tribute album, as far as going about paying songwriter royalties etc?
Yes, anybody can pick a song and record it for sure, if the song going to be released for commercial purposes, then they have to apply for AP Clearance from MCPS London. They will grant you the license to release the song, and you will have to pay them 8.5% ppd.

Are there any other requirements needed?
As long you do not alter the arrangement or the structure of the song or the lyrics you will be OK. Once you start changing the song then you have to have approval from the songwriter.

What are your personal favourite songs on the tribute album?
My personal favourite on Boston has to be Amanda by Steve Overland. To be honest with you all the singers have done a great job, Terry Brock is FANTASTIC on Its Easy, Tony O'hora, Peter Sundell…they are all brilliant!

On the Foreigner has to be Troy Reid (Stranded) / Chris Ousey (Heartland) duet on Prisoner Of Love, and of course John Pratt on Hot Blooded (Firefly) on one of the most underrated singer in the business he is great! I love John's voice.

Tell us about the players involved on the album?
They were all excellent to work with. I would ask them back again. But of course with tribute albums you have to change musicians sometime, and use different musicians to make it more interesting.

Some are obviously Escape Music artists, others are guests. Is this a complicated situation for labels to work out?
There were no complications whatsoever, all the artists were happy to been involved. Except for one indie label their BIG "Boss" whom wasn't accommodating to pass my invite to one of their artists. I could've contact the artist directly myself since I knew the singer very well long before he was signed to this particular label. It was just a courtesy to ask the label. Next time!

Any other plans for another tribute down the track?
Yes, Survivor will be next, we have some great musicians in mind I have already asked Harry James, and Chris Child of (Thunder) who have accepted my invitations, once again Steve Overland will be on, and I will be sending invitations out shortly. I have penciled in few names already, now Tony Harnell - if you are reading this - don't you say its too late or any other excuses!!










Mark Boals (2002)


Mark Boals: Busier than ever...

Not content with just being a solo artist, Mark Boals also has his band Ring Of Fire. Between the two, there have been 3 albums this year and it looks like it's only going to get busier for the former Yngwie Malmsteen vocalist.

So, it's been a while since we talked last, but you have been very busy!
You have now established two band names - Mark Boals the solo artist and Ring Of Fire. What's the primary difference between the two?

OK! With Mark Boals, I obviously get to do what I want, write what I want, work with new people, and in general, have a great time with the freedom of a being a solo artist, making up for years of artistic suppression!!! Haha!
But seriously, I wanted to be able to do music that was more based around the melody, with a heavy sound that is a little progressive, and totally different from the neo-classic sound of Ring Of Fire.
So many people have been asking me to do it for so long, and I wanted to do it for myself, so there it is!
With Ring Of Fire, I have the ultimate Neo-classic metal band, with the best musicians in the world, and they also happen to be good friends!!!!
I really feel blessed at this point in my life!

The new album is Edge Of The World - what was your aim going into the writing and recording of this album?
It may sound strange, but I really had no ideas except the general sound that I wanted.
I kept that mindset and let the music and lyrics flow out of me naturally, with the knowledge and desire to make music truly from my heart. It all came together fairly quick and easy, which is how I like it!

How does it differ from your last solo album?
With the album "Ring Of Fire", I was really going for a straight neo-classic album, because there was so much flak from the people who refused to let me be anything but a singer in Malmsteen. Don't get me wrong, I fully appreciate the times spent in the shadow of the Original Viking Guitar Shredder, but I wanted people to see that the rumours of my not being able to create that kind of music were not true.
I also happen to enjoy that style of music as well, and after being denied the opportunity to write with Malmsteen so many times, I took the chance to write an album with one of his finest contemporaries, Tony Macalpine, who by chance had also been denied many things in his career. It was so much fun making that album that I wanted to make it a real band, which was successful, I am happy to say!!
As I said before, "Edge" was made with a different mindset, albeit a natural one for me, and for all the players involved! I also have several guitarists on this one, including a new guy named Chris Brooks who is a phenomenal player/writer with tremendous potential.

I personally think it's your best record to date - I really enjoyed the style of the songwriting.

Vocal wise, it sounds like you tried harder with the screams and high notes! Did this come easily, or require a little vocal training before hand?
I guess it might seem that way because I used more range on this album by using more midrange vocals, which tends to accentuate the high notes once they arrive!
Really, with Malmsteen I was singing higher notes all the time, but then there was no reference of lower melodies, so one doesn't realize how high the notes were, unless you try to sing along!!!!
Many people have told me they are happy that they can finally sing my songs in the shower!!!!!!

You produced the album yourself again - do you find yourself learning more each time in the studio?
Of course every experience is a new lesson, but really, there is always so much more to learn. Making albums is really a fine art that keeps progressing all the time.

What production tricks are in effect on this album?
Tricks? Not really. It is simply mixed as it was recorded, by Erik Norlander.
I gave him the raw tracks, and he simply tweaked the sounds slightly and got a balance, and that's it!!!

And straight behind this album is a new Ring Of Fire! How did these albums come to be scheduled so close together?
I wish I knew!!!
It was a bit nerve wracking!!!

How would you describe the musical and lyrical approach on the new Ring Of Fire?
We tried to modernize our approach to neo-classic styling, and I wrote in a more poetic and direct style of lyrics, instead of the standard fare of Dungeons And Dragons that has been done so well already by myself and others.

Any live dates for either project lined up?
Yes! There will be a world tour in early 2003 to promote both albums!

Any chance of making it over to Europe for any live shows?
It's being put together now, as one of our first priorities, especially since my solo album is being received so well there.

How has the response and sales been for the live Ring Of Fire CD and DVD release?
In Japan it has been great! It hasn't been released in other territories yet, but we are working on a major deal for the rest of the world right this moment for an early 2003 release. It is a great representation of the band.

What's next up for you Mark? Solo and Ring Of Fire are done - anything new, or more hard work on these two projects?
I'll be busy with the tour for a good while but afterwards, there will be a new release late in the year.

Heard from Yngwie recently?!!
Not recently!!!! He is busy and so am I!

What are you currently listening to music wise?
I like System Of A Down and Linkin Park! (along with my jazz and classical favorites!)

Favourite albums of 2002?
I like my own of course, and the ones mentioned above, and also the new Rush album is cool!

Anything you would like to add?
Many thanks to my friends around the world for so much great support!

Thanks for taking the time out to answer these questions!
Thanks for inviting me, and best of luck to you, with your new expanded website!!!






Genius - Daniele Liverani (2002)



Daniele Liverani: The Genius behind the music.

We have all heard rock opera's...we have also heard long rock opera's, but a Triple CD, released over three years? Sounds like an ambitious project. Just who is behind the Genius opera and hear the entire opera's story line.

Let's go right back to the beginning.
Can you tell us a little about your history as a musician?
I started to play piano when I was a child (at 6) attending a local classical school that gave me all the theory and harmonic notions, then I self approached guitar at 16 (1987), applying it all the classical notions.
I learned from classical piano experience. In 1993 (at 22) I won a national contest as Italian best guitar player and I won a paid trip and stage at GIT School in LA.
I stayed there for a long period, attending lessons from many of the biggest guitar player of the scene...it was there that I put together the lineup to record the my first solo project
album 'Viewpoint' that would have been published only later by Elevate records in 1999.
I also studied bass at 24 and drums at 25, I always had a great love for both classic and quality rock metal music and for all the instruments involved in it....
Even if I did many demo tapes and music projects since back in 1987, I can say that my official recording career starts back in 1997 as keyboard player and composer with the first release of my prog-metal band Empty Tremor 'Apocolokyntosys', released in Europe by Pick Up/Risin Sun and in Japan by Fandango records.

Then in 1999 I released by Elevate records my first solo guitar record 'Viewpoint' (recorded during GIT period 1993/1994), a sort of progressive guitar oriented instrumental project with some cool musicians like Julio Mathis at drums, Joey Vera and Ricky Wolking at bass (4 tracks each)...
In early 2000 I recorded and produced for Elevate Records too the second album with my band Empty Tremor, 'Eros & Thanatos'...one of the major efforts with this band!
I also have a second solo instrumental album ready to be released called Daily Trauma since 1999 in my pocket.
This album is the first musical experimentation back in early 1999 after the meeting of me and Dario Ciccioni, the incredible young talented drummer that has been playing also into the 3 episodes of Genius Rock Opera....it's a like a sort of prologue to the 3 episodes of Genius and it contains a lot of idea and basic atmosphere that have been developed and expanded into the full Genius rock opera trilogy production.

I'd say that the meeting and the initial jams with Dario are probably the main reason of the beginning of all my Genius project thread, I felt that I and him would have been able of doing a lot of good and inspired music, our styles, tastes and feeling was so perfect during the creation and the jams!
This 'Daily Trauma' album will be released after the Genius trilogy by Frontiers too...cause it's also very connected with Genius concept.
I also recorded and produced a record with Steve Walsh called 'Khymera' to be released at the beginning of 2003, Also there I played guitar, bass and Keys, Dario Ciccioni (Genius Rock Opera drummer) played drums...
I write sometimes for some Guitar magazines, but unfortunately I have not enough time lately and this is happening not so often at the moment...

Anyway this Genius rock opera trilogy has been basically getting me busy since 1998 in all its phases of creation and preproduction's of story, characters definition, music and lyrics! It's something that I always worked on also during other projects development
(Empty tremor & all the other projects)

At what stage did you think you would like to write such an ambitious piece of work, such as a Rock Opera?
I had this idea back in late 1997, due to a story that I wrote in that period called Daily Trauma (Same title of the instrumental album that has been recorded before the 3 Genius Rock Opera episodes).
I felt that that story would have been very adaptable to a sort of Opera with many singers, and after experimenting a first instrumental step of composition
(Daily Trauma album) I had more that opinion in my mind.
I had been working a lot in creating very progressive and guitar oriented music and I found myself very excited at the idea of writing lyrics and melodies in Empty Tremor band, so I decided to create a more complete and thrilling project where I could challenge myself in writing for many singers together, duets, big choirs and great orchestration, one of my favourite dreams till the years I was studying classical music...so I decided to try to make this dream become true!

What other Rock Opera's influenced you as a musician and writer?
I always loved Jesus Christ Superstar and Cats, even if they are very different type of thing comparing to modern Rock Opera like Avantasia, Ayreon, Nostradamus, and
Genius too...of course, I think that those were the real first steps talking about Rock Opera and Musical production....
I must really be devote to those early musical cause they really created something new about rock and opera production.
I've listened and enjoyed also to all the newer operas like Avantasia, Ayreon and Nostradamus...that I consider great masterpieces and big efforts that has given to metal music a great quality music...
Anyway I'd say that Genius Style is not near to any of these Operas, I basically tried to create something original and to experiment as many styles as possible inside Genius music...I tried to use different styles of music according to the story requirements point to point...and also there's a lot of progressive influences inside.

How long has the entire process taken?
It has taken more that 4 years to create the 4 hours of music (3 episodes) and complete the first episode also with guest singers lyrics recording..

