

Magnum (2004)

Magnum: A brand new sound for latest CD.


Magnum Interview with Bob Catley and Tony Clarkin by Sven Horlemann - from the Bang Your Head Festival 2004

At the Bang-Your-Head Festival in Germany (read the review here) I had the chance to talk to Bob Catley. It was fun to talk to him (as you will see in the interview). By chance Ollie from SPV got me another 15 minutes with Tony Clarkin, and I didn't had to think twice about interviewing one of my guitar idols. Thanks go out also to Mirko for making it happen.

MelodicRock – Hello Bob, thank you for taking your time to talk to
Bob – Oh oh I lost my voice I can't speak.
MelodicRock – I had the chance to talk to Lenny from Kingdom Come yesterday, though right after the concert all interviews where cancelled because he caught a cold and the voice was gone.
Bob – Lenny Kravitz?

MelodicRock – Oh no, more like Lenny Wolf from Kingdom Come.
Bob – (fumbling with some cigarettes) I am going to blow some smoke in your face. Ah, filthy habit. (begins to sing).

MelodicRock – …
Bob – Have we started yet?

MelodicRock – Yes.
Bob – Ok. What's your name again?

MelodicRock – I am Sven writing for And I know the webmaster Andrew is very much into Magnum.
Bob – Ah that's nice. [Good of Bob to remember our last encounter at The Gods 2003….but I guess he was a few drinks into the day!! – Andrew]

MelodicRock – It was great to hear two new songs from the upcoming record 'Brand New Morning' live this afternoon.
Bob – Yeah, 'We All Run' and 'Brand New Morning'.

MelodicRock – 'We All Run' is one of those songs where you get instantly hooked on.
Bob – That is great. And it shows it works. We thought it was the right thing to do. It's a nice commercial number that everybody can listen to and enjoy. The hook is there, nothing too heavy, like a party sing along song. It is actually about the holocaust…

MelodicRock – No!
Bob – Yeah. The nuclear holocaust. The songs starts with (begins to sing)
'I dreamt I saw the cities burning, at the gates I saw the angels cry.
Now there be no turning, and still I wonder why.
I dreamt I felt the hand of reason, coming slowly down and pass me by.
It's just a killing season, yeah it's a foolish lie.
We all run, it's a pity for every one.
It's all gone, and there's nothing that can be done.'

So you got the cities burning and the gates of heaven in the first sentence. There is all this stuff going on. (Recording it) I thought what did I just sang? It was wonderful. With 'the hand of reason that passes me by' that means there is no sense, no meaning.
You know, we all get away from the bombs, get away from the nuclear shit. But we do it like in a swing-your-arms-thing, you know. 'We all gonna get killed' (waves his arms)… if they only new what we were singing about! They have to go home and put the words in front of them, because we always put the words on the album, right, always did always will. And you go 'Wait a minute, this is about people dying'. We simply put these lyrics in a light, melodic way, you know. 'We All Run' could have been written as a speed / thrash / metal song. It could have been done that way.

MelodicRock – Is there a different concept behind 'Brand New Morning', because the cover is very dark with a kind of sinister atmosphere…
Bob – Oh, everybody is saying that. It is dark, whatever. I think it is fine. I think it reflects a lot of the lyrics on the album. Ok, there is a scarecrow. I think it looks fine. Sue me (laughs). You know, the lyrics are darker on that album, much darker. Magnum have done dark lyrics before. Right from the first album. What do you think 'Kingdom Of Madness' is all about? But we don't do it in a thrash metal way. Only because the lyrics are dark, it hasn't to be (grunts into the mic), you know.
We are a heavy lyric band. We are a rock band that does lyrically heavy songs. Talk to the man who does the songs (pointing to Tony sitting at a different table across the room). Talk to him.
With the song 'Brand New Morning' it is like the first day of the rest of your life. Forget everything else. Just wake up with the sun shining and start living. I only got one life. Same as you. So stop bitchin' about it and get on with it. That is what 'Brand New Morning' is all about. 'Spread your wings and you'll take flight'. Come on, what a good line is this? Ha!
I am very proud on the lyrics of this album. Especially Magnum has to be like so good for it to exist any longer. It has to be extra special for all fans. And nothing else we are going to do.

MelodicRock – Have you written any lyrics yourself this time?
Bob – Tony Clarkin writes the words. Tony is the most superb songwriter I've ever known. I just sing 'em, you know. Tony gives me words some time I don't … it doesn't hit me until we recorded the album. And when I take it home I go 'Ok, this is the finished album, let's see what we've done'. So this is what the world is going to hear in three months time, right?
Then I sit down. Cause when you are working on it, it just gets past you, you try to get some music down. Sounds good – ok. You don't analyze it too much. When you've done it and it is there you take it home. Then you put the album on. I can't listen to it straight away afterwards. But when I put it on properly – am I saying the right things? – I think 'Well, that's brilliant!'. I hope that is what gets across the people.

MelodicRock – Being right into the creative process it is hard to keep your distance and judge on your own material.
Bob – Somebody else must tell me if it is a good song. I don't know but I think it is. Tony comes with his stuff and I say 'Tony that is wonderful'. And he asks 'Is it any good?'. And I say 'It is brilliant!'. And he goes 'You are right!'.
You know, you are trying to make something that is really great. And you got to like it. Of course everybody else is going to like it even more than us. It is difficult some times. You are too close to it. Hopefully we get it right.

MelodicRock – How do you get attracted to the songs?
Bob – The first time when Tony writes down the words for me and the music is there because the tracks are done, but of course there is no singing. Tony sings to me in the studio. He puts the words down and of course we can change them if I don't like them, right? And he plays it. I then have to write it down in my own handwriting because his writing is very calligraphic. It is wonderful, but I can't read it. I have to put it down in block capitals, big letters. Like in TV with those teleprompters. And then I try to get the melody right, and see if this works. Then I realize what the words are. I don't look at the lyrics at first. Cause when you are doing it you are just trying to get it right.

MelodicRock – As a singer it is not only the melody and the words, it is also the phrasing that makes the difference.
Bob – The phrasing is most important. It got to sound natural. The way you phrase it has to live and be part of the music. And then you get it right. Also it is easy on your ear.

MelodicRock – Tony is also producing the Magnum albums…
Bob – Oh, Tony is a very good producer. He is not an engineer, he is a producer. He tells you what he wants. We use an engineer.
He goes like 'Play me one more time.', and it's the hundredths time he said that. He is never convinced. It takes him a long time to decide whether it is right. The right balance, the right mix, is everything there? And it takes a long time. But it is worth it. You can't make an album in ten minutes. Forget it. It is not going to happen.

MelodicRock – I don't know Breath Of Life, but …
Bob – 'Breath Of Life' is a good album. But this album is better.

