Tango Down


TANGO DOWN - Bulletproof (Review)

information persons: 
Produced By: 
Ty Sims
Release Date: 
Musical Style: 
Melodic Hard Rock
Kivel Records
Release Year: 
Tango Down are a very consistent American rock band. This is their 5th album in 11 years, which is a pretty good recording rate. I’ve liked each album and the guys have always delivered on their brand of kick ass hard rock with splashes of more melodic AOR tunes in between the rockers.
On Bulletproof the band come out firing with one of their best rockers yet in Punching Bag. New vocalist Chas West is a favourite of mine – his voice is perfect for this material and he slides between the punchier rockers and the more melodic numbers with ease.
Which is exactly what he does with the second track Give Me A Reason, the harmony filled mid-tempo AOR track is a nice contrast from the opener.
A couple of mid-tempo rockers dominate next, the bass is a little loud in the mix on the track Carry On (same issue as with Maxx Explosion), but it’s a fine menacing tune.
When We Were Young is another mellower moment – fans of AOR with a kick will love this. It has shades of Adriangale and Def Leppard to it. I don’t have any credits, but it wouldn’t surprise me to see Jace Pawlack responsible for this tune.
I have to profess my love for the melody and chorus hook of Going Under, one of the album’s finest. But at the same time I can’t get past the drum rhythm. It doesn’t seem to fit the song at all. The verse beat seems out of step with the vocals and just doesn’t suit the melodies being carried by the vocals.
The album needed a kick ass rocker by now and Superstar delivers the goods. A nice dirty rocker.
The tempo dips again immediately after for the moody ballad Edge of Goodbye – which is quite superb. A killer chorus and some pristine vocals. A hit single in any other decade.
Back to a fast tempo on the not too heavy Anything Can Change which offers something different than the heavier rockers.
The album closes as it began, with a nice high energy, gritty rocker in Broken Heart.

Overall, the songwriting on this album is probably the best of any Tango Down album. The vocals are unquestionably the best and you can’t argue with the riffing either.
It’s a very good slice of American melodic hard rock featuring Scott Miller, one of the scene’s most underrated shredders.
The only issue I have with anything is perhaps the sequencing of songs and bits and pieces in the production. But overall, I highly recommend! Well done lads.

TANGO DOWN 'Bulletproof' Due in August

Release Year: 
News Feed
News from Kivel Records: “Fronted by monster frontman and vocalist, Chas West (Lynch Mob, Resurrection Kings, Jason Bonham) on lead vocals. Tango Down delivers what we feel is their BEST offering to date.
We know it has been a little bit of a wait. But we really wanted to ensure this would really knock your socks off!! Both label and band owe it to you to deliver and not let you down.
Everyone from top to bottom wanted to make sure that this album was not only good, but it was THAT GOOD!!!
Scott and myself have always taken a personal challenge to make sure every TD album raises the bar and surpasses the previous one. IMHO I feel that we have accomplished that, not only in the past, but have done so yet again. As Bulletproof, imho, no doubt, IS the BEST Tango Down has ever delivered . I couldn't be happier or prouder of everyone involved with this release. We promise that it’s going to satisfy for sure.
Of course It goes without saying, MAD PROPS to Ty Sims for being Bob Rock to our Motley Crue.
IF ANYONE WOULD LIKE TO PRE ORDER for the August release pay pal $16 (shipping is included) to RockHausemusic@hotmail.com for European customers , $21 (shipping is included) New website coming in August as well.
Now click it and crank it:



TANGO DOWN Are 'Bulletproof' in 2016

Release Year: 
News Feed

Tango Down is back, and Bulletproof!  Getting ready for a new chapter and new material = new album. The new road tested lineup features great Chas West (Bonham, Lnch Mob)(vocals), Scott Miller (guitars), Axel Gessner (bass) and Keith Michaels (drums).
Some of new material was premiered at Rock N Skull this past October, all to rave reviews from all in attendance. Thank You Pekin Illinois, you humbled us all.

After long months of pre-production and getting the songs just right, the Rock N Skull appearance was the final "test" of the new material.  With the positive feedback, one thing was left to do -enter the studio.