Tell us about the story of Genius....
Genius is a rock opera trilogy that will include a total of 33 songs
(11 for each episode).
Even if the total duration of the Opera is about 4 hours of music for 3 CD, the whole story concept refers to a dream experienced by the main character 'Genius' that lasts only 10 minutes!
It's known that dreams are often creating a time-stretch effect in our minds, so that a 10 minutes long dream can be remembered as a day long story...
In fact, these 10 minutes of Genius' dream has been described in 4 hour of music!
But we are not talking about a regular dream like all humans have always experienced...
In this 10 minutes Genius goes too far and discovers for the first time
all the secrets of human's dream creation...
At 7 o' clock of a typical Monday morning (exactly the 20 of December 1999), his alarm clock near the bed starts to ring as usual.
While he's slowly getting awaken, listening to the sound of his old clock, he finds out that its bells are playing a strange but repetitive sequence of beats.
Genius is a smart heavy metal drummer and suddenly starts to imagine that strange sequence played on a snare drum...as a drum fill.
While his imagination is following that pattern he feels very strange and falls asleep again, feeling like attracted from his pillow.
After few seconds he starts to dream and he finds himself in front of a big golden gate, suspended in the air, where 2 woman's (Doorkeepers) seemed
to be waiting for him.
Initially he doesn't understand if what's going on is only the result of his dreaming or if what he's experiencing is something much more important...
Then he slowly realizes that this strange dream has connected his mind
with an alternative reality...
Genius has been attracted and wrongly admitted for a sum of casual circumstances into a strange and apparently nonsense parallel dimension.

Later he'll discover that that place is an alternative world where human dreams are created and conducted.
To best enjoy this opera you should have a brief explanation of some basic concepts of this alternative dreams creation world:
This parallel dimension is organized in many kingdoms, one for each
Each kingdom is ruled by a King.
The whole group of the kingdoms is called Dream League and is leaded by the supreme Main dream, the most powerful character...
The Kings involved in this first episodes are King McChaos (European dreams kingdom) and King Wild Tribe (African dreams kingdom).
Each time that a human starts to sleep an entity called 'Twinspirit' is created for him by the Dream League and sent into one of these kingdoms (depending of the continent where the human dreamer lives).
An ID number is assigned to this Twinspirit to be recognized from all the others.
This number is also the ID number of the dream that will be conducted by the twinspirit.
In fact, when Genius gets caught into that dimension, is identified with ID n.33 by the doorkeepers, and wrongly exchanged by a regular Twinspirit.
This 'Twinspirit' is responsible for the conduction of his assigned human dream fantasies.
His existence starts when his human owner starts to sleep and ends at his awake.
Its duty is to create all the fantasies that his assigned human will dream about during his sleeping session, using a sort of multimedia equipment that is provided to him by the Dream League.

At the end of his life (the end of the dream) he sends to his human owner mind all the memories of the dream that he has recorded into a multimedia support build inside him, of course if he has time to do this transmission.
If the human awake is very fast sometimes this can't happen.
That's why sometimes dreams are not remembered by the humans...
All these Twinspirits are created and sent into a sort of dream's factory, fully equipped with consoles ready to be used for the dream's conduction.
This place is called ''Twinspirt Land'...
Each kingdom has its 'Twinspirit Land' where all the twinspirit can perform their job during their short life.
So...Genius is actually dreaming and laying in his bed that morning for those intense 10 minutes... but during that unusual dream he has the chance of entering that unknown alternative world and meet the Twinspirit that is conducting his dream (his ID is n.32 in fact it's been created just right before Genius arrival,right after he started to
sleep and to dream).

This meeting creates a sort of incredible paradox...He's dreaming of being exactly there, in front of his assigned Twinspirit that can't believe to see his human owner in front of him! It's from that meeting that Genius will understand what's going on...and also the reason why he was been attracted and admitted there.
The strange repetitive sequence of beats that his clock is casually ringing that morning is exactly the same sequence that all the newborn twinspirits usually uses to knock on the gate of the European Kingdom as a sort of password to be admitted!

Being a drummer, Genius starts to dream of snare hits that follows that clock sequence and this sound arrives to the European Kingdom Doorkeepers that exchange it as a newborn Twinspirit knocking at their Gates...
As soon as the Doorkeepers open the kingdom gates, and attract Genius a
magic link between reality and that alternative dreams creation world is activated.
Genius sleeping mind is attracted and captured into a Twinspirit entity identified as n.33, starting to link his dreaming to that parallel dimension and experiencing everything exactly like a regular Twinspirit!
He is really looking like a Twinspirit, but the problem is that he's not a real Twinspirit with built in experience on how to conduct dreams of a Human.
There is no dreaming human assigned to a Twinspirit ID n.33!
He's only the mind of a dreaming human into a Twinspirit entity that doesn't know anything about how to conduct a dream and how that world was working!
Soon as Genius would be arrived at his console in the Twinspirit Land this would be noticed from someone.
Nothing would be appearing into his console, and into the console of his assigned Twinspirit n.32 there would have been the exact view of his eyes!

This dreams dimension was born at the same time of human appearance in
the real world, but has progressed a lot faster and has reached a level of evolution up to 100 times higher, so it's easy for every entity of that dimension to enter into human reality if it would have wanted.
As opposite, it would be Impossible for a human in normal circumstances
to enter their dimension...
But one of the main rules of Dream League is that all humans must be kept unaware of this mechanism and of this dreams dimension, to prevent safety and privacy of dreams...could you imagine if all humans could know how to get into that alternative world and interact with their twinspirit like Genius is doing?

Every human could have been entering that place and maybe learn to
conduct their dreams by them self!
The Dream League secrets and prestige would have been violated forever!
When the Twinspirit n.32 realizes that the entity he has near to him is not a real Twinspirit but the mind projection of his human owner 'Genius' that is dreaming
of being there into a looking like twinspirit, he knows that many problems would happen into the European Dream Kingdom (and especially to its king: Mc Chaos King) if this was discovered.
What is happening is strictly prohibited and very dangerous and the European king would be considered responsible for this crime and charged with severe punishments.
Genius is braking a basic rule with it's presence in that place!
Even if his Twinspirt knows that what is going on is something not allowed he could not avoid himself to conduct the dream of his owner...and his owner is dreaming of being there in that moment!
Genius is obviously discovered.
Twinspirit n.32 suddenly becomes wanted by the Dream Leage Force (The
police of the Dream League).
They need to terminate him before he would have the chance to pass the
dream memories to Genius at his awake, so that he would have not remembered that particular Dream and reveal to the whole humanity what he has learnt about dreams creation process and especially how to enter in!
All the dangerous adventures caused by the presence of Genius into this dreams creation world..., the meeting with his assigned twinspirit n.32..., the friendship they developed during their adventures.
The anger of the kings of all the Dream's kingdoms and especially of their supreme leader Mr. Maindream against King Mc Chaos, that is considered responsible for the dangerous crime of having allowed a human into his European Dreams kingdom..., the research of a solution to all these troubles by Genius and his Twinspirit n.32...
These will be the main thrilling content of all the Genius trilogy...

Was the story impossible to tell in just one set of songs?
Definitely impossible...., I would have been impossible to give the right space to all the events and to allow the music to flow without too much hurry..., I must say that it was difficult also with 3 Episode to complete the story concept with the right feel! :)

Are parts 2 & 3 written yet?
Yes, everything is written and already recorded except the lyrics of part 2 and 3....
I wanted to have the same sound in all the 3 episodes so I did the production of all the 4 hours of music, so that the sound will be respected also in the next episodes...musicians change their maturity and sound during the years and this would have been hearable if the production was divided and separated into different and distant periods.

What about the musicians involved? Did you have a wish list?
Basically I submitted my idea to all labels of the world heavy metal scene...Frontiers records liked the concept and the overall project planning I exposed to them.
So they offered my to work with them to build up a great Genius project giving me the possibility of choosing the cast from a list of over 30 great singers that were already working with Frontiers...you could imagine my emotion!
It was a great time to deal with all those singers for the casting...probably the best part of the production!
But I also had some wish in terms of singers, I wanted to include some singers that was not in the Frontiers list, Oliver Hartmann and Danilel Gildenlow and the great Midnight were contacted by me directly.
I knew that anyone else would have singed their parts better, and so searched them and I asked them to join the cast and after having listened to the preproduction demo they accepted and Frontiers was happy too with this!
To have Midnight back on the scene again is a dream come true form me...and even more in reason of the fact that he sings my lyrics! He's still a great voice and interpretation like at Crimson Glory times!

Are there more artists to come with Parts 2 and 3?
Surely, We are just thinking about the new singers to involve in the next episodes for the new characters that will appear...expect some big surprises!

Obviously not everyone could be with you in the studio - how complicated did this make the recording process?
Basically everyone has chosen a personal producer for the Vocals and recorded into their usual studios locally in their town, I was very happy with this choice cause everyone of them knew the right person to work with and some of them are also very good producers as well...
It was pretty a lot of time and work to make everything work fine, decide all the formats and speaking to all the producers has taken so much time, and also some problems have happened....but nothing too major!
I sent away all the music, the lyrics and charts and I followed all the recording via internet giving the final ok and my suggestion on the recording
from my studio here in Italy....
I decided to give very much freedom to the guest singers; everyone would have had the possibility of expressing his style into the character....
When I got back all the vocals tracks it took me months to edit and join everything! Every duet had to be perfect and every vocal part would have been in the right place...
The choirs have been done great! Chris Boltendahl has managed to put together the same team of Grave Digger for the chorus and they did a huge work!!!
I made some postproduction decisions on how and what use or not of the material and versions the singers gave me, but I had a GREAT material to choose on and it was so great time for me!!

The production quality sounds great - are you happy with the result about to be released?
I must say that I'm very happy with the production quality, and this is something very difficult to reach for a producer/Artist....
I usually have always some things that don't satisfies me after the mix is completed, happened with all my previous records, but this time I must say that everything seems to be perfect...maybe if you ask me this next year I'll have something to say to you!!
Anyway I put so much time and effort to make this disk sound well and I think that this has paid off...

What other music has influenced your career?
All classic music and classical operas surely....Rock and metal artist that have influenced me very much are Van halen, Malmsteen, Jason Becker and Marty Friedman, Dream Theater have been my best influences...

What are some of your favourite releases in the last couple of years?
Dream Theater 'Scenes from a memory', as I've already told the operas form Sammet, Kotzev and Lucassen...., I liked a lot also 'Superheros' form Paul Gilbert's Racer X, they were my best inspiration to the guitar back in late eighties...

And aside from Genius, are you working on any other projects? Or is it 100% Genius?!!
The music of Genius is almost completed, I only have to plan the singers and the vocals recording for Episode 2 and 3.
I'm doing a lot of promotion for Genius of course, but this is not my only project...absolutely not...hehe, I'm currently working also at the 3rd album with my band Empty Tremor, and also I'm doing a project with Steve Walsh of Kansas called
'Khymera' where I play Guitar Bass and Keys (like in Genius Opera), Dario Ciccioni is playing drums also here, and Joe Vana/Thom Griffin are doing the backing Vocals.....Pretty busy....not? :)

Anything you would like to add in Daniele?
It was great for me to hear my lyrics singed by such great singers, I hope that you all will share with me this incredible emotion....
I hope you'll come to my web site www.geniusrockopera.com and let me know your opinions on this first episode and share with me your comments....you'll make me happy!!!
All my music efforts are for you! I hope you'll like this opera and you'll get great emotions listening to it!

Thanks for your time and best of luck with the project.






