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Herbie Herbert (2008)

    Herbie Herbert: One Man's Journey Herbie Herbert is one of the music industries most colorful characters. For a period of time he was the #1 manager in the business, taking Journey – a band he put together with Neal Schon – to become a multi-Platinum selling stadium act. And in taking the band to the stadiums, he also helped pioneer the way we watch bands in such