We couldn't be happier with the end results of everyone's hard work.  The band is in final stages of recording, then the mixing process will begin soon after.  Mixing will be in the capable hands and ears of Ty Sims (Bombay Black and House of Lords "Indestructible".)

We are looking at a early April release, and we promise that this WILL be the best TANGO DOWN release to date

New Kivel Records website is currently under construction.  So, for Pre-orders of this album, please send to PayPal via: RockHausemusic@hotmail.com

USA Customers Paypal:  $16.50 (Shipping included)
International Customers Paypal:  $21.00 (Shipping included)

ALL pre Orders get a signed 11x14 color print.

TANGO DOWN Welcomes Vocalist CHAS WEST

Thursday, December 31, 2015
News Feed
TANGO DOWN have announced their new vocalist after the departure of David Reece. News just in from Kivel Records:
"We said we were going to lay low for a few months and enjoy the holidays. We all greatly appreciate the response that ‘Charming Devil’ continues to receive. We took time to sit back and soak everything in over the last year. All the good, and not so good, and in the end what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger (we think somebody famous said that).
Well, we’ve been quiet long enough. It’s time to kick the tires and get things back into gear. So, let’s start off with the obvious question that is on everyone’s mind. WHO is our new singer? Of course finding the right guy was going to prove to be a daunting task to say the least. However, we were up to the challenge, and we couldn’t be more pleased with our selection. So folks, we give you Chas West! Please welcome him to the TANGO DOWN fold!
As a front man, Chas first came to prominence as lead vocalist for BONHAM, featuring Jason Bonham on drums (son of the late, great John Bonham of LED ZEPPELIN), recording two major-label albums (Sony/MJJ) and touring the world extensively.
Chas has also held the lead vocal slot and toured with George Lynch’s LYNCH MOB. In between LYNCH MOB stints, Chas fronted the HOLLYWOOD ALLSTARZ (which included members of BLACK SABBATH, QUIET RIOT, DIO, RATT, & DOKKEN). Chas has also been given the ultimate nod of approval from one of the premier legends of Rock and Roll, Mr. Robert Plant (LED ZEPPELIN). After hearing Chas for the first time, Plant had this to say, "He sounds like me when I was his age". No better compliment or stronger validation could be asked for.

Chas West is a vocal wailer who has the power and grit of Chris Cornell, and the range and rock star attitude of Robert Plant. We could not be happier or more excited to welcome such an amazing talent into the band. Together we will not disappoint. Songs are currently being written, six of which have been approved and checked off that pesky To-Do List. One of these new songs may just be the best TANGO DOWN song ever!
TANGO DOWN, 2015 we are back and we are BIG, BAD & BULLETPROOF!
New album ‘Bulletproof’ coming Fall 2015 on Kivel Records
And now, a video message from Chas himself! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bPofRWGy6VE

TANGO DOWN - 'Charming Devil' (Review)

information persons: 
section name: 
Produced By: 
Ty Sims
Running Time: 
Release Date: 
Musical Style: 
Melodic Hard Rock
Kivel Records
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
US rockers Tango Down follow up their acclaimed ass-kicking Identity Crisis record in quick fashion with the new album Charming Devil, featuring the same lineup, fronted by vocalist David Reece and riff man Scott Miller.
It’s a case of more of the same from the band here – ass kicking, high energy, American melodic hard rock, with harmonies throughout and plenty of riffing for the guitar-heads out there.
David Reece sounds in great voice here – it’s another polished performance from the veteran vocalist.
Plenty of highlights here with songs penned mostly by friend to the Kivel label, Jace Pawlak, either writing on his own or with guitarist Miller. Production is by Ty Sims, and one can hear the Bombay Black style harmonies throughout the album, with the band’s frontman Erik Johnson lending a hand there.
I will say though, the one detrimental aspect of the album is the bass heavy mix. Overall it’s bearable, but there are a couple of songs where it is truly overbearing and not easy on the ears to listen to without adjusting audio settings.
Song highlights include the opening track Bad Reputation, a solid, attitude filled track to push off in style.
The title track Charming Devil is a cool rocker, but the pounding bass heavy mix really takes away from my enjoyment of it.
Too Many Roads is one of the best rock power ballads of this or any year. Reece sounds amazing and the added piano adds texture to the already impressive song. The huge chorus knocks it out of the park.
Change My World is another catchy tune while the ultra-catchy, anthemic Tomorrow Never Comes is as impressive as it gets on Charming Devil.
Closing the album is the second ballad of the album, even if it’s sentimental with a kick. Another classy tune.