Ted Poley: One Last Role Of The Dice (2002)


Singer Ted Poley has been around long enough that he's witnessed and seen first hand the ups and downs of the music industry. Are the recent down's enough to put him into retirement? And all about his new album with Gerhard Pichler - "Big".

So Ted, here we are - why is this the last Poley-Pichler album?
Well, that's a sad way to start out an interview!
Actually, my friend, partner and guitar player of 3 years has gotten a big taste of the sad realities of the music business and has decided not to continue along this path in life, so he is heading home to his native Austria to pursue a more "fair" career and I don't blame him.
I wish him the best of luck in whatever he ends up doing, he is very intelligent and will do well no matter what he chooses. We achieved a lot in just 3 years and I will miss working with him in the future, I hope to still keep our friendship going and I would love to keep doing some songwriting together but it will be harder because of the distance.
Its a sad time for me. Since the team of POLEY/PICHLER will be split up, this will be our last CD unfortunately. Possibly my last as well too, unless something good comes along. We tried our best and are very proud of the music that we made, especially this new CD "BIG". We never had any sort of a budget for any of our projects, but the songwriting kept getting better and better. Its a real shame how we've been treated in this business.
I guess I am used to it by now, but I think it was a real dream killer for him.
I am very glad we had this chance together though, I wouldn't trade it for anything.
We learned a lot from working with each other. Hope everyone reading this will go out and buy the new CD, it really is our best.

Go back to the start, you have 2 albums under your belts - how does the process start for the Big album?
Actually we have 3 prior to this one if you count the acoustic CD. The process usually starts when we finish the previous CD, like Lovemetal. Gerhard will play me an idea of his and I will take it and come up with a melody and lyrics and we usually demo it and work on a final version.

Do you write the songs first, or head into the studio and write?
We start once we have a few songs, head into the studio and while recording those songs, we continue to write, so it actually takes a year to write and record a good CD. This last CD was cool to do because usually, in the past, Gerhard would have all the music recorded, and I had to fit my parts and melodies into his set format. This time we both worked more as a team and I could change some chords here and there, and we could edit parts so that if I felt I wanted a song to go in a certain direction, we would take it in that direction , instead of being restricted to what was already on tape. The songs reflect that and are better for it I think.

Now, you guys did the whole album yourselves. What was the recording budget?

We are and have always been unsigned, we just are left to ourselves to make a CD and then license it to a willing company, We always take a loss.
This time, we had to pay for all of the recording costs ourselves with our company and the sales of our other CD's. Now that the company is basically over, I am personally pretty far in debt from the BIG CD. Luckily we has the help of our friends, our wonderful band mates Joe Slattery, Marty Brasington, and Laura Diamond, who recorded this CD by donating their time and talents, otherwise, we could not have afforded to record it.

So how did you make it work on such a limited budget? Take us through how you recorded all the parts....
Instead of running out the clock in a real studio, we purchased a digital recording system and set up a studio in my house, which consisted of a live room and the mixing suite, with tie lines running through the walls so that the band could rehearse the song and then stay in that room and we would just plug them into the recording gear and do the basic tracks live as a unit.
This gave the CD a very tight, very cohesive sound, as the band was basically recording the rhythm tracks live.
They almost always got it right on the first or second take. Then we would fix up any glitches by punching in a few bass notes or keyboard parts after we got a good take. After they went home, Gerhard and I would take time and do the guitar layers, leads and I would do the lead vocals, and best of all spend a lot of time layering all those background vocals, the most I have ever had on any record. That was the most fun for me, coming up with cool background vocal parts and having the flexibility to lay down tons of layers.

And how about the mix? Did you do that yourselves also?
We did almost everything ourselves, Gerhard would do the "hands on" mixing while we both co-produced how it should sound, he is a great engineer.
I know what I want something to sound like, but I don't know the equipment well enough to turn the knobs. So I would say "make it sound like this" or "more delay" , "raise the volume", and we would agree on what should happen and he would make the moves to get the sound. We tried a lot of new different ideas of both of ours, and a lot worked and some didn't so we would change it. The only thing that we couldn't do was master it at the end, so we asked Gerhard's friend Horst to polish our diamond, and he did a really nice job.

Last time you had Tony Harnell stop by - Any guests on this album?
Not this time, but still I do love Tony! It is purely the band and I am very proud of everyone's performances.
We really didn't have time to start calling in friends on this one, we started out making the CD for Now and Then Records, and spent our own money, with the pending advance in mind to recoup, but in the middle of the project, they pulled the plug on us so we had to just finish as best we could with no hope of any monetary relief. We charged a lot on our credit card to finish the CD.
By then we really loved the songs and wanted to finish it regardless of label support or lack of it. We truly love what we do, that's why its so hard on us when critics nit pick over a snare drum sound or something stupid like that. They don't realize that it was like a miracle that we got it finished at all!

Tell us about the songs - what they are about:

· Parachute
This song is about how I feel that my wife is like a parachute to me, she saves me when I am "falling" and her love for me saves me on a daily basis, I get depressed a lot especially these days, and if she wasn't here for me, I don't know what would have happened.

· I Love You
Once again, inspired by my Love for my wife (there's a lot of that on this CD!) I write about my real feelings and experiences, and since she is the biggest best part of my life now, I am usually thinking about her when I write.

· Elton John
That one is pretty obvious, when I was a kid I was more into music than anything else, and one of the first artists that I loved was Sir Elton. This is my tribute to that great man. His songs and his playing and singing are still among my favorites. I always wanted to meet him but I don't think that's going to happen anymore.

· You're The One
Wife song once again, this song is more about when we first met and I fell in love with her. It works for anyone who is in that stage of their lives.

· How Many Nights
Wife song again, sorry.

· Let Me Out
This song is pure fantasy. I love to collect toys and this song is about a doll who falls in love with his collector and is forced to watch her from the confines of his box, through the cellophane window in the box. I tried to think of what he would say to plead with her, if he could. It's the doll singing his frustration over not being able to play with her or be with her/his still "mint in the box” and is very frustrated. It's a fun song.

· Darkest Hour
This is about my own depression and again the fact that my wife is here for me even when I cant take it any longer, I think of her and she makes me smile. Sort of a hopeful song in a way, I guess, yet dark. Hopefully listeners can relate and know that even in the worst of times you can think back to some of the better times and get through it.

· Stuck On You
Gee, can you guess? Wife again. I have a lot of love for that woman! Are you all bored yet?! Its actually got a great sexy groove and its a good song to "fool around" to!

· Better Off Dead
See all of the above! From the title you would think that its a suicide song, but the lyrics" better off dead, than living without you" say it all.

· Don't Spread Your Lies
This one is about all the crap and hateful people on the internet. I think that the internet is a huge piece of crap, some good can come of it but most people use and abuse it to anonymously scam other people and ruin other good people with lies.
That's the worst part of it, everyone can get their words read around the world, true or not, and sometimes no matter how ridiculous, other people will believe them. Its about people in my real life that I have met, and been cool to, and then I read the worst stuff that they post, for whatever reasons.

Looking forward to being in the UK again shortly?
Yes, very much, I hate to think that it will be my last trip over, as a singer, but it probably will be. I have always loved to tour the U.K, I love the people and I even love the food! I want to visit sometime and go to Canterbury with my wife, its such a cool place, I have been there a few times, but I really don't see much hope for me in this business anymore for the future, in Europe or the U.S., as things look now, I plan to retire within a year or so and maybe go back to school for something, as soon as i can figure out what else I can do, its been over 25 years that i have devoted to my failed career as a musician and I am not sure what else there is for me out there, so I hope the fans will come out and see me and say goodbye.

What's next up for Ted Poley then? Solo album?
I don't think so. I have tons of cool songs and will always love to write and demo them, but I have never had the luck that others have had, I have never been paid for any of my hard work in any of my bands, including the big one, so unless there is a company that is willing to actually pay me something to record again,” BIG" will be my last CD as it looks now.

Still serious about retirement then?
Yes, I am just not sure when. For the rest of this and next year, I plan to do a lot more touring in the U.S. with my same band and with the addition of our new guitar player Steve Massa, as the original voice of D2,singing the classics from those days and from all of my projects, Bone Machine, Melodica, Poley/Pichler.
I will be hoping beyond hope that something comes along that can keep me doing music, but for now, I have exhausted every trick if could think of doing it this long, and paying for the privilege myself. Steve is a great talent and we sound so great as a live band that its still a lot of fun. As they say, its not over till the fat lady sings, but I can see her now standing at the side of the stage, and she's warming up her voice!

What might you do if you do retire from music Ted? I'm sure people don't want you to...
I wake up every day with a panic attack because I really don't know the answer to that question.. I sort of spent my whole life, even as a kid, working on my craft and its the BIG question, to which I don't currently have an answer. If anyone out there has any job opportunities for me, I would very much love to hear from them!

I haven't asked you this until now, but in your opinion, what went wrong with the first Melodica album?
We were green then, we had no outside help or input and we tried our best, some people had problems with some of the production and those comments may or may not be valid, but you cant deny that there are some really good songs on there like "Take Me Away" and "Never Let You Go", "Hardest Part Of Love" and others too. I think that the critics expected too much from me, they never understood that after I was fired from Danger Danger, I could only try and do my best with what I had to work with, but I didn't have to direction of a knowledgeable producer that comes with big budgets. I still think that its a better CD than some I have heard, but I guess my fans and critics felt I was capable of so much more than I really was at the time. Its clear to see that we have since learned a lot, and each release has gotten better and better since that rough beginning. Without it we wouldn't have gotten as far as we did, so in a way, it was a blessing in disguise, the critics taught us how to be tough and how to make better records along the way.

What are Ted Poley's favorite 10 albums of all time?
There are a lot more than ten of them, but in no particular order:
Boulevard - Into The Street
Faith and Desire - s/t
Icon -Night of the crime
Elton john -Goodbye Yellow Brick Road", and "Captain Fantastic"
any Dan Reed CD
Def Leppard - Euphoria, Adrenalize, especially Slang and X
Starship - Love among the Cannibals
Hall and Oates - Big Bam Boom and Ooh Yeah
TNT - Intuition
Bruce Hornsby's first 3
Kings X (the 1st one and "Faith Hope Love?")
The 1st Enuff Znuff!
Sorry I went over the limit of 10!

And what are you listening to right now?
Def leppard X

So Ted, thanks for taking the time to answer these - God Bless!
God Bless us all!

Anything you would like to add?
Just a BIG thank you to all of my fans and friends for whom I have sacrificed the better part of my life trying to bring them some great music and I hope that it has meant something special to them, as they are so special and mean so much to me.
And I would ask them to visit my website www.tedpoley.com and please buy something so that I can pay off some of my debt, its newly rebuilt and ordering is a lot easier and there are some fun new items for sale, as well as photos and tour dates.
Thank you all for a great ride. And thank you Andrew for your wonderful website, your continued support and your nice review of BIG.

Thanks Ted.




John West (2002)


G'Day John,
Congratulations on a fine new solo record. Earth Maker is your third solo CD - how do you compare it to the other two?

Quite different actually. A new line-up, heavier sounds. Lyrical concept album.

Two questions there - how did you set about writing for the story within this CD and what drew you to this particular story line?
I had it come to me in a dream. I have Native American background, so it is very important to me.