MelodicRock – And what about the Hard Rain interlude?
Bob – Hard Rain was an intermediate thing that we did in between Magnum breaking up all those years ago. This was something we wanted to do. We didn't have to be Magnum, we could have done anything we wanted. Anything. But then everybody is going 'Oh, it is not Magnum', and I said 'Well, it is not supposed to be Magnum!', you know. But with me and Tony they were expecting Magnum.
Magnum wasn't working then. It had gone. It was finished. But we never closed the book. It was always there. And we did Hard Rain with two albums, two tours, and it was pretty good. We had some pretty good songs on these albums. Still everybody was going 'Oh, it is not Magnum…'.
So we asked ourselves: should we do Magnum again? And we said, ok, we can manage Magnum one more time. So by public demand, we are back. It is only because of the fans wanted us back.

MelodicRock – The songs Magnum stands for are such classics, they are a value for a lot of people.
Bob – Well, yes, thank you. I do hope we have classic songs. This is what the people who buy our records have to say, not me. I need people to say that to me (laughs).

MelodicRock – You got a lot of classic songs that mean a lot to the people.
Bob – When I see people in the audience sings our songs, I can't believe it. Their reaction just chokes me up. Sometimes I think 'Don't do that, I'm trying to sing here' (laughing).

MelodicRock – I got the impression your voice got better with the years.
Bob – It got better? That is because I am really old.

MelodicRock – I really mean it. It was like with Phil Mogg from UFO, he still got that impressive voice. You still have that power …
Bob – Well, we just got better. Everybody is saying the same things. I thought it was always good. But it just got better I guess. Maybe I am better than I was. You are not saying I was crap before (grins)? All right, so I am good now. I am joking of course…

MelodicRock – I feel a difference between the role of the keyboards in the past and today.
Bob – The keyboards still play a big part on the new record. There is a lot of keyboards on the new record. It is those little keyboard touches. We've developed over the years, like every band would. It is quiet different now. Before we were a pomp band. That's what we were told. Now we don't do this stuff anymore, so… Let's have an argument!
… we are different now. We have a lot of atmospheric things going on now. The keyboards are still very important. On the stage there are still the big chords. We tend to push the little touches more for the stereo effect and the atmosphere on the record. On stage you can't do that stuff so you just do the big chords. But that's how it always used to be. So nothing has changed there life. We are the same band life. On record we try to be a little more posh than on stage. We wanted a nice, classic production. You know, that's what we wanted to do.
I think this new album sounds like a band in there playing. And with Harry on the drums, he is holding all together for us, which we hadn't had for a long time. He is really good for us and now we got the right drums for us. And now we can be that big monster rock band again, and we are all back into it. But we still wonna do these nice keyboard touches, you know. Which is easy, you know, Mark comes in and Tony says 'try this and this', and it is more like some of these new production techniques.
We don't have this on stage, because there is no backing tape, it is all live. Live we are going to the basic bump and grind. It is like two different band. There is a recording Magnum, and a live Magnum.

MelodicRock – You have two new members since the reunion…
Bob – Yes it is Al Barrow, he was also bass player on Hard Rain. He was with us on the last Magnum tour, the 'Breath Of Life' tour, and he is with us now. To a lot of people he is very new. They ask 'Where is Wally?'. I mean, he is not in Magnum since 1995. Just like 9 years ago! He is gone. Al fits perfect.
Who else would I want on my right side on stage? Nobody but Al. Who would I want behind me? Harry. And left of me? Tony, who else. It just works. It is like it should be.

MelodicRock – Are their any tours coming up?
Bob – September, October and November. The European tour is mainly Germany. This is our biggest market. Always was. Still is.

MelodicRock – Not so much in France?
Bob – No, but I don't know why. We used to play Paris, but that was it. We never did a French tour. I would have loved to. Italy is the same. We did Milan and Bologna and that was it. What happened to Rome (laughs)?
It is to others to decide what should happen, not me. I'm not into booking the band, I'm just singing the songs.

MelodicRock – You feel comfortable here, at this is a heavy metal festival?
Bob – Yeah. I am fine. There is definitely a place for us today. I'd like to be on stage a bit later, but maybe next time. You know, when it is getting dark and the lights are coming down. I would like that then.

MelodicRock – Yes but it is nine o'clock and still light.
Bob – Yeah, it is still light.

MelodicRock – You got some solo things in the works.
Bob – Solo stuff is still happening. I do it in between Magnum any way it works. So with Tony organizing Magnum and when that's finished my manager and I can organize my solo stuff. Everybody feels comfortable with that. I will be doing some festivals next year.

MelodicRock – Any new directions on your solo records?
Bob – It is pretty similar to Magnum, you know. It is a bit heavier. Vince [O'Regan] plays some more metal riffs than Tony does. Vince is a metal guitarist. The lyrics are a little more 'metal'. Whatever a metal lyric is, I don't know. It is all about war and killing people and having a drink in the pub.

MelodicRock – One could have expected you turn more melodic, more soft on your solo albums.
Bob – Oh no, I am into more heavier. I like the hard rock and metal stuff, I do. I am a big Ronnie James Dio fan. A lot of the songs on the last album I did my Ronnie James Dio impersonation. Pretty well I thought, thank you very much. I am sure Ronnie would have been very proud of me (laughs).

MelodicRock – Dio were headlining last years Bang-Your-Head festival.
Bob – We are good friends. We met a few times and had a few beers together. He is a nice chap.
I wouldn't copy anybody, but I am influenced sometimes. And Ronnie is a big hero of mine, so why not. We all need a hero. And Ronnie Dio is my hero. I think his vocal performance is absolutely wonderful. If I can approach that sometimes then I am happy. It doesn't work with Magnum, but with my own stuff, that is mine, you know. In the old days David Coverdale used to influence my voice. Or Steve Perry. I do more Steve Perry with Magnum then I do with anything. Because I am a big fan of the guy. That's respect. That is good.

MelodicRock – Can you feel that there is a classic rock revival, not in a dated way, but people seem to be more open to melodic rock these days.
Bob – Something is happening. I don't know what, but something is happening for the better.

MelodicRock – Thanks for your time Bob, hope to see you on your tour.
Bob – Thank you.

We were fortunate enough to get another 15 minutes with Tony Clarkin, so I changed places and fired my questions.

MelodicRock – Since the reunion of Magnum the albums seem to by darker. I thought that maybe this is due to a certain change within Magnum. Is this intentional?
Tony – Really, there is no plan at all. I just write my songs. And we just went to the studio after I demoed them and that is it. You know, I don't even use proper guitars on the demos. It's all drum machines and guitar processors. And then we start producing properly. It just worked out really as it is. No plan. But I mean I am very pleased with it. I have to say that. It's a bit heavier and I like that. I don't know, I really don't know.