I favor Identity Crisis over this new album, but songwise it’s a very close call. Both albums feature some real gems and fully deliver on expectations. But the mix here has definitely impacted on my overall enjoyment of it.
American melodic hard rock is alive and well with Tango Down and long may it continue.

DAVID REECE Announces Departure From TANGO DOWN

Monday, October 13, 2014
News Feed
Vocalist David Reece has just announced his deprture from Tango Down.
"Dear friends, I'm posting to inform you I've left Tango Down as of last nights show.I wish to thank each and every one of you for your love and support! I'm focusing on my recording and touring with EZ livin as well as future solo projects see you all soon..."Reece
Tango Down have responded: "As in life all journeys come to a fork in the road. Our brother of the last 4 years, two albums and playing through out the United States will be moving on as we part ways. We wish David all the best in his endeavors both personal and musical. Look out for him as we are sure he has a lot more left in his tank.
As for what is ahead of the rest of the Charming Devils. Well TANGO DOWN is NOT done by any means we can assure you. We are already in writing mode and have plans underway for what our next step will be. Rest assured we promise that Tango Down will continue to satisfy everyone as we have in the past and continue to raise the bar again and again. Remember, it's only Rock N Roll.....AND WE LIKE IT!!"



TANGO DOWN Release New Streaming Track from 'Charming Devil'

Monday, August 18, 2014
News Feed
"We are soooooo close to the home stretch it's not even funny. The TANGO DOWN master is scheduled to be sent to the manufacture this coming week. Then we head for the finish line.  First we dropped the album art, then we dropped the title track Charming Devil, followed by the behind the scenes video. As if that wasn't enough to get you pumped, we thought we'd show you another side of Tango Down's "Charming Devil". Something with that is a little more "aggressive". We are proud to give you, "Change My World"
All pre orders will receive a Official TANGO DOWN Dog Tag with two sided art. As well as a Charming Devil sticker."

TANGO DOWN Preview Another Track From 'Charming Devil'

Friday, August 1, 2014
News Feed
News from Kivel Records:
So we have received a lot of great feedback from the new TANGO DOWN song, and we couldn't be happier with the response so far. We have been equally pleased with the positive comments and feedback from the bands photo shoot. So we thought we would combine the two elements together for everyone. 
So here it is, a behind the scenes from the Charming Devil photo shoot. Title track included.   This video will give you a glimpse at the scale and production that went into this 10 hour day. Props and appreciation to the entire team that worked on this , we cant express our gratitude for helping us achieve this ambitious concept and shoot.  Don't forget to pre order your copy now at www.kivelrecords.com
ENJOY, and thank you for showing this modest label and our bands such love and support.

TANGO DOWN Charming Devil Out in August - Preview Title Track!

Monday, July 28, 2014
News Feed

Tango Down is Back and dressed to impress with their latest offering, CHARMING DEVIL! The bands latest offering with vocalist David Reece, Guitarist Scott Miller,  Bassist Ronnie Parkes and Drummer Keith Michaels.

No question, this will be the bands best release to date! Taking all of the best elements from their previous releases, and combining them into one focused precise musical assault on the senses. If you enjoyed Identity Crisis, than you are going to LOVE Charming Devil.

We appreciate everyone being patient with this release, and the wait is almost over as August draws closer.  Both Band, Label and Producer really wanted to take time nurturing it. We took our time with Identity Crisis , and it proved to pay off. No different here, and we couldn't be happier with the results thus far. We are in the home stretch and can see the finish line. We promise that it will be very much worth the wait!
Ty Sims is busting ass as we speak getting the final mix just right. So in the meantime, here's the title track for you to hear and enjoy. 

Due This August on Kivel Records

PRE ORDER NOW!! www.kivelrecords.com
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