How long did you work on the lyrics and the music for Earth Maker and also, how long did the recording take?
The whole thing took about two years to do.

The record, while retaining the concept, is quite musically diverse. You have classic rock, modern heavy metal and traditional hard rock elements, not to mention a couple of epic tracks! Do you have a preferred style for writing?
I don't want to limit myself to any one style. That is the whole point in doing a solo album for me.

What about the band featured on this release? How do you know the guys?
I've met and worked with all of them in the past on different things. Mike and Bobby are new friends of mine. I really wanted the best heaviest band I could get.
And everyone has to be a good guy too. Cool people are very important for me to work with.

Would you mind offering a few comments on each song from the new CD?
· Soul Of The Beast
Chris and I wrote this heavy blaster. Great opening tune.

· When Worlds Collide
Features a keyboard "duel" between Vitalij Kuprij and Andre Andersen. Classic John West style vocal!

· Sleep Of The Dead
Modern, heavy ,killer!

· Stand, Sentinel
The epic song here. Lonnie Park and I crafted this 8 minute masterpiece. With some of the best Chris Caffery solos ever recorded by modern man!

· Life
Deep heavy.. Metal Mike all the way!

· Warrior Spirit
Groove sandwich!

· Mystic Wings
Ballad anyone? Scorpions wish they had this tune..but no! We do!

· Love Is Pain
Ain't it the truth?

· Earth Maker
Title track. Very heavy and majestic ala Lonnie Park meets JW.

· Soul To Soul
Piano ballads are becoming my trademark at the end of the album. a nice going away present for the listener! :)

You work with an all European line-up with Royal Hunt, how does working with an American crew compare with the Europeans?
Different kinds of beer.

You have an extensive resume already - do you get a lot of cool fan feedback?
Absolutely. I am getting 2,000 hits a week right now on my website.
www.johnwestmusic.com see naked pictures of me there! (just joking)

Working with Artension, Royal Hunt and solo - do you mentally change your approach with each project, or is does each one merely offer a different personality of John West?
I sing to the style of music that is there. I love each one for different reasons. And each is a side of my style coming through.

Do you prefer working on your solo projects - where you have full creative control - or within a band environment like Royal Hunt?
It is nice to be in a touring band. That's important to me.
I wouldn't want to be stuck in a studio all the time.

The Mission CD was a fantastic release - did you guys have a target in mind when heading into the studio to write and record that album? It seems as if everything was prefect on that album!
Oh, yes. There are no mistakes on a RH album. Everything is planned out in advance. Comes out really cool that way! Andre has the big vision for Royal Hunt.

What's next on the agenda for Royal Hunt?
Probably a new album sometime. We are resting after touring, and releasing the "trilogy" of albums (Intervention, Mission, The Watchers) over the last year and a half.

And what's next on the horizon for John West in general?
Chris, Lonnie and I are preparing for a Japanese promo tour. We leave this week. Unplugged shows, TV, radio appearances, that kind of thing.

Going back a bit, I really first heard of you through your appearance on the Cozy Powell album. Excellent vocals. Have you a favorite side project/guest appearance out of the ones you have done?
Probably that one. Cozy was a real gentleman. Great drummer, great guy! RIP

Any plans to get your albums out in the USA? Solo and band projects? It seems you have great European coverage and I was wondering about other areas.
Most of all my stuff has been released in USA over the years. I don't have a deal yet for Earth Maker, but it will come soon.

Thanks for your time John, all the best for the future. Anything you would like to add?
Thanks a lot, and keep up the good work. We appreciate everything you do!

Cheers John!


White Skull (2002)

Hi Tony, tell us all about the band, and the line up?

Gus Adrian Gabarrò Vocals
Tony Mad Fontò Guitar
BB Nick Savio Guitar
Fabio Pozzato Bass
Alex Mantiero Drum
About the story of the Band you can look in the home page: http://users.iol.it/white_skull

How long have you been together?
A lot of years, sometimes one member change for personal reason, but Me, Fabio and Alex are together since '90s.

What is the best description for the musical style of White Skull?
Power Metal! And no other discussion.

Who did the artwork for the amazing CD cover?
Diego Ferrarin, the same art-worker for all the White Skull's cover. He is a professional drawer. He have drawn a lot of cover for other some bands especially for the Underground Symphony's Band.

First album ever bought?
[Not answered]

Biggest musical influence over career?
Iron Maiden.

What other bands have you played in?
Grave Digger, Saxon, Overkill, UDO, Doro, Uriah Heep and more... a lot of experience with other bands.

Last album bought and what is on your current playlist?
The last is HALFORD Crucible, on the play list the best is Iron Maiden The Number of the Beast.

Favorite album recorded or project you have worked on?
Officially I've worked only in the White Skull Work, the Best? The last one..

Where do you live and the best thing about it?
Our city is Vicenza, North-est Italy. I like because is quite, warm and we have a lot of things around this city, sea, lake, mountain, Venice, good wine, and so on...

Best live experience - either playing in or witnessing....
Play on tour with Grave Digger was a big experience, to play at festival is really nice too, but every show is good.

Is music your full time occupation?
Yes, I have a recording studio now, in Vicenza. I work there with Nick...

Best thing about playing music for a living?!!
Play Live!

Worst musical experience?
I haven't, I like all.

Best thing about the Internet and e-mail?
To stay in contact with all the people that write to the Band, is a really quick way to exchange photos, post and so on. I hate to download songs...

Biggest personal loss as a result of doing what you do (music)?

Biggest gain as a result of doing what you do?

Best piece of advice ever given?
All the advices received from our Manager/Friend Chris Boltendahl
from Grave Digger.

Favorite track on The Dark Age?
All... ha ha ha… The Dark Age, The Edict and Grand Inquisitor

Next project planned?
Play Live and start to write a new album.

Thanks for taking the time to answer these questions!!
Thanx to you. Stay Metal
Tony Mad



Lost Weekend (2002)


A 20 Questions Interview with Lost Weekend vocalist Paul Uttley.

For those that don't know, tell us all about the band, and the line up?
We are one of the UK's leading AOR hard rock bands. The line-up is: Paul Uttley - lead vocalist; David Thompson - lead guitar; Robin Patchett - bass guitar; Jack Himsworth - drums; Irvin Parratt - keyboards.

How long have you been together now?
The band has been together, except for our new keyboard player for eight years.

What is the best description for the musical style of Lost Weekend?
Catchy heavy riffs with strong melodic vocal lines.

Who did the artwork for the killer CD cover?
The artwork was created by Sebastian Kozak, he has done all our album covers, plus created our logo. We never interfere, just leave Seb to it and he always comes up with fantastic ideas. We are always over the moon with what he comes up with for the band.

First album ever bought?
Rainbow "Live On Stage"

Biggest musical influence over career?
Dio is still one of the finest singers ever to grace the rock arena, Coverdale, Paul Rodgers. The list is endless, there are stacks of great singers from all musical genres you can learn from everyone and anyone.

What other bands have you played in?
Various bands from cover bands to working with Jan Cyrtia, we just got to rehearsals stage when it all fell through for some many reasons. David has worked with Rhabstallion, Voyager UK and various other bands.

Last album bought and what is on your current playlist?
I’ve just bought the Doves new album, Grand Illusion and Mecca. We all buy bucket loads of CDs, quite an eclectic mix.

Favourite album recorded or project you have worked on?
The new album, New Religion. With every recording we have improved each time and that’s how it should be, you should always go forward.

Where do you live and the best thing about it?
We all live in Halifax, West Yorkshire. There is quite a good live scene.
Plus we are near to Manchester, Bradford and Leeds so we get to see some great live bands play. Harem Scarem at the Gods blew us all away, we’ve all waited so long to see them and they were awesome. Hope to get a chance to be on the same bill as them sometime.

Best live experience - either playing in or witnessing...
We’ve played some blinding gigs over the years. Our best moments so far probably some of the supports we’ve done at Bradford’s Rios for bands like Son Of A Bitch, Wishbone Ash and Tyla.

Is music your full time occupation?
We all work full time jobs but you never know if enough people buy the album we might be able to look at that situation, but the industry is very hard and with so many bands out there it’s always gonna be tough. We do make some money here and there but we plough it all back into the band so as to buy new gear or whatever.

Worst musical experience?
I was once playing in a cover band and was singing the song “Don’t Look Down” by Go West. I jumped off the stage onto the dance floor and when I went to jump back on th stage I caught my knee and went sprawling onto the stage. The rest of the band nearly pissed themselves laughing.

Best thing about the Internet and e-mail?
Getting a chance to look at all the great sites and being able to talk and leave messages and find out whats hot and whats not in the music world.

Biggest personal loss as a result of doing what you do (music)?
We all have incredible wifes and girlfriends who love the band and the gigs. Plus they don’t have a choice ­ only joking!

Biggest gain as a result of doing what you do?
People enjoying our music and getting a chance to play live.

Can you tell us a little about each track on New Religion....
The first two tracks, Who’s The One and Feed On Emotion are mid tempo rock songs with great choruses.
Can’t Get You Out Of My Mind is a great uptempo rock song about a couple of friends of mine who got together after some problems.
By Now is a nice love ballad, Shinning Star is a stunning song about a little girl we know who’s gone through the mill and came out smiling.
The title track is a great driving rock song, All Alone very much in the Thunder, Bon Jovi Wanted Dead Or Alive rock ballad.
Dead In The Water very much early Coverdale style, bluesy rock.
Faith uplifting catchy rock come gospel style in the middle.
Once In A Moment a hard driving rock song, Who’s Heart great mid tempo, the opening is ace! Your Not The One a fantastic ballad stripped bare.

Favorite track on the New Religion album?
All in all I think we have a great collection of songs. We really like all of them, we don’t think there’s a filler on there.

Next project planned?
Promote the album and get out and play some shows. Hopefully some decent supports with bigger bands. We are also commencing work on the forth album, we already have a lot of material to get stuck into.

Thank you for the questions, we hope we’ve made some sense!
Paul Uttley & Lost Weekend



A 20 Questions interview with Northiwnd's guitarist Chris in France (2002)


G'Day Chris! Tell us all about the band, and the line up?

Based in the North of France 'Charleville Mezizères'near Belgium, Northwind is Franck - vocals, Gilles - bass, Nico - Keyboards, Yannick - drums and me guitars.

How long have you been together? I started with Franck the band on the summer 2000,the actual line up was drafted in september 2001.

What is the best description for the musical style of Northwind? I think Northwind play melodic Heavy Metal mixing old and new influences.

Who did the artwork for the CD cover?
The artwork was made by Mathiew Bennett, based on a idea from Phil Igram from England.

First album ever bought?
I think it was Lovedrive by Scorpions. After some AC-DC, Saxon, Motorhead, Van Halen.......

Biggest musical influence over career?
My favorite band will be forever Thin Lizzy, many melodic bands like UFO, Pretty maids, TNT, Ozzy........and lately Stratovarius.

What other bands have you played in?
Many unknown local bands, in solo and the last one was a French Metal band call Heavenly (Noise Records).

Last album bought and what is on your current playlist?
The last album I bought is Thunderstone, Ozzy 'live at Budokan', on DVD too!

Favourite album recorded or project you have worked on?
The Northwind album 'Seasons'is my favorite one but i still like Dreamland my 3ND 'solo'album with Franck on vocals.