MelodicRock – The new CD is straighter and much heavier. Maybe this is because the role of the keyboards, providing major themes within the songs, changed.
Tony – Yeah it is more guitar orientated. So I guess this gives it a heavier sound. But I don't know. It was a very easy album to record. I mean Harry (James) he comes in and plays the drums for the whole album in two days. Al (Barrows) pretty much did the same with the bass. It was really easy to record which is great when it is over, you know. Whether it makes any difference to anyone listening I don't know. But it is nice to say it wasn't and album you go 'oh oh' after you finished it.

MelodicRock – 'We All Run' from the upcoming album is such a good song to show of the new CD and generate interest. The lyrical concept behind it is quiet surprising as Bob told me.
Tony – The idea of the song is that we ignore the important things in life. And the actual verse is really poetic license. I was trying to create a picture. And when it goes 'We all run' it is like we don't care anymore. Like with the cities are burning, like people starving to death, that kind of things. So that's what it means.

MelodicRock – That's comforting to hear. After Bob's explanation I was flattered by him saying it is about nuclear holocaust.
Tony – (Laughing).

MelodicRock – Of course in Germany people usually don't understand the lyrics, especially when they hear a song for the first time in a live concert. Talking about your pre-production you mentioned demoing at home. Do you work on a computer?
Tony – Yeah. I am on a Mac.

MelodicRock – Are you running Pro-tools or Nuendo?
Tony – No, I use Logic. But I really don't do complicated things there. I get my drum rhythms down and record some pilot guitars.

MelodicRock – Tony, about things to happen in the future – what are you going to do with Magnum?
Tony – We will start touring in September in Great Britain, Germany, and in Japan.

MelodicRock – How is your reception in Japan?
Tony – Well, we've never played there ever. It may not come off, but it looks like it will come off. The rest of the tour will be Scandinavia so we will be quiet busy.

MelodicRock – Seems to my it was the right decision for you and Bob to bring Magnum back together again.
Tony – Of course there was a 7 years gap (filled with Hard Rain, also fronted by Bob Catley). But I feel fresh and good again.

MelodicRock – Last years appearance at Bang-Your-Head had to be cancelled due to health reasons. This is well behind you now?
Tony – Yeah, I seem to be ok.

MelodicRock – Tony, thank you for taking your time to talk to
Tony – Oh, thank you.



MAGNUM Announce New Album 'The Serpent Rings' Out Jan 17

Friday, January 17, 2020
News Feed
Magnum guitarist Tony Clarkin is a man who seems to never stop working. He is responsible for writing all the material released by the band, and on top of that he produces their albums from the very first demo to the final mix. 'As soon as the album is finished, I start to collect new ideas,' he explains. 'That's how I've worked since the early seventies, for me that's the ideal method.' On their latest album The Serpent Rings Clarkin and Magnum's other original member, vocalist Bob Catley, prove all over again just how perfectly this established system works.
Magnum have recorded eleven new songs which feature all the traditional strengths of the British act and also live up to the band's ambition to explore a more rock-oriented direction. The new album, The Serpent Rings, presents Magnum the way the musicians themselves like it: rocking and at the same time melodic, straightforward but also a little playful, powerful as well as sensitive with enchanted lyrics but also with a socio-critical approach.
The Serpent Rings was recorded by the Magnum line-up consisting of Clarkin, Catley, keyboardist Rick Benton and drummer Lee Morris, plus their latest addition, bassist Dennis Ward (Pink Cream 69, Place Vendome, Unisonic, among others), who joined the fold to replace Al Barrow.

Magnum's major European tour has been scheduled to start in March 2020, initially with a number of headlining shows, to be continued by a first-rate package together with Gotthard from Switzerland. This extremely successful collaboration first passed the litmus test a few years ago, and Clarkin, Catley & Co. are very enthusiastic: 'Along with some classic numbers, we will also present four or five songs from The Serpent Rings,' the band promises, providing even more reasons for their fans to mark the dates in their calendars.
Today will see the arrival of the first album teaser for the new album.
"The Serpent Rings" will be released January 17th, 2020 through Steamhammer/SPV as CD digipak, 2LP gatefold version, limited box set, download and stream: 
1. Where Are You Eden? 5:37
2. You Can't Run Faster Than Bullets 5:40
3. Madman or Messiah 5:18
4. The Archway of Tears 6:21
5. Not Forgiven 5:48
6. The Serpent Rings 6:47
7. House of Kings 4:47
8. The Great Unknown 5:27
9. Man 5:31
10. The Last One on Earth 3:43
11. Crimson on the White Sand 4:53
MAGNUM live 2020:
Headline Tour
19.03. UK-Glasgow - Garage
20.03. UK-Belfast - Limelight 1
21.03. IRL-Dublin - Voodoo Lounge
22.03. UK-Cardiff - Tramshed
24.03. UK-Sheffield - Leadmill
25.03. UK-Hull - Welly
26.03. UK-Manchester - Academy 2
28.03. UK-Holmfirth - Picturedrome
29.03. UK-Cambridge - Junction
30.03. UK-Birmingham - Town Hall
31.03. UK-Norwich - Waterfront
02.04. UK-Exeter - Lemon Grove
03.04. UK-Southampton - Engine Rooms
04.04. UK-London - Islington Assembly
05.04. NL-Uden - De Pul
06.04. DE-Kiel - Max Music Hall
08.04. NO-Oslo - Vulkan Arena
09.04. SE-Huskvarna - Folkets Park
10.04. SE-Stockholm - Fryshuset Klubben
11.04. SE-Karlstad - Naesfabriken
13.04. SE-Gothenburg - Pustervik
14.04. SE-Malmo - Babel
on tour with GOTTHARD
16.04. DE-Frankfurt - Batschkapp
17.04. DE-Regensburg - Airport Obertraubling
18.04. DE-Balingen - Volksbank Messe
20.04. DE-Munich - Tonhalle
21.04. DE-Farth - Stadthalle
22.04. DE-Hamburg - Grosse Freiheit 36
24.04. DE-Hannover - Capitol
25.04. DE-Bremen - Pier 2
26.04. DE-Berlin - Tempodrom
28.04. DE-Singen - Stadthalle
29.04. DE-Cologne - E-Werk
30.04. DE-Saarbracken - Garage
Headline Tour
01.05. CZ-Prague - Nová Chmelnice
02.05. DE-Schwalmstadt - Kulturhalle
05.05. DE-Stuttgart - Im Wizemann
07.05. CH-Pratteln - Z7
08.05. IT-Milan - Legend
09.05. IT-Bologna - Alchemica
11.05. ES-Barcelona - Razzmatazz 2
12.05  ES-Madrid - But
13.05. ES-Bilbao - Santana 27
16.05. UK-Nottingham - Rock City


