Dennis Churchill Dries issued the following staement:
"I'm excited to announce that 36 years after picking up the bass guitar and spending my music life in a band setting, I'm working on my first solo project. Paul is handling guitars and giving my music the punch that it needs, and Eric is weaving his keyboard magic. His work to date on "Song For The Living" is epic, and I can't wait to share it with the world. Paul is engineering, and we're producing it together with Jason Montgomery laying down the grooves. Paul has a heavier edge to his music, and it's the perfect counter to my melodies… the results are just the right blend of melodic rock for me. It's great to be working with such a talented guitarist/artist again…I wasn't sure that was possible.
I'm not running away from my past, you will definitely hear traces of White Sister, Tattoo Rodeo, and even a little Sabu in these songs, and a few new twists as well…a little bit of everything is in the works. I have about 13 songs written, three of which are a few weeks away from being ready for presentation. I have not yet decided if we're going for a record deal, or a privately funded independent approach…to be decided soon. I love the freedom of an independent project, not sure if I can pull it off financially though!
I'm looking forward to sharing this musical journey with everyone soon. With only three live performances in the last seven years, and nineteen years since my last release, this should be interesting…stay tuned!
Peace, Dennis Churchill Dries."