Where do you live and the best thing about it?
I live near to Besançon in the East of France, and there's nothing else to say about it excepting, maybe, good food!

Best live experience - either playing in or witnessing....
One of my best recall is the tour with Sratovarious in 2000, especially in Prague CZ. The people was so cool!

Is music your full time occupation?
I have to work in a store, you know money, always money!!!

Best thing about playing music?!!
To live 100% for my music, travel a lot, have a big guitar and CD's collection!

Worst musical experience?
The recording of the first Heavenly album! that was terrible!

Best thing about the Internet and e-mail?
To be connected with the entire world fans, médias, finding rare CD's and DVD! actually I receive many mails from Japan, Brasil.... it's fantastic!!!

Biggest personal loss as a result of doing what you do (music)?
Money is the only personnal loss résulting of music actually but I play with passion so, I'm happy!

Biggest gain as a result of doing what you do?
The biggest thing is probably the meeting of varius persons especialy pretty girls (ahahaha!), producing songs that people would enjoy.

Best piece of advice ever given?
Don't stay on your own! go and try to find the way of succes, but stay humble.

Favorite track on the Northwind album?

Next project planned?
We are waiting for the first part of the Dio concert in Paris (Sept 30), we will play at the next Z Rock festival in Germany (Oct 5), we have some news stuff for the next album and we hope we could make a lot of shows after this.
Many thanks for this interview, I hope my English was ok!



Vicious Mary - Keyboardist Sean Henerson (2002)

G'Day Sean, how long has the process of getting this album recorded until now been?

Well, we started to write the songs 2 years ago,but some ideas were even previous. Part of the material comes from old Eldritch unreleased stuff and the rest came from some songs I wrote with the piano which weren't good for “Reverse”. After the recordings of Eldritch's album we sat down and finished our demo that fastly gave us a deal with Frontiers Records. In July last year we recorded it.

Let me give you a chance to introduce Vicious Mary to anyone who hasn't heard of you, or heard the music yet.
Vicious Mary is a band create by me and Terence for a simple reason.
We love A.O.R music and we wanna play it!!!!
We always had the passion for this music but of course we couldn't play it with Eldritch. Vicious Mary is a project that may sound like Whitesnake, Dokken, Harem Scarem, Bon Jovi, Europe, but even something like Queensryche.

You are Terrence are also in the popular progressive band ELDRITCH.
Why did you feel the need to record under a different style of music?

Eldritch is no longer a progressive band but a more thrash and modern music band now. We recorded Vicious Mary just because it's something we like. It will be stupid to record side projects that sound the same as your main band! The most do that!

The music of Vicious Mary is obviously closer to kick back, good fun rock n roll, is that another side of you that you have been trying to express for sometime now?
As I said we did this just for fun. We will probably record a 2nd album next year. We're lucky that our passions can become public!

What styles of music are you influenced by?
We were influenced by old rock'n'roll and hard rock music of 80's.

How did you come to find the rest of the members for Vicious Mary?
At first, we composed the songs only with piano and voice and then I asked to BB.Nick (of White Skull) to play guitar in this record. He accepted and we started a collaboration via mail. So another guy was contacted for the record, Pete Daniels, because we wanna give to the album two different ways of the guitar, like a real band with two axeman!!!
For the bass, so many parts are played by Louis Stefanini the sound engineer of the studio and for the drums we found a very talented guy, Camy.

And what have the guys from ELDRITCH been doing while you have been doing this?
We have composed the record during the Reverse tour in the free time. So it was not a problem for the other guys of Eldritch. Martin ,for example, is creating his project called Through the Myst.

What current music releases do you really get a kick out of listening to?
I don't have so many time to listen other records or buying the ultimate releases….sorry..

Would you mind offering a line or two on each track from the album?
Love Or Hate

Love or Hate: it's one of my favourite songs, with a heavy riff of guitar and a great refrain!

When He Cries
This is one of the last song composed. On the verse it seems to be influenced by Queensryche…

This one is a song composed with Pete. It's Rock and Roll!!!!

Million Words
It came from a demo tape of Eldritch, obviously some things are changed, and in the last part of this song there is a solo of sax!

Crying For You
Crying for you is the first ballad of the album, very melodic.

The Call
Is a mid tempo song, I like very much the dark way of the melody of this song!

This was written with BB.Nick and is another rock and roll song with a great refrain.

This is the instrumental piano song. I composed this one but I didn't think it would be able for this album….In this song there are my influences of new age music, like Yanni, Enya etc….

I'll Be There For You & Indian Giver

I'll be there for you/Indian Giver: These are two songs written with Pete, I like very much his style of playing guitar and the great work of Terence!!!!!

You Run Me Wild
The most important song of the album, in my opinion! This is a sort of tribute to Queensryche!!!

Are there any live dates or a tour planned behind the release of this album?
I don't think there will be time for live shows, we are too busy with Eldritch!

And what future do you see for the band? Will you continue to record and play with both bands?
Yes, I think we'll continue, but of course Eldritch is our priority!

Anything you would like to add?
I would like to say hello to all the fans around the world! Million Thanks to you!



Sammy Hagar (2002)


WMMS Cleveland - Interview by Matt.

Van Halen, in particular, the Hagar era, has always been a religion for me. All of my very best friendships in this world, were started around musical discussion that led us to discover that “5150” was definitely our favorite album ever recorded, and when it came to live videos, there was definitely nothing that could touch our well worn copies of “Live Without A Net”. Any TRUE Van Halen fan knows that the Hagar and Roth eras are two very separate periods of time, and one, does not mix with the other……or does it? In what could be a possible sign of the apocalypse, Sammy Hagar and David Lee Roth have united for a tour this summer, and the tour opens right here in Cleveland, on Wednesday, May 29th. I had an opportunity to catch up with Sammy and discuss many things on a Friday afternoon, and here is just a bit of what the Red Rocker had to say!