Hello everyone
We want to share with all you guys the news that Al has decided to leave the band. He has been finding it increasingly difficult to spend so much time away from home now that he lives in America.
We’re all going to miss him very much, not just what he brought musically but his company and character. His tireless efforts in helping with putting our albums together, social media, website, and promotional literature have always been massively appreciated, especially when we didn’t pay him for them (JK)!!
We wholeheartedly wish him the best in all his future projects both musical and personal. We’ll be keeping in touch, and for the time being he will still be helping out on Facebook.
Stepping in to his shoes we are pleased to announce that Dennis Ward (Pink Cream 69, Unisonic) will be joining us effective immediately. We’ve already been working hard with him on the new album - due for release early 2020, with artwork by Rodney Matthews. We’re all very excited by this next chapter in the Great Adventure that is Magnum.
A personal video message from Al:
Magnum Official Facebook page -
Magnum Official Twitter -
Magnum Official Merchandise -
Magnum Official Website -

MAGNUM - "Lost on the Road to Eternity - Live" (Official Lyric Video)

New live album
Out January 18th, 2019
New live single and lyric video LOST ON THE ROAD TO ETERNITY (feat. Tobias Sammet) Out today

British rock icons Magnum will release a new digital single and lyric video today. The new live song "Lost On The Road To Eternity" is taken from the forthcoming live album "Live At The Symphony Hall".

Star guest Tobias Sammet (Avantasia, Edguy) was swept along by this enthusiasm and the blazing interaction between the musicians and their Birmingham audience when he went on stage for this song to lend energetic support to vocalist Bob Catley just like he did for the track's studio recording.


MAGNUM Set To Release New Live Album January 18

Friday, January 18, 2019
News Feed
MAGNUM New live album LIVE AT THE SYMPHONY HALL Out January 18th, 2019
New live single and lyric video LOST ON THE ROAD TO ETERNITY (feat. Tobias Sammet) Out November 09, 2018
Every music lover knows that the closing concert of a long tour is always a very special event. For weeks in advance the audience has been able to read up on how much the band has been celebrated in their previous concerts evening after evening and they are all the more excited to see their heroes with their own eyes. After having played those numerous concerts, the band is in excellent shape, perfectly attuned to one another and of course they want to outdo themselves with this final show. One of those tour finales took place on 19 April 2018 inside Birmingham`s Symphony Hall. It was there that the British rock band Magnum completed their Road To Eternity tour, which consisted of 42 concerts, and performed at the highest level.
'A truly magical evening', guitarist Tony Clarkin confirms, 'especially seeing as the show was a sort of home game for us, since all of us are from around the area between Birmingham and Wolverhampton, although during the last 20 years we have performed in Birmingham only once. In this respect it was a special moment for Magnum in more than one way.' According to the occasion, band members Tony Clarkin, vocalist Bob Catley, bassist Al Barrow as well as their two newest members keyboarder Rick Benton and drummer Lee Morris confidently played their way through a well-chosen mix of classics and newer songs, which rather successfully join the ranks of the band`s long tradition of atmospheric rock songs.
Star guest Tobias Sammet (Avantasia, Edguy), too, was swept along by this enthusiasm and the blazing interaction between the musicians and their Birmingham audience when he went on stage for 'Lost On The Road To Eternity' to lend energetic support to vocalist Bob Catley just like he did for the track's studio recording. Oh and just by the way: As a forerunner to this gripping live album 'Lost On The Road To Eternity' will hit the market as a digital single on November 9th, 2018.
All that's left to ask now is what makes Live At The Symphony Hall any different from former Magnum live recordings. 'Bob and I have been in this band for quite a while now, but we've never lost our passion for Magnum', Clarkin elaborates. 'We want to keep learning new things and are open to tips and advice. That's why we constantly revise our old songs, sometimes we play them a bit faster, sometimes a bit slower, we change a solo here and a part of the melody there. That way we not only keep our audience interested but also our own enjoyment in these pieces alive.' There isn't a more fitting way to describe the magic that happens on Live At The Symphony Hall.
"Live At The Symphony Hall" will be released through SPV/Steamhammer on January 18th, 2019 as 2CD DigiPak, 3LP Gatefold, download and stream.
1. When We Were Younger 8:00
2. Sacred Blood 'Divine' Lies 6:28
3. Lost on the Road to Eternity 6:11
4. Crazy Old Mothers 5:35
5. Without Love 6:14
6. Your Dreams Won't Die 5:42
7. Peaches and Cream 5:09
8. How Far Jerusalem 10:46
1. Les Morts Dansant 5:46
2. Show Me Your Hands 5:52
3. All England's Eyes 4:48
4. Vigilante 5:24
5. Don't Wake the Lion (Too Old to Die Young) 11:43
6. The Spirit 4:30
7. When the World Comes Down 6:11
MAGNUM live 2018
18.11. DE-Bochum - Zeche
19.11. DE-Frankfurt - Batschkapp
20.11. DE-Augsburg - Spectrum
22.11. UK-Edinburgh - Liquid Rooms
23.11. UK-Troon - Winterstorm Festival
24.11. UK-Newcastle - Riverside
25.11. UK-Sheffield - Plug
27.11. UK-Norwich - Waterfront
28.11. UK-Bilston - Robin 2
30.11. GR-Athens - Gagarin 205
MAGNUM live 2019
05.-08.06. SE-Salsborg - Sweden Rock Festival
15.06. ES-Malaga - Rock The Coast Festival



MAGNUM Chart Positions A Home Run

Friday, January 19, 2018
News Feed
What a great release week MAGNUM had with the new album "Lost On The Road To Eternity"! Top 10 chart entries in Germany and Switzerland, highest chart entry in the UK since 1992 and many more.
From the band: "We are chuffed to bits to have recorded another top 20 UK National charts album (Number 1 UK Independent Charts) and Number 8 in Germany and Switzerland amongst other charts. Thanks to all the fans worldwide. We see us on tour!"
These are the first week chart entries for "Lost On The Road To Eternity":
#1     UK - Indie Charts
#2     Sweden - Hard Rock Charts
#4     Sweden - Vinyl Charts
#8     Germany - Album Charts
#8     Switzerland - Album Charts
#8     UK - Update Charts
#9     UK - Vinyl Charts
#9     UK - Physical Charts
#9     UK - Scottish Charts
#11   UK - Sales Charts
#15   UK - Album Charts
#22   Austria - Album Charts
#23   Sweden - Album Charts
#30   UK - Download Charts
#56   USA - Hard Music Charts
#145 France - Album Charts
#165 Spain - Album Charts
#168 USA - Indie Charts
Lost On The Road To Eternity was released by Steamhammer/SPV on 19 January 2018 as 2 CD digipak version incl. bonus live disc, 2LP coloured version, download and stream:
Watch the lyric video for "Without Love" here:
Magnum are scheduled to embark on a major European tour from February to April 2018:
20.02. UK-Bristol - Trinity
21.02. UK-Cardiff - Tramshed
23.02. UK-Holmfirth - Picturedome
24.02. UK-Manchester - Academy 2
25.02. UK-Hull - City Hall (with Saxon) (sold out)
26.02. UK-Aberdeen - Garage
27.02. UK-Glasgow - Garage
01.03. UK-Belfast - Limelight
02.03. UK-Birmingham - Town Hall
04.03. UK-Preston - Guildhall
05.03. UK-Nottingham - Rock City
07.03. UK-Leamington - Assembly
08.03. UK-Cambridge - Junction
09.03. UK-London - Islington Assembly Hall
11.03. UK-Southampton - Engine Room
12.03. UK-Brighton - Old Market
14.03. NL-Leiden - Gebr de Nobel
16.03. SE-Stockholm - Fryshuset Klubben
17.03. NO-Oslo - Rockefeller
18.03. SE-Gothenburg - Sticky Fingers
19.03. SE-Malmoe - KB
21.03. DE-Munich - Ampere
23.03. DE-Nurnberg - Der Hirsch
24.03. DE-Aschaffenburg - Colos-Saal
25.03. DE-Berlin - Columbia Theater
27.03. DE-Bonn - Harmonie
28.03. DE-Stuttgart - Im Wizemann (Club)
29.03. DE-Freiburg - Jazzhaus
31.03. DE-Wuppertal - Live Club Barmen
01.04. NL-Uden - De Pul
03.04. DE-Leipzig - Werk 2
04.04. DE-Hamburg - Fabrik
05.04. DE-Bremen - Aladin
07.04. DE-Neuruppin - Kulturhaus
08.04. PL-Bydgoszcz - Klub Kuzinia
10.04. CZ-Prague - Nova Chemelnice
11.04. DE-Memmingen - Kaminwerk
12.04. CH-Pratteln - Z7
13.04. IT-Milano - Legend
15.04. ES-Barcelona - Bikini
16.04. ES-Madrid - But


