

INXS Steal The Limelight On 1985's 'Listen Like Thieves'; Andrew Farriss, Kirk Pengilly Share Story Of Band Breakout

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Dallas, TX - Oct 8, 2015.  InTheStudio.Net, the web home for North American syndicated Rock radio show InTheStudio: The Stories Behind History's Greatest Rock Bands celebrates the 30th anniversary of INXS breakout album Listen Like Thieves.
Australia might as well be Mars when it comes to locations for bands to breakout of. But in the early 80s it was the home for INXS a young Aussie band reinventing the sound of modern music while benefiting from the added exposure of the MTV video age.
Listen Like Thieves the band's fifth album would deliver a near Top 10 album and a string of fresh hit songs including the title track, 'This Time', 'Kiss the Dirt (Falling Down The Mountain)' and the Top 5 smash 'What You Need'.
Keyboard player, songwriter Andrew Farriss and sax man Kirk Pengilly share the tough and tender early days, surviving one-nighters and allying with a talented singer from Hong Kong-via-Hollywood the late Michael Hutchence.
Andrew Farriss reveals to InTheStudio host Redbeard how INXS was initially received in the US and shares insight on late singer Michael Hutchence. 'When we came to the US after we got signed we had this 'screaming' thing from little girls. 'Why are all these people screaming and throwing teddy bears when we've just been performing to adults (in Australia club circuit)?'  It was very weird.'
On Michael Hutchence: 'I recognized in Michael this bohemian thing immediately. He had an ability to be able to walk out of a room and not want to walk back into it again. Michael was always walking from one door to the other like a gypsy. '   - Andrew Farriss
INXS Listen Like These @30 /InTheStudio interview is available now to STREAM at: ''

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