MBL – You guys have said some pretty colorful stuff about each other in the past. How is it in 2002 that you guys are touring together?
First of all, Dave said a lot of colorful things about me, and he said a lot of crazy, wild, goofy things about me because his feelings were hurt because I joined the band that he thought he was going to die with, and we took it right straight down the road. I understand why he was a little upset about that. If you look at some of the things that he's said about me, it's just pure angry stuff like, “he's a no talent troll. He's my bitch.” And I'm going, “Oh, boy.”
MBL – That was my favorite – “He's my bitch, and when he says my name, we just sell that many more records.”
SH –
Yeah. For him to even say that…Take a look at me and take a look at him together. It kind of looks like he's really my bitch, but I'm not claiming that. The only thing that I ever said about Dave was the truth. We did have a rivalry. As many times as he's went back into Van Halen and tried to make it work…they've thrown me out and try to get him back in, then throw him out and get Gary Cherone in, throw him out and get Dave back, throw him out, get him back again. I'm going, “hold on here.” I called their attorney and said, “why can't we just do the Sammy Hagar 'Sam and Dave Tour'? Tell Ed and Al, “Don't worry. We'll all travel separately and meet on stage, and we just do the show.” They threw that out, you know, don't even want to talk about it. I think that we had both just had enough, and he just called up and said, “let's just do it together – The Sam and Dave tour.” I said, “Right the Hell on!” It came together. When we met in a room for the first time to discuss the whole thing, Dave stood up and shook hands and said, “I don't care what's gone on in the past and what's been said in the past, we're just meeting for the first time. Let's just start from there.” I said, “right on.” That's the way we approached it. So far, so good. But now, what hasn't happened yet has been us going out on stage – not together. He's got his band, I've got mine. But in Cleveland, the very first show, on the coin toss Dave closes that show, and we go every other one. I close the next show, then Dave closes Chicago and I close whatever is next. The problem is that we haven't addressed yet is, “what's Dave gonna do when I've finished my hour and a half on stage?” That's gonna be the problem. That's all I'm going to say. Everyone's going, “what do you see as a problem.” I'm saying that the problem is that Dave has to walk out and follow me, and that's all I've got to say. We'll find out what the man's made of.
MBL – So, the coin toss has already been made and he's going to close in Cleveland?
SH –
Yep, so get there early, folks!! Even if I was closing in Cleveland, it wouldn't matter. This is really about the whole show. We have this big 30'x40' video screen that we're going to put together. Dave's putting 10 minutes of his career together. I'm putting 10 minutes of my career together…you know, little footage of things like Ronnie Montrose wrestling with me backstage and stuff.
MBL – Does any of that footage include any letters like, “Four #1 albums with Van Halen?”
SH –
(laughing) I'm not going to brag, but we're going to put all the little pieces of video clips together. I don't know what it's all going to be, but we each have 10 minutes, and then we're going to hire a guy – a filmmaker – to put all that footage together into a 20 minute video that's going to be shown before the show starts. Anyone that misses that probably just shouldn't even come. It's going to set the whole thing up so well, and then boom! It's going to be an hour and a half each. We both get full production. It's not like the opening guy that night gets short changed. The opening guy that night gets the full stage. The other band's gear is completely off the stage. When I finish, they wipe the stage and put Dave's stuff up. We've spent a lot of money on technology, getting things that roll out. We built this whole high tech stage so that we can switch over in 20 minutes and people don't have to wait while we set up for the whole next production. It's all good. I've got my waitresses and my 50 people with me on stage from the Cabo Wabo, and I've got my bartenders and my 20 cases of Cabo Wabo Tequila. I'm just throwing the big Cabo Wabo tequila party every night. It's going to be a last.
MBL – So, the Cabo Wabo remains intact then.
SH –
Yeah. I had to redesign it, because it had to move quicker, but it's more high tech now. We've got bleachers that fold up, and they are all scrimmed and painted up really fancy. We get 25 people on each side around the screen, so 50 people. The bleachers are connected to the big screen. It's just a big party.
MBL – Is anyone going to document this for DVD purposes?
SH –
I hope so. We're having troubles with that. Dave has his rules. For some reason, Dave's a control freak.
MBL – Well, so would you be to a point, don't you think?
SH –
MBL – No?
SH –
I say, “Anything goes.” I'm saying, “Dave, you can control your set. When you are up there for an hour and a half, you're in control. I have no say so. I don't even want to know what you did. I could care less! You can bring 50 naked women up there and you can do anything you want. That's what you're here for – to entertain these people. They've got to walk away happy.” But when I'm on stage, you've got no say so. But he said, “I want to make sure that you don't do this and you don't do that.” And I'm like, “Dave, forget about it.” This is like a competition. This is like Ultimate Fighting Championship. You go in there and you can bite, scratch, pinch, pull hair, anything. Hit below the belt – legal.
MBL – Was there anything that went into Cleveland being the official launching pad for the tour, or is that just how it happened?
SH –
It had a lot to do with the logistics of starting in a place that had the individual places that were available. This tour came up kind of late, and a lot of the places where pretty stacked…a lot of the venues. So, it worked out that if it started in Cleveland, which we were all good for…you know, it's not like it's not the rock and roll capital of the world or anything. But it really worked out routing wise, because then we go to Detroit, and then to Indianapolis and then St. Louis. So, it really routed nicely starting the tour out there. If we started on one of the coasts, it wouldn't have worked out. Of course, I would rather it would have started in my hometown so I can stay in my house a week longer, but it didn't work out that way. It's just going to be a blast. I'm not doing all Van Halen. Everyone knows that. I'm going to do my handful of the Van Halen hits; the Van Hagar hits or whatever, and Dave's doing exclusive Van Halen. It's all good. You are going to get a big dose of Van Halen, and you are going to get a big dose of some fun rock and roll, you know, “55”, “One Way To Rock”, “Heavy Metal”, “Three Lock Box,” “Mas Tequila” – what am I going to do? I can't not do those songs for the RedHeads out there.
MBL – I think that whether you have 2 ½ hours or an hour like you did for us about a year ago at that nice little club show you did, you have the power to deliver.
SH – I
like to have fun, but I don't need to apologize for liking to have fun, do I? Matt, come on! I told Dave that it ain't about who can scream the loudest, jump the highest or play guitar the fastest. It's about who can throw the best party, and if you can out party me, pal, then God bless ya. I'll be in your dressing room the next night.
MBL – Initially we heard that there was going to be the sets by you guys, followed by an end of the night jam with all of you. Now as the tour comes to fruition, it seems that the jam has gone away. What happened?
SH –
I wanted it to be that way. I had seen Elton and Billy on tour, even though this is not much like Elton and Billy (laughing), although it might be more like a WWF version. I thought it was a great show the way they co-mingled and the way they started together acoustically singing each other's songs. The first thing I presented, I was like, “Dave, we can really do something great for the fans doing something like that,” and he said, “Absolutely not. I've never jammed with anybody. I've never sang anybody else's songs and I'm not going to start now.” And I was like, “Fine.” I've got no problem with any of it. Like I said, anything goes with me. I just felt that when I'm out on stage that I don't want to hear from anybody else about nothing until I'm done. When I'm done, then I'm done. Dave doesn't want to do it. At the press conference, he had a little bit of a change of heart, a little bit. He said, “well, once we get out there and get to know each other and see what each other's doing, you never know. Anything could happen.” So I'm saying, “OK.” I'm a jammer. Any town I'm in, if there's another musician on the side of the stage, I'm inviting him out. That's just the way I am. That's why I build the Cabo Wabo, to jam with my friends and stuff. I'm really open to that, and hopefully it turns into that, but I wouldn't guarantee that. Really, it's just two bands and two solo artists going out there and trying to make the other guy wish he wasn't there.
MBL – It sounds like it's a good anything goes thing going into this tour.
SH –
It's a good fan thing. If I was a fan sitting in the audience, I would be like, “all right. I get to see these guys go at it. It isn't about even trying to cheer for your favorite guy. This is about entertainment. It's about hearing all these great songs and jumping up and down and cracking up and having a hoot. It's going to be a good, good, good, good time rock and roll.
MBL – For me, I grew up with the Hagar era of Van Halen, and I never got a chance to see Roth live, so this is a chance for me to see that on a curiosity level. I guess you really do get to see the best of both worlds as a Van Halen fan.
SH –
Absolutely, and you nailed that right on the head. There was so many of the Van Hagar fans that thought it and a bunch of the Roth era that never came on board with the Van Hagar era and always said, “Roth was the best, and it ain't the same anymore,” and then the Van Hagar fans and the Sammy Hagar fans that joined the Van Halen crowd that said, “Oh, this is so much better than it ever was.” It is a chance, kind of, to maybe see kind of a touch on that. But it's not a pure Van Halen thing. This is just, in my opinion, two legendary rockers going out and doing their thing, and it's very interesting to see the seasoning on each of us that really brings together the two of us. Together I think you are going to get the best of both of us. For me, when I finish, I want this guy to go, “Oh my God. I don't ever want to follow that guy again,” and I know that he feels the same way. I'm going to give Dave all the credit in the world. If I have to be following that knucklehead, I'm going to be going, “I'm going to kill that guy.” It's good, man. It's good. I'm excited. I'm so up for it. My band, they are like mountain biking to rehearsal. They are coming in and they are pumping iron to get ready. We are up for this mother, man.
MBL – I've got to think that with one wrong look, Mona's gonna take Dave out!
SH –
Well, that's gonna happen. That could be the whole highlight of the tour, baby. Someone will go, “What was the highlight,” and I'll go, “Well, one day Dave was walking down the hall making some sly remarks, and Mona walked out and decked him (laughing). I'm telling you, she'll deck him. We talk about it all the time. Mona keeps saying, “Oh God, I hope I can keep from punching this guy in the face.” And I'm going, “Mona, just wait until the last show, OK? (laughing) I want this tour to happen.
MBL – To talk about something else, you have this really cool other project in the works called Planet Us. What is going on with that?
SH –
Well, Michael Anthony is at my house right now. He stayed last night and he's staying for the next three days. With my band, we are rehearsing during the day, and with Planet Us, we are trying to write some new songs at night and trying to get as many songs in the can as we can, so that when we start recording in the fall, we'll have a lot of material there. We really postponed the project until the fall because I'm on tour and Journey is also on tour this summer. Poor Mikey is sitting around scratching his head going, “Why aren't I out there playing?” We're writing, and it's really an exciting project. I don't want to hype it too much it's so brand new, but the energy between us is so unique. Everyone knows that Slash was originally asked to do it, and he was in, but as soon as we started rehearsing, he never made it. Finally, we recorded two songs without him, and it was so good that we were like, we don't really need anybody else because it was so good with Neil. Neil's a very busy guitar player, and Deen Castronovo is an unbelievably busy drummer and Mike is a very busy bass player, so it was kind of like really rockin'. It's like kind of early Zep meets Cream meets Van Halen maybe, and meets Tool maybe. It's a little more modern like Tool. It's very intense, and kind of Rush-y. It's not like any of that, really, but it's on that ilk of bands. It's very musical. I'm very excited about it. If it wasn't for the Sam and Dave Tour this summer, I was going to work exclusively with Planet Us, because it's that exciting. I'm not leaving my band. This is a project, and it's really, really good.
MBL – Going back to Michael Anthony, it was really obvious that you and him had the most camaraderie together. It was always Sammy and Michael during the Van Halen years. Then, after you left, there was no more Sammy and Michael hanging out at the Cabo Wabo.
SH –
I know, but that's all changed now. He's not only joining me for my birthday bash from October 1st to the 13th this year, but Planet Us is joining me to do,and we're going to do a Los Tres Gusanos reunion, which is myself, my drummer and Mikey. That was the original band down at Cabo, Los Tres Gusanos – Three Worms. Then Planet Us is going to play a night. My band is going to play a night, and then the guys from Metallica…I don't know if the whole band, but for sure Lars and Kirk are going to be there, and we'll put together a jam band. Some of the guys from Nickelback are going to come, because they had to reschedule from last year when the hurricane hit and we had to blow out the Mexican Meltdown. So, it's going to be the craziest week of rock and roll ever. And it's just…Mikey and I are back. We both said, “we don't care about 'the brothers'. They can't tell us who we can have as friends.” I don't care anyway, but I've always been protective of Mikey anyway because he's in the band, and I don't ever want to destroy that for him. If he ever got thrown out of that band, it would be terrible because I can't add him to my band unless Mona quits, and I can't fire her because she's the greatest. She's been loyal and all that stuff. I'm kind of in a predicament, but I'm definitely on his side. Right now I'm calling Mikey “Switzerland” – he's neutral. He can do anything he wants.
MBL – Well, I'm going to let you run, and let you go on to other things…
SH –
I've got to go to rehearsal. I've got to go to my favorite thing in the world, man. I've got to go play music.
MBL – We will see you here in Cleveland on the 29th, and I can't wait, man.
SH –
I want to thank everybody for waiting in line and camping out and stuff for those tickets. We're already at about 7,000 in Cleveland. Half of the place is sold. I just want to say that that is really fantastic for me. It makes me feel really good that the fans really care about me and this tour. We won't let you down, so come on. Buy the rest of those tickets.

Sammy Hagar's CABO WABO BIRTHDAY BASH CLUB TOUR DVD is available now on Image. Catch Sammy Hagar live at Blossom Music Center on Wednesday, May 29th. For more information on Sammy Hagar, check him out online at www.redrocker.com.


Talon - John Parker (2002)


John Parker Interview.


Hey John!
Congrats on the album.

Hey Andrew, thanks !! Good to speak to you.

So John, the Talon album is just a couple of weeks away from release - how
long has the process of getting this thing started until now been?

We started dialog with Now and Then back in August, 1999 !! We signed in April, 2000 and started setting up Studio, Producer, Songs, etc. Over the next year or so the Producer and Studio options for one reason or another had to be changed.
Also, we changed Vocalists and recorded even more demos for final cutdown on the CD. We finally choose Los Angeles and Mikey Davis as the best "fit" and starting Tracking in November of last year. It has been a long road to this point, but we believed in waiting for the best opportunity to do the best CD possible !!

Absolutley….Did you ever doubt you would get to this point?
A couple times earlier last year we had some doubts, but always looked ahead to the big picture - that kept us on track and in focus.

Have you had much feedback so far and are you happy with those comments?
Yes, early reviews and comments have all been good !! From "solid" to "excellent" !! What TALON does is nothing new, but we feel there is a void of straight-ahead Hard Rock of the 80's groove that we know lots of people are dying to hear again and relive a part of music that was fun and actually had Guitar Solos!!!
We are happy to hear the positive feedback - it's great to hear comments of people playing the CD 3, 4 times in a row !! They can't get the melodies out of their head !!

Let me give you a chance to introduce Talon to anyone who hasn't heard of you, or heard the music yet. How long have you been together?
As this current Lineup, since 2000. But before Michael joined on, we were known as VOXEN and the other 4 members have been together since 1993!
But - Myself and Kory have worked together as Songwriting and Musical partners since 1985!




What style of music are you influenced by?
Old School - late 70's to late 80's Rock and Metal. My influence's tend toward the heavier side of things - Dio, Priest, Stryper, Ozzy w/ Randy, UFO, Motley Crue, etc.
But I grew up and was influenced by lighter artists also - Boston, Journey, Styx, even ELO and New England!!

How long did this album take to record?
Tracking took 2 months in L.A., mixing took 2 weeks and Mastering was done at Capitol Mastering in Hollywood. We had been ready for so long, when we got in the Studio, it went very smooth and very fast !!! Mikey Davis was a joy to work
with, and his Blackie/KISS/Ozzy stories had us laughing till we pee'd !!!!

And at what point did new vocalist Michael O'Mara come on board?
We were having "personal" issues with our last singer and also with the Shift in direction of the new tracks, we felt the change was needed. It was the toughest decision as a band we ever had to make. We are still on great terms with him. The VOXEN CD was a more "Party, Glam, Good Time" record and our music had become more mature since then. This occurred early in 2000.

Why Michael? Were you looking at other singers or did you audition any

We had a Nationwide search for Vocalists out and after 3 months we were starting to wonder if we would ever find that "Right" Singer. But then, Michael's demo CD arrived ! After 1 listen, Kory called me up and said "Dude, this is the one - I found him". He played it for me and as soon as I heard it, we knew he was the one ! We had gone through so many Singers.......

Did producer Mikey Davis bring anything to the band that you previously might have overlooked/not thought of?
Yes. Some arrangements and Vocal ideas of his we used that we really had not thought of. It was good to have a "6th member" throughout the sessions.
His experience was definitely a plus !!