MAGNUM - "Without Love" (Lyric Video)

- 20th studio recording out on 19 January 2018 -
- Single and lyric video for "Without Love" - out today -
British rock icons Magnum will release a new digital single and lyric video today. The new song "Without Love" is taken from the forthcoming studio album "Lost On The Road To Eternity".
Lost On The Road To Eternity has been scheduled for release by Steamhammer/SPV on 19 January 2018 as 2 CD digipak version incl. bonus live disc, 2LP coloured version, download and stream:

MAGNUM New Album Track List & Artwork Revealed

Friday, January 19, 2018
News Feed
20th studio recording out on 19 January 2018
Duet with guest vocalist Tobias Sammet on the title song
The release of their latest album Lost On The Road To Eternity sees British hard rock band Magnum celebrate a very special anniversary on 19 January 2018. It will be the 20th studio recording by the group surrounding founder members Bob Catley (vocals) and Tony Clarkin (guitar) since their 1978 debut Kingdom Of Madness. At the same time, Clarkin, Catley and bassist Al Barrow are set to introduce their current line-up featuring new additions Rick Benton (keyboards) and Lee Morris (drums). Benton joined the Magnum camp in December 2016 to replace long-standing member Mark Stanway, while Morris took over from Harry James only a few months ago.
Lost On The Road To Eternity contains eleven new songs, among them the first single release ´Without Love` and a duet by Catley and Tobias Sammet on the title track, a kind of artistic thank you by the Edguy /Avantasia frontman in appreciation of Catley's guest stint on a number of Sammet's releases.
The release will once again be complemented by Rodney Matthews' atmospheric cover artwork as well as a total of four live bonus tracks on the CD digipak version (´Sacred Blood – Divine Lies`, ´Crazy Old Mothers`, ´Your Dreams WWon`t Die` & ´Twelve Men Wise And Just`) recorded at Magnum's 2017 performance at the Leyendas Del Rock festival in Alicante, Spain.
Lost On The Road To Eternity has been scheduled for release by Steamhammer/SPV on 19 January 2018 as digipak version incl. bonus live disc, 2LP coloured version, download and stream.
CD 1
1. Peaches and Cream 4:54
2. Show Me Your Hands 5:45
3. Storm Baby 6:13
4. Welcome to the Cosmic Cabaret 8:08
5. Lost on the Road to Eternity 5:54
6. Without Love 5:55
7. Tell Me What You've Got to Say 6:27
8. Ya Wanna Be Someone 5:56
9. Forbidden Masquerade 5:02
10.Glory to Ashes 5:35
11. King of the World 7:04
CD 2 (Bonus Live Disc)
1. Sacred Blood Divine Lies  6:48
2. Crazy Old Mothers 5:35
3. Your Dreams Won't Die 5:56
4. Twelve Men Wise And Just  6:21
Magnum are scheduled to embark on a major European tour from January to April 2018:
26.01.18 GB-Minehead - Giants Of Rock
20.02.18 GB-Bristol - Trinity
21.02.18 GB-Cardiff - Tramshed
23.02.18 GB-Holmfirth - Picturedome
24.02.18 GB-Manchester - Academy 2
25.02.18 GB-Hull - Welly
26.02.18 GB-Aberdeen - Garage
27.02.18 GB-Glasgow - Garage
01.03.18 GB-Belfast - Limelight
02.03.18 GB-Birmingham - Town Hall
04.03.18 GB-Preston - Guildhall
05.03.18 GB-Nottingham - Rock City
07.03.18 GB-Leamington - Assembly
08.03.18 GB-Cambridge - Junction
09.03.18 GB-London - Islington Assembly Hall
11.03.18 GB-Southampton - Engine Room
12.03.18 GB-Brighton - Old Market
14.03.18 NL-Leiden - Gebr de Nobel
16.03.18 SE-Stockholm - Fryshuset Klubben
17.03.18 NO-Oslo - John Dee
18.03.18 SE-Gothenburg - Sticky Fingers
19.03.18 SE-Malmoe - KB
21.03.18 D-Munich - Ampere
23.03.18 D-Nuremberg - Der Hirsch
24.03.18 D-Aschaffenburg - Colos-Saal
25.03.18 D-Berlin - Columbia Theater
27.03.18 D-Bonn - Harmonie
28.03.18 D-Stuttgart - Im Wizemann
29.03.18 D-Freiburg - Jazzhaus
31.03.18 D-Wuppertal - Live Club Barmen
01.04.18 NL-Uden - De Pul
03.04.18 D-Leipzig - Werk 2
04.04.18 D-Hamburg - Fabrik
05.04.18 D-Bremen - Aladin
07.04.18 D-Neuruppin - Kulturhaus
08.04.18 PL-Bydgoszcz - Klub Kuzinia
10.04.18 CZ-Prague - Nova Chemelnice
11.04.18 D-Memmingen - Kaminwerk
12.04.18 CH-Pratteln - Z7
13.04.18 I-Milano - Legend
15.04.18 E-Barcelona - Bikini
16.04.18 E-Madrid - But


