Steve Hunter


One on One with Mitch Lafon - STEVE HUNTER

Friday, October 17, 2014
Podcasts & Radio

In episode 59 of One On One with Mitch Lafon, Mitch is joined by one-time LOU REED, ALICE COOPER and DAVID LEE ROTH guitarist, STEVE HUNTER. Talking Metal's Mark Strigl co-hosts.

Listen to the One On One With Mitch Lafon Podcast on iHeartRadio, iTunes, Spreaker, TuneIn and Stitcher.

In this episode's only interview, we speak with guitarist Steve Hunter about his new live CD & DVD called, Tone Poems Live. We reminisce about his days with Alice Cooper, pay tribute to guitar legend DICK WAGNER and talk about his playing with AEROSMITH, PETER GABRIEL and DAVID LEE ROTH. We also talk about his continued friendship with guitar great, Jason Becker.

For more Steve Hunter:

***** The One On One With Mitch Lafon (part of the Talking Metal Digital Network) - Sammy Hagar CD giveaway is as follows... TWEET out the following as many times as possible between now and next Friday and you could win a copy of his new album 'Lite Roast'

I want @mitchlafon of @1On1WithMitch to hook me up with a copy of @sammyhagar Lite Roast album. @talkingmetal ******

Follow Mitch Lafon on Twitter: @mitchlafon

One on One With Mitch Lafon's Official Twitter is: @1On1WithMitch

And Official Facebook page is:

Follow Mark Strigl on TWITTER: @Strigl and Talking Metal: @talkingmetal

This Episode of One On One With Mitch Lafon is brought to you by the 'A World With Heroes' KISS tribute album and EP. Both available now on iTunes with all monies going to the Vaudreuil-Soulages Palliative Care home in Hudson, QC.

For more about the KISS 40th Anniversary Tribute album for Palliative care (that Mitch organized) visit iTunes:
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