What are your classic musical influences as a drummer?
Tommy Aldridge (freakin' animal ! ), Vinny Appice, Cozy Powell as Drummers.
Guitarists also shaped my love for Rock - Randy Rhoads (the best!), Michael
Schenker, Gary Moore - yes !!!!

And these days - what do you really get a kick out of listening to?
Not much new stuff - but fellow Label mates Harem Scarem do have an
awesome new CD and the new Dio is great !!! I do try and check out MP3's
on other bands when I can and do hear some great music coming out. Just
wish I had more time !!!

John, you are a frequent Net Surfer, what sites do you find yourself visiting on a regular basis?
Melodicrock.com (of course!!) [ass kissing not compulsory!], Strutterzine, Electric
Basement, ontherocks, EBAY, CBS Sportsline (huge Fantasy Baseball nut ! ), etc.

Would you mind offering a line or two on each track from the album?






Wrecking Ball
A Single !! A catchy, but still with punch track and a great Chorus!!
It will have you singing in the Shower in no time !!

Fire In Your Soul
Balls!!! Just a straight-ahead ripper with texture in the verses. A song about not giving up on your will - no matter what !!

Still You Run
A mid-tempo ballad, slows it down a bit to breathe! A song about "don't think the Grass is always greener on the other side....it may be right in front of you!"

Calling You Tonight
A happy, poppy track that makes ya' feel good!! A change of pace to the rockers, almost Bryan Adams ! But it grows on you and it's in your head before you know it!

Talon In My Heart
Back to the hard stuff!! A "you done me wrong" track, with time changes and an extended Solo for Jimmy to go off on!

Falling Star
A fun, happy track. Very bouncy, upbeat song. It even has a "Klaus" impression by Michael in the break!!

Mother Mary May I
A Rocker !!! Punchly Chorus and Riff - a lot of Religious talk going on nowadays, just our take on the subject.

Holding You Soon
A holdover from the VOXEN days, did not make that one as we were told it was too "Michael Bolton"!! A great song is a great song, so – we re-arranged some things and gave it the full treatment! A personal favorite.

All Is Not Forgiven
Written by Kory, the first song written for the CD!! Great opening, with Jimmy
shredding all over the place !!!

Livin' For Your Love
Bit of a strut to this one!! The opening riff just shakes the walls!! Fun!!

Rock'n'Roll Runaway
A live favorite ! Hard-driving track that gets the full extended treatment in Concert!!

And where do Talon go from here mate?
Well, the Summer will be promotion for the CD - includes CD Release shows and then a mini-tour with TAKARA. Then this Fall, we will start writing songs for the 2nd CD and then play the GODS Part 2 in the U.K. in November!!!






Is there anything you would in hindsight improve about the new album?
I am a bit of a perfectionist in the Studio (just ask Mikey!), I would have added more percussion and a few EQ issues would have been different - but nothing major. It is a Band creation and it should reflect that. Man, that Chorus at the end of "Livin" is too long....... But for CD #2......

Anything you would like to add?
Yes ! We hope everyone enjoys the CD when it is released May 22nd, as we really enjoyed creating it for you ! We have had tremendous support over the last 2 years and would like to thank all of those who have helped the cause !! We look forward to rocking everyone's ass off at THE GODS later this year also ! And a big thanks to Nicky Baldrian - you the man!!

Cheers mate for taking some time out for me!!
You are most welcome ! Thank you for supporting the music that we all love and hope you do for many years to come !! Everyone - Buy the CD!! You can also check on the latest at the official band Web Site:

See you at the GODS !!





The Cage (2002)

The Cage
Dario Mollo Speaks...

Hi Dario, congratulations on a fine album.
Thank you very much for the fantastic review, I'm really glad that you enjoy the album.

Yes, I did. Firstly, you recorded the debut Cage record and left Tony Martin to record with the great Glenn Hughes on Voodoo Hill. What circumstances arose to allow you to again hook up with Tony for The Cage 2?
Tony is one of the best singer in the world and he's my friend, for me it was a natural choice to work with him again.


Did you have a pre-established plan with this album?
Yes I had a plan to work with Tony again and the music was constructed before we got together.

I ask that as I noticed that The Cage 2 is a true partnership between you and Tony, as you wrote all the songs together.
Yes this is true in one sense, because although the music was written previously but then Tony received the songs at his home and adjusted them so that the vocals would work with the tracks. We work so well together that we trust each other to
make the songs work even if we are working apart. We are constantly pleased with how well this works.

How do you rate this album compared to your other albums? I said in my review that I rate it the best yet!
I feel it's much better than the first Cage album but is completely different to the Voodoo Hill album so I cannot compare them. I like both.





This is a more straight ahead melodic heavy rock album as compared to the blusier Voodoo Hill. Was that the direction you were more comfortable going in?
The difference is not really made by the music, what you hear is made by the singers. Their approach to the tracks is completely different
and that's why you hear them that way. My music is always the same style.

How long was the writing and then the recording process for the album?
One year because during this year I toured with Graham Bonnet and Don Airey band and I produced other bands in my studio.

Dario, you produced, engineered and mixed the album, which I dare say, has a cracking good sound to it. How hard is the task of overseeing your own project?
Hard work but harder than producing other bands. I can get too involved when working with my own material because I have other things to think about and sometimes that creates a little conflict within myself. Easier to work with others because I know exactly what to do for them.



Is it hard to be objective when a decision has to be made, or did Tony kick in with some help?!!
Tony's input is mainly with the melody for the lyrics but this is what gives the songs direction. I manage the overall sound personally.

Were there any tracks that didn't make the final album cut?
No all the tracks were included.

Where did the chorus on Terra Toria come from? It's somewhat different than the rest of the album, but I love the effect.
It was Tony's idea and was sung by him through effects. It was to create a different effect specifically for this track.

Favourite songs from the album?
Poison Roses, Life love and everything, Terra Toria.

Will there be any live dates for this album?
Maybe I hope so…we will see.

I think you and Tony make a great team, where to from here for The Cage?
Another Cage album but even better.






What other projects have you got going? / What can Dario fans look forward to next?
More touring with Graham and Don, another Voodoo Hill as well as the next Cage album. .....etc

What guitarists influence your style and sound the most?
Ritchie Blackmore and Van Halen.

You are a extremely talented guitarist, who can diversify into the Blues also.
Can you tell me what blues guitarists you admire there?

Jeff Beck and Gary Moore.



For those that have not yet heard The Cage - right from the horses mouth - how would you describe the band's sound to those curious about it?

Thanks Dario! I appreciate the interview.
You're welcome.




21 Guns (2002)


So Lief, it's great to hook up with you, how are things?

"All is well here in Oslo. I have just built a new studio that is totally happening. So I have all of my "Toys" in place"

21 Guns became a much loved band after the debut album was released. But I feel that the sales and promotion of the album weren't what they could have been - the album was so strong, it seemed criminal it did not sell 5 million units!
"I couldn't agree with you more! The record business is a funny and fragile thing. There are too many people in high places who are insecure and have a habit of hiding their heads up their asses!"

How many did it sell worldwide?
"Good question!!! I still don't know myself. What I do know is that the albums we did sell were sold to the right people. I meet people all the time that say the album never left their CD player... That makes me warm inside"

What went wrong in the promotion of it, or was it a victim of the grunge revolution?
"I think a lot of bands were effected by the "Grunge scene" It was the backlash of the Nirvana story. All the record executives were/are looking for that one artists that they can sell millions of with little effort on their part. Nobody wanted/wants to invest time in developing an act like they did in the old days. Artists were guaranteed three records.
They had time to develop a sound and a songwriting style- not to mention a fan base. All that has changed now."

What were your favourite tracks off the debut release? Personally I just adore These Eyes, Marching In Time and Knee Deep!
"Those are good tracks but I always think about how I felt when I wrote them. Tell Me was a song that just feel out of the sky for me. I saw a picture of a mother holding her son after a drive by shooting in L.A. and the whole song wrote itself.
Jungleland and Little Sister are also two of the first songs that Scott and I ever wrote together, so they are at the top of my lits. I also love Walking! OH hell I love the whole record. Especially since I can listen to it now with a little distance and perspective!

You went on to record or at least demo a second record. Why did that not come out at the time (1993-4)?
"Good question.... Scott and I were going through a lot of business at that time. We were changing management and singers so it is amazing how time flys. I was also going through a divorce. Strange period in my life cycle!!!"

Why did Tommy leave the band?
"Tommy was just as frustrated as we all were about the sales of the record and all the business bullshit around it all.
We had a manipulating manager, an ever changing record company-(we had 6 different A & R men to relate to. And on top of it all Tommy got married. His wife had some ideas of her own. He is now divorced....."

He seems to be a very personal, very private guy - do you see him often?
"I can see you have never met Tommy! ha ha He is the funniest, ludest individual I have ever met. He should be a comedian. He lives just two blocks away from me. I see him now and then on the street and we try to meet up but the man likes to fish and camp out on the weekends. So it is hard to find the time."

So at what point did you decide to make the Nothing's Real album?
"It was always in the works. It was the never ending record production. The curse of 21 Guns is what I call it. I do not remember the exact date we started or when it was finished to be honest. I am just glad that it is finished"

Did you think of many singers to use, or did you go straight for Solli (Sons Of Angels vocalist)?
"Solli is a good friend and when people say that their are a million singers out there, they are dead wrong. Finding the right singer is a very painful experience"

Were you happy with the sales/response from the Japanese only initial release of the CD? "I guess I am stupid but I never think about sales figures. I love the process of making records. Writing the songs is like therapy to me. I have to admit that looking back I am not too happy about record sales."

You then released the CD through Z Records for Europe, at what point did you starting think of a next release?
"Scott and I love working together so we are always thinking about the next release. This most recent album "Demolition" was actually a seed that I planted in Mark Alger's ear.
I was sitiing on so many demos that I thought had a bit of charm to them and I sent the to Mark. He used some of them on the Nothings Real CD and then he came up with the idea of a CD with only the demos on it. I love it!"

Were your thoughts to go with an all new studio release, and if so, what prevented that from happening?
"We are planning a new studio CD as I write this. I will talk to Scott later today and work out a time schedule and such!"

As we have it, Demolition is due in stores now, and is made of songs you planned to have part of the second album after Salute. Can you take us through each song, and tell us where these songs came from?
"Greed was from the wales session. Inspired by all the Greedy Sons of Bitches that were surrounding us at that time. We had a lawyer who took 20% then our manager took 20%(who was sleeping with our lawyer by the way) and finally our accountant took 5%. Not much left for us and our producer...... Lot of greed going on!!!"

Gotta Get Up
"Song about getting your ass out of the chair and winning over your obstacles... Everybody can relate to that!!"

Bad Lovin'
"This is a song that was inspired by somebody I met while on tour years ago with a group called A-HA. She was a young dutch girl who had led a very rough life. I wanted to mend her wounds but I felt helpless. I still wonder how she is today"

"This is my all time favorite song. Paul Mcartneys masterpiece"

Blood Gone Bad
"Song about how screwed up we can get through the faults of our parents and then we we take a stand we sit with all the blame"

Never Say Die
"This is Scotts motto"

Cry Me A River
"Relationships are the reason we are on this planet but we never seem to get it right. This is a song about a guy who just wants a little more time before he has to dive into it again"

White Lies
"It was written so long ago that I cannot remember what went behind it. It has a nice hook to it"

The Picture
I wrote this song when I was totally frustrated with all the pain around me. Do we need to hurt the people around us? Is this the picture in black and white?