MAGNUM 'The Valley Of Tears - The Ballads' Out January 6

Friday, January 6, 2017
News Feed
Renowned not only for their powerful rock songs but also for countless moving ballads, British rock icons Magnum are set to surprise their fans with a very special release at the very beginning of the coming year: THE VALLEY OF TEARS - THE BALLADS has been scheduled for release on 6 January 2017 (US/Canada: 20 January 2017), an album featuring ten of their most accomplished ballads, all of them remastered and in parts even newly re-recorded and remixed.
Guitarist, composer and producer Tony Clarkin: “The release of this album was originally inspired by my daughter. A few months ago she asked me: ´Magnum have so many beautiful quiet numbers, why don’t you put together a compilation highlighting some of the most powerful tracks?` Olly Hahn of Steamhammer/SPV was immediately taken by the concept, so I set down to work on it.”
THE VALLEY OF TEARS - THE BALLADS contains material from the band’s different creative phases. Along with remastered versions of more recent ballads from albums such as Into The Valley Of The Moonkings, The Visitation and the current studio recording Sacred Blood - Divine Lies, there will also be a newly re-recorded acoustic version of their classic ´Lonely Night` and a new haunting live version of their hit ´When The World Comes Down` from their 1986 cult recording Vigilante.
The release will be supported by selected shows in the UK and Ireland during the run-up to Christmas and a German/Swiss tour where Tony Clarkin and Bob Catley join the "Rock Meets Classic" tour from 30 March 2017. Some more festivals for summer 2017 will be announced shortly.
THE VALLEY OF TEARS - THE BALLADS will be released as a digipak version, downloaad and stream on January 06th, 2017 (USA/Canada January 20th, 2017) through SPV/Steamhammer.
01 Dream About You (remastered)
02 Back in Your Arms Again (newly re-recorded)
03 The Valley of Tears (remixed, remastered)
04 Broken Wheel (newly re-recorded)
05 A Face in the Crowd (remixed, remastered)
06 Your Dreams Won’t Die (remastered)
07 Lonely Night (acoustic version, newly re-recorded)
08 The Last Frontier (remixed, remastered)
09 Putting Things In Place (remixed, remastered)
10 When The World Comes Down (new live version)

06.12.GB-Brighton - Concorde 2
07.12.GB-Cambridge -– Junction
09.12.IE-Dublin - Voodoo Lounge
10.12.GB-Wolvverhampton - Wulfrun Hall
11.12.GB-Edinburgh - Liquid RooRooms
Tony Clarkin and Bob Catley join "Rock Meets Classic"
30.03. D-Trier - Arena31.03. D-Würzburg - S. Oliver Arena
01.04. D-Regensburg - Donau-Arena
02.04. D-Munich - Olympiahalle
04.04. D. D-Neu-Ulm - Ratiopharm Arena
05.04. D-Passau - Dreil-iländerhalle
06.04. D-Ingolstadt - Saturn Arena
07.04. D-Hallle/Westfalen - Gerry Weber Stadion
08.04. D-Berlin - Tempempodrom
10.04. D-Koblenz - Conlog Arena
11.04. D-Kempten  - BigBox
12.04. D-Nuremberg - Frankenhalle
13.04. D-Wetzlarr - Rittal Arena
15.04. D-Frankfurt am Main - Jahrhunderterthalle
17.04. D-Bamberg - Brose Arena
18.04. CH-Zurich  - Hallenstadion
Festival 2017
09.-12.08.E-Villena - Leyendas del Rock Festival

MAGNUM New Album Track LIst & Artwork Revealed

Friday, January 19, 2018
News Feed
20th studio recording out on 19 January 2018
Duet with guest vocalist Tobias Sammet on the title song
The release of their latest album Lost On The Road To Eternity sees British hard rock band Magnum celebrate a very special anniversary on 19 January 2018. It will be the 20th studio recording by the group surrounding founder members Bob Catley (vocals) and Tony Clarkin (guitar) since their 1978 debut Kingdom Of Madness. At the same time, Clarkin, Catley and bassist Al Barrow are set to introduce their current line-up featuring new additions Rick Benton (keyboards) and Lee Morris (drums). Benton joined the Magnum camp in December 2016 to replace long-standing member Mark Stanway, while Morris took over from Harry James only a few months ago.
Lost On The Road To Eternity contains eleven new songs, among them the first single release ´Without Love` and a duet by Catley and Tobias Sammet on the title track, a kind of artistic thank you by the Edguy /Avantasia frontman in appreciation of Catley's guest stint on a number of Sammet's releases.
The release will once again be complemented by Rodney Matthews' atmospheric cover artwork as well as a total of four live bonus tracks on the CD digipak version (´Sacred Blood – Divine Lies`, ´Crazy Old Mothers`, ´Your Dreams WWon`t Die` & ´Twelve Men Wise And Just`) recorded at Magnum's 2017 performance at the Leyendas Del Rock festival in Alicante, Spain.
Lost On The Road To Eternity has been scheduled for release by Steamhammer/SPV on 19 January 2018 as digipak version incl. bonus live disc, 2LP coloured version, download and stream.
CD 1
1. Peaches and Cream 4:54
2. Show Me Your Hands 5:45
3. Storm Baby 6:13
4. Welcome to the Cosmic Cabaret 8:08
5. Lost on the Road to Eternity 5:54
6. Without Love 5:55
7. Tell Me What You've Got to Say 6:27
8. Ya Wanna Be Someone 5:56
9. Forbidden Masquerade 5:02
10.Glory to Ashes 5:35
11. King of the World 7:04
CD 2 (Bonus Live Disc)
1. Sacred Blood Divine Lies  6:48
2. Crazy Old Mothers 5:35
3. Your Dreams Won't Die 5:56
4. Twelve Men Wise And Just  6:21
Magnum are scheduled to embark on a major European tour from January to April 2018:
26.01.18 GB-Minehead - Giants Of Rock
20.02.18 GB-Bristol - Trinity
21.02.18 GB-Cardiff - Tramshed
23.02.18 GB-Holmfirth - Picturedome
24.02.18 GB-Manchester - Academy 2
25.02.18 GB-Hull - Welly
26.02.18 GB-Aberdeen - Garage
27.02.18 GB-Glasgow - Garage
01.03.18 GB-Belfast - Limelight
02.03.18 GB-Birmingham - Town Hall
04.03.18 GB-Preston - Guildhall
05.03.18 GB-Nottingham - Rock City
07.03.18 GB-Leamington - Assembly
08.03.18 GB-Cambridge - Junction
09.03.18 GB-London - Islington Assembly Hall
11.03.18 GB-Southampton - Engine Room
12.03.18 GB-Brighton - Old Market
14.03.18 NL-Leiden - Gebr de Nobel
16.03.18 SE-Stockholm - Fryshuset Klubben
17.03.18 NO-Oslo - John Dee
18.03.18 SE-Gothenburg - Sticky Fingers
19.03.18 SE-Malmoe - KB
21.03.18 D-Munich - Ampere
23.03.18 D-Nuremberg - Der Hirsch
24.03.18 D-Aschaffenburg - Colos-Saal
25.03.18 D-Berlin - Columbia Theater
27.03.18 D-Bonn - Harmonie
28.03.18 D-Stuttgart - Im Wizemann
29.03.18 D-Freiburg - Jazzhaus
31.03.18 D-Wuppertal - Live Club Barmen
01.04.18 NL-Uden - De Pul
03.04.18 D-Leipzig - Werk 2
04.04.18 D-Hamburg - Fabrik
05.04.18 D-Bremen - Aladin
07.04.18 D-Neuruppin - Kulturhaus
08.04.18 PL-Bydgoszcz - Klub Kuzinia
10.04.18 CZ-Prague - Nova Chemelnice
11.04.18 D-Memmingen - Kaminwerk
12.04.18 CH-Pratteln - Z7
13.04.18 I-Milano - Legend
15.04.18 E-Barcelona - Bikini
16.04.18 E-Madrid - But


MAGNUM Issue New Tour Trailer Video

Friday, February 26, 2016
Tour News

British melodic rock icons MAGNUM are releasing a new tour teaser for their The Sacred Blood "Divine" Lies - Tour 2016.

The band also thank the fans for the great support and the fantastic first week charts-entries in Europe. In Germany the album charted at #20, in Sweden at #23, in Switzerland at #26, in England at #31 (the best entry since 1992), in Austria at #57 and in Belgium at #145 (the first time ever in this country).
Sacred Blood "Divine" Lies - again with a fantastic cover by Rodney Matthews - is out now as a digipak version incl. DVD, 2LP coloured version, CD and download.

MAGNUM Live 2016

20.04.SE-Gothenburg - Sticky Fingers
21.04.SE-Stockholm - Debaser Medis
22.04.SE-Örebro - Kulturhuset
23.04.SE-Malmö - Babel
25.04.D-Nürnberg - Hirsch
26.04.D-Augsburg - Spectrum
28.04.D-Ingolstadt - Eventhalle
29.04.D-Memmingen - Kaminwerk
30.04.CH-Pratteln - Z7
02.05.D-Munich - Ampere
03.05.D-Aschaffenburg - Colos-Saal
04.05.D-Hamburg - Fabrik
06.05.D-Berlin - Columbia Theater
07.05.D-Worpswede - Music Hall
08.05.D-Bochum - Zeche
10.05.NL-Zoetermeer - Boerderij
11.05.GB-Southhampton - The Brook
12.05.GB-Cardiff - Tramshed
13.05.GB-London - Islington Assembly Hall
14.05.GB-Oxford - O2 Academy
16.05.GB-Norwich - Waterfront
17.05.GB-Nottingham - Rock City
19.05.GB-Birmingham - O2 Institute
20.05.GB-Holmfirth - Picturedome
21.05.GB-Manchester - Academy 2
22.05.GB-Newcastle - O2 Academy
24.05.GB-Aberdeen - Garage
25.05.GB-Glasgow - Garage
27.05.GB-Belfast - Limelight 1
29.05.GB-Bristol - O2 Academy
30.05.GB-Leamington Spa - Assembly

MAGNUM Festival 2016

30.07.16 D-Seebronn - Rock Of Ages Open Air

Tony Clarkin
- guitars
Bob Catley - vocals
Mark Stanway - keyboards
Al Barrow - bass
Harry James - drums

MAGNUM - Sacred Blood & Divine Lies (Review)

information persons: 
Produced By: 
Tony Clarkin
Release Date: 
Musical Style: 
Melodic Rock
Friday, February 26, 2016
Magnum are one of my favourite bands of all time. I’ve been a lot harder on their post-reformation releases as I felt they just didn’t stack up against the classic era albums. I struggle to listen to Breath of Life or Brand New Morning at all these days, but Princess Alice and the Broken Arrow was more impressive. Since then it’s been a general progression up the scale. On The 13th Day I gave a 95 and Escape From The Shadow Garden a 96. I even gave The Visitation a 93, showing that in my mind, the band has been getting better with each release. But that march stops here.
I’ve had this album 3 months now. It’s been played over and over and over again and my emotions have changed several times throughout that time.
I’m only now comfortable to review the new album in detail. I’ve struggled with it and I’ve played it so much I began to like some elements I didn’t previously. But now the dust has settled and I can look at this objectively – as someone who grew up on Storytellers, Vigilante, Wings Of Heaven and on…
On its own, there’s a lot to like. But the reality is that I’ve heard it all before. And I think I’ve come to the decision I’ve had enough of this style.
The beauty of classic Magnum was that you never really knew what Tony Clarkin would serve up next. Every album had its own sound, its own feel and its own tempo.
That changed when the band reformed. On each album since, it has been a pretty consistent and continual hard edged delivery each time.
Each album has offered hints of the past as Tony delved into some classic sounds or Mark Stanway had greater influence over the song structure, but still nothing has come close to the perfection that is 85-92 Magnum.
The other problem with the band’s current day albums is that all too familiar slow plodding pace that the guys rarely break out of. That's the biggest issue I have and am totally over.
Of the 10 main tracks on Sacred Blood Divine Lies, there are only 2 that go beyond second gear and the sequence of tracks is again done in a way to prevent the album from getting rolling.
There are some definite positives here – Bob is singing better than on the last couple and the production quality is probably the best of the recent albums.
The near 7 minute opener Sacred Blood "Divine" Lies has that same crunchy guitar riff magnum fans know and some impressive Bob Catley vocals and a chorus that appeals pretty quickly. I like that Mark Stanway stamps his authority on this track with some classic keyboards.
Unfortunately Crazy Old Mothers heads straight into the plods. I really don’t like slow moving tracks so quickly after a momentum building opening.
But if we do have to have a slow, heavy plodder here, this track is one of the better ones of its style. It has a gritty, guitar heavy chorus that’s short but effective.
The opening minute to Gypsy Queen would suggest we might be heading back to classic 80s Magnum. It’s slow but I’m anticipating something big. Unfortunately no, it doesn’t head that way at all. I’m still not sold on this track as the structure is all too familiar – slow verse, heavier mid-tempo chorus and repeat.
Princess in Rags (The Cult) is thankfully a big lift in tempo as the band gets out of second gear to deliver another familiar sounding tune (slow verse again, but the mood suits the song) that rocks along at a good pace and a chorus that stands out as one of the better ones on offer.
Your Dreams Won't Die is a long pleasant sentimental ballad, but steers the album straight back into ‘go slow’ and I’m not really connecting with this song over some of the band’s better ballads. And let’s face it – Magnum has some of the most epic and brilliant ballads of any band, any time.
I’m beginning to get really frustrated about now. I really don’t like the ultra-slow plod of the go nowhere track Afraid of the Night. I just want the band to speed up a little and deliver some huge choruses like the old days. This track is really pedestrian and sounds way too similar to I Didn’t Like You Anyway.
A Forgotten Conversation is once again slow of course, but I do like Catley’s vocal intro and the orchestration adds a bit of texture. The pace doubles for the chorus, but that still puts it at mind-tempo at best and the chorus isn’t that memorable.
Quiet Rhapsody gives the illusion of rocking harder and faster only because the rest of the album is so slow. I do like the riff on offer and the chorus is marginally more effective than some others.
Twelve Men Wise and Just features another slow start, but picks up pace as it goes and evolves into one of the faster and better tracks and should in my opinion been moved up to second place in the sequence. A fine Catley vocal impresses.
The semi-acoustic driven Don't Cry Baby uses the same formula as half the album before it – slow intro, faster chorus. It swaps back and forth a few times. There’s no real chorus again, but the mood of the song and Bob’s vocals make it worthwhile.
The Digipak edition offers three additional tracks. But each of the 3 is embedded within the second DVD disc. I don’t get that at all. That’s making it hard for fans to appreciate the tunes in places only digital or CDs go.
Phantom Of Paradise Circus is more varied than anything Magnum have delivered in a while. The tempo moves along too, making you wonder why it isn’t part of the main album. No stand out chorus as such, but a decent track.
Don’t Give Up is yet another pretty fast moving rocker, which is a blessing to hear. This is more Rock Art styled Magnum, with fast riff and a good beat and a solid chorus.
No God Or Saviour is a moody rocker that starts slow (again), but the change of pace with the chorus and the accompanying guitar riff again offers more diversity and originality than the album’s main block of tracks. Puzzling as to why it’s not part of the official album.
Don’t Give Up and No God Or Saviour should have made the full album and I would have dropped Afraid Of The Night and maybe even Forgotten Conversation, not to mention shuffling the sequencing around once again.