"Cool groove.... Tommy sings it well... The message or what I was thinking at the time escapes me"

Do I Do
"Another song about women" I have a tendency to get all caught up with the people around me. Most of the time they abuse my good intentions and I have to ask myself. Do they have souls?"

Now, the production quality varies quite a lot between some songs - what process did you go through to prepare these songs for release?
"Not much... ha ha They have that thread that goes through them all because its one of our songs but it is rather diverse- I will give you that. But that is also what makes it interesting."

Are you happy with the result? There are certainly some fine melodic rock songs on there!
"I am very happy! They were songs that were not going to see the light of day in their present form. So I am a happy camper that they are coming out. Hats off to Mark Alger"

It's great to hear Tommy's vocals again, with him so quiet, there have been rumors that he died last year and other silly things.
"In a way he has died... He is writing songs for other people and he is not doing "The singing thing" anymore. Which is a shame because he is incredibly talented!!"

What chance is there that he will come forward to do an all new 12 Guns studio album with you in the future?
"We have talked about it actually.... Nothing is impossible."

And Lief, what other things have you planned this year to keep busy?
"I have my own production company so I have many artists that I produce. I also have a solo album that I am finishing off and another band called The Fog Prophets" So there is a lot to do!!!"

Is there anything I have missed that you would like to add?
"Thanks for all of your interest in 21 GUNS. We enjoy what we do but we haven't been on the road in years and it is easy to forget that there are people out there listening"



Push (2002)


So Martin, it's been an interesting 12 months or so, how are things with you right now?

Oh yeah... Things went from good to bad to worse to fantastic! It's been a year of ups and downs for sure.

Pleased to get this album finished and released?
Very pleased. I can't wait for people's reactions.

I don't want to go over old ground, or get too personal, but can you explain what happened when you decided to leave the band at one point last year?
Well, I never left. We were trying to make the band work with a (once again) new lineup, but things weren't happening. We never found a good rythm and I felt that most of the duties were on my shoulders.
When I formed the band in '94 I wanted it to be a platform for my ideas and my music. I wanna make music, I don't wanna argue with people so I decided it was time for me to record a solo album instead and put PUSH on a shelve for a while. However, the fan reaction blew me away. People wanted me to continue the band and I realised that was what I had to do! The material the band had recorded was ready to be released when some of the former bandmembers threatened me with a lawsuit if I did. In the end I decided to re-record the whole damn thing with some of my good friends here in Copenhagen instead of using all my energy in a courtroom. I am glad I did!

It obviously turned out for the best, as the album sounds great!
Oh man, I am so happy with the final result. It was re-recorded in just 18 days!

And you also briefly split with Z Records. I won't go into why, but what bought you two together again?
Well, Mark Alger has exquisite taste when it comes to music and I knew the band belonged on the best label there is for this kind of music in the world these days.
Basically we just agreed on continueing the working relationship that had lasted since early '98.

So does the album's lyrics in any way reflect the turmoils of the last 2 years?
I can't deny that the lyrics in some of the new songs reflect what has been going on in my head in that period. For me it's the best way to tell the world how I feel about things. I try not to sound bitter because I want to focus on the positive things. Some of the anger and frustration have inspired me to be creative.

For anyone reading this and wondering what a Push album is all about - tell us just what exactly is this album is about and how does it sound through your own view?
A PUSH album is all about rock and roll. From hard rocking tracks to emotional ballads. I know it sounds cliché, but to me, the concept works.
The melody is my main priority, and with the busy lives most people live these days, hopefully this album will help them escape once in a while! I know that is what I like to do when I buy myself a new album. Crank it up!

Would you mind running through the albums tracks, with a brief description?
For The Love Of The Game
This one really says it all. Why I am still in the business and what I live and die for!

Heart Is An Empty Space
A song I am really proud of. I think it's the best hookline in a PUSH song to date. And the guitar-solo is so kick ass. Mr. Anthony Lledo on guitar ladies & gentlemen...

Only Dreaming
My original idea sounded like a punkband, but Anthony refused to record it as it was and thankgod we changed it. Credit to him for making it what it is. I changed the melody to fit his guitar parts and that was it. Basically it's just an uptempo love song.

In My Blood
This is my salute to all former members of the band. I wish them all well. It's a statement - I refuse to give up my rock and roll dream!

Time To Let You Know
The only ballad on the album. I think it came out really well. I love doing ballads, it brings out the best in everyone - myself included, lol! Some nice performances from the guys in the band on this one too.

Not This Time
Straight forward rock and roll the way I like it. She cheated on you and now you've had enough. Not exactly a new theme, but one a lot of people can relate to I'm afraid.

Lucky Man
A celebration of life really. Something about gambling, drinking and having a good time, people can make from this whatever they want, he, he!

The Best Thing
A groovy one. It's about love and holding onto it when you've finally found it. Once again the guitars are so emotional!

More Than Meets The Eye
My first political lyrics to date. I couldn't help myself now that I am the father of two boys. Everywhere you turn your head there is war going on and it will never end. I guess I have matured a lot since they were born three years ago when it comes to awareness and respecting people around me.

Just A Man
This one was recorded in 2000 for our last album "On The Run". However, it was only released as a bonustrack in Japan. Some fine guitar playing by Martin Slott, pure rock and roll!

Black Candles
Also a bonus track from 2000. A fine rocker to finish the album off - pour yourself a drink and turn it up!

How do you rate this album, in comparison to the band's other albums?
I think it's the best one yet! I have matured as a songwriter and I feel that the curve is going up. It's the fourth album and right now I feel like I could go on forever. The guys playing on this album are just great. I have mentioned Anthony on guitars, but I also wanna praise the drummer, Jesper Werner, his feel is great and his drumming has certainly taken the music even higher!

I think personally that this one sounds a little darker, a little moodier...I like the feel of it.
I think you are right. It is probably the personal lyrics this time around. But I do believe it has a positive vibe!

What's next for Push then?
Some PR and then touring. I will tour the UK this summer and I will be playing in Scandinavia as well. Hopefully we can add Germany, Holland & Belgium later. I would love to go to America, but it's a costly affair. A new PUSH album early next year is one of my main goals.

You were working on a solo album - is that still planned anytime?
I want to do the solo album and I have the songs ready. The time has to be right. Let's see, even though you have plans you never know what happens, it could be next year!

How do you find the melodic rock scene from where you are based in Denmark?
Hopeless, lol! There are quite a few acts coming out of Denmark at the moment; Royal Hunt, Pangea, Pretty Maids, PUSH and of course Tramp. But it's all happening away from home, nothing happens here. TV and radio have all forgotten about rock and roll. The good thing about "the underground" is the fact that you can trust that what we do is 100 % honest. The young generation around the globe is being raped by the music industry if you ask me, but hey, "I'm just a singer with a song"...

Are there any opportunities for young bands like yourselves to break through?
Always! I think the important thing is to believe in what you do and work hard for it, then you will be rewarded. Whether it's a big record deal or a smile on someones face because your music makes him happy, that's not for me to decide.
Anything you would like to add?
Yes! I would like to thank you and all the people who come to your site, you are the true believers and without you this would not be happening. Long live rock and roll!

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Harem Scarem - PART 1 - Pete Lesperance (2002)


Thanks Pete for hooking up with me for this interview.
First up - when was the first time you considered bringing back the Harem Scarem name?

After we finished our deal with Warner we were checking out our options and both fans and labels we were talking to seemed interested in another HS record so we tried some stuff in that vein and decided that that is what we would do.

What kind of frustrations lead you to drop the name in the first place?
There was a stigma attached to the name in Canada and we thought the music had gone far enough from HS to warrant the name change.

In hindsight, were the Rubber albums good for you and Harry mentally?
Absolutely ... I still feel that the first Rubber record is some of the best work we have done.
And we were somewhat vindicated by having a top 40 hit in Canada with Sunshine.

Were they successful for commercially, in comparison to HS?
In Canada we had more luck with Rubber but it seemed to throw some of our Japanese and European fans for a loop.

Back to the point...haha...so you decided to bring Harem back and had it in mind to make a more melodic record - what exactly were your blueprints for this release?
The blueprint for any record is always the same for us. We just try to write the best songs we can.
Knowing what we were trying to accomplish we changed the production style, extended guitar solos, added more back up vocals and so on....It's all in the presentation, there's a couple of songs on WOTW that if they had been treated differently could have been on a Rubber record.

From listening to this record - it sounds very fresh and very now... when did you start writing for the album?
We started putting ideas together for the record in mid summer and finished mixing in early January.

And what was going through your minds when writing?
The same things as always, make sure the songs are good and worry about the rest later.

Haha! Are their any songs that were first started or written a few years ago on the record, or are they all vintage 2001?
A couple parts were still kicking around from previous writing sessions but most were brand spankin new.

What was the first song you wrote for Weight Of The World?
Outside Your Window. It was a finished instrumental song for my solo record and we had another look at it Changed some parts, Harry wrote some lyrics and there it was.

You guys have your own studio - how much of a Godsend is it having your own facilities to work out of?
It's amazing having our own studios really gives you the time and freedom to work on the songs and the production at your leisure.

What did you do differently sonically and in the studio to produce the sound of this record? It has a sound like no other HS record!!
A million things have changed in Technology since the last Scarem record and hope fully were just plain old getting better at making records.

I must ask especially about the rhythm section on this record. The bass is heavier and funkier than ever and the drum sound is simply ear shattering. How did you set that up when recording?
Barry and Creighton have are playing better together then ever and sonically.... ancient Chinese secret!

Ah ha...ok, did you at any stage worry about mixing a little of the Rubber sound in with the classic sound?
No.. once again we just worried about writing the best songs we could and since we have been doing the Rubber thing for the last couple years it came out a bit on this record.

Did it work as far as your ears are concerned?

Have you seen the responses and the reviews (I gave it 100%!!) - But the fans seem to have agreed with me, I have not heard such a positive response from an album in ages!!!
Well hopefully that means we did something right, were totally excited about this record and it makes it that much better if our fans agree!!!

Favourite songs on the album?
WOTW, Killing Me, All I Want.

What tunes might be included in the 2002 HS live set?
Most of them.

Speaking of which - when are you planning to play - both Europe and Canada?
Hoping to make it to Europe in early summer. As far as Canada goes that remains to be seen.

You and Harry have a unique writing style, you seem to be able to make a melody out of nothing and out of everything. How do the two of you write together?
It varies. Songs can start from a number of different places, a riff a melody sometimes even a lyric. We work on stuff separately, bring the best of what we have come up with to the table and start slamming ideas together.

How does it vary to write on your own, in a solo context?
Harry and I are both working on solo records. I think the biggest difference is not having the other there to say that's shit or that's great so it puts a little more responsibility on yourself to make sure it's good..

Any idea how many more Compilation albums might we expect from Warner Japan? LOL!!
Stop it your scaring me!!!!

I heard you are also producing a few artists - who are you working with, so we can go out and buy their records?!!
Harry just finished mixing a band called Great Big Sea and I'm working with a young power pop band called One Short.

Thanks for talking Pete....all the best....



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