My love of Magnum remains and always will, but I think this album is a step backwards after the best album post-reformation – Escape From The Shadow Garden. Make that three steps back, as I rate this behind Thirteenth Day and Visitation too.
On its own, Sacred Blood is probably better than I’ve marked, but I’m feeling it is just too similar to what has come before it. It’s the same Magnum mid-to-slow-tempo pace, it’s the same restrained choruses that lack the intensity, the passion and the pomp glory of tracks like Days Of No Trust, Maybe Tonight, On A Storytellers Night, When The World Comes Down, Heartbroke And Busted et all.
I just want my old Magnum back. Or at least I want the new Magnum to pick up the damn pace already and deliver some of those anthemic singalong choruses we know and love. I reallt think the guys could use an outside producer to help - I know they have a true masterpiece left in them.

MAGNUM Video Teaser From 'Sacred Blood & Divine Lies' Album

Friday, February 26, 2016
News Feed
New video teaser released - New album Sacred Blood "Divine" Lies out February 26th, 2016 - More tour dates confirmed.

British melodic rock icons MAGNUM are releasing a video teaser for the new studio album Sacred Blood "Divine" Lies. The full song of "Don`t Grow Up" can be heard on the bonus DVD of the limited edition version.

Sacred Blood "Divine" Lies - again with a fantastic cover by Rodney Matthews - has been scheduled for release by Steamhammer/SPV on 26 February 2016 as digipak version incl. DVD, 2LP coloured version, CD and download.

MAGNUM Live 2016

19.04.DK-Frederiksvaerk - Gjethuset
20.04.SE-Gothenburg - Sticky Fingers
21.04.SE-Stockholm - Debaser Medis
22.04.SE-Örebro - Kulturhuset
23.04.SE-Helsingborg - The Tivoli
25.04.D-Nürnberg - Hirsch
26.04.D-Augsburg - Spectrum
28.04.D-Ingolstadt - Eventhalle
29.04.D-Memmingen - Kaminwerk
30.04.CH-Pratteln - Z7
02.05.D-Munich - Ampere
03.05.D-Aschaffenburg - Colos-Saal
04.05.D-Hamburg - Fabrik
06.05.D-Berlin - Columbia Theater
07.05.D-Worpswede - Music Hall
08.05.D-Bochum - Zeche
10.05.NL-Zoetermeer - Boerderij (new)
11.05.GB-Southhampton - The Brook (new)
12.05.GB-Cardiff - Tramshed (new)
13.05.GB-London - Islington Assembly Hall (new)
14.05.GB-Oxford - O2 Academy (new)
16.05.GB-Norwich - Waterfront (new)
17.05.GB-Nottingham - Rock City (new)
19.05.GB-Birmingham - O2 Institute (new)
20.05.GB-Holmfirth - Picturedome (new)
21.05.GB-Manchester - Academy 2 (new)
22.05.GB-Newcastle - O2 Academy (new)
24.05.GB-Aberdeen - Garage (new)
25.05.GB-Glasgow - Garage (new)
27.05.GB-Belfast - Limelight 1 (new)
29.05.GB-Bristol - O2 Academy (new)
30.05.GB-Leamington Spa - Assembly (new)
30.07.16 D-Seebronn - Rock Of Ages Open Air


DigiPak Version CD+DVD

01 Sacred Blood "Divine" Lies  6:41
02 Crazy Old Mothers 5:48
03 Gypsy Queen 4:29
04 Princess in Rags (The Cult) 5:27
05 Your Dreams Won't Die 5:25
06 Afraid of the Night 4:32
07 A Forgotten Conversation 4:56
08 Quiet Rhapsody 5:40
09 Twelve Men Wise and Just 6:18
10 Don't Cry Baby 5:05


Bonus Videos
1. Sacred Blood "Divine" Lies 6:41
2. Crazy Old Mothers 5:48

Bonus Audio Tracks
1. Phantom Of Paradise Circus 5:54
2. Don`t Grow Up 4:47
3. No God Or Saviour 5:53

Jewel Case Version

01 Sacred Blood "Divine" Lies  6:41
02 Crazy Old Mothers 5:48
03 Gypsy Queen 4:29
04 Princess in Rags (The Cult) 5:27
05 Your Dreams Won't Die 5:25
06 Afraid of the Night 4:32
07 A Forgotten Conversation 4:56
08 Quiet Rhapsody 5:40
09 Twelve Men Wise and Just 6:18
10 Don't Cry Baby 5:05

2LP Version

Side A
01 Sacred Blood "Divine" Lies  6:41
02 Crazy Old Mothers 5:48
Side B
01 Gypsy Queen 4:29
02 Princess in Rags (The Cult) 5:27
03 Your Dreams Won't Die 5:25

Side A
01 Afraid of the Night 4:32
02 A Forgotten Conversation 4:56
03 Quiet Rhapsody 5:38
Side B
01 Twelve Men Wise and Just 6:18
02 Don't Cry Baby 5:05

Tony Clarkin - guitars
Bob Catley - vocals
Mark Stanway - keyboards
Al Barrow - bass
Harry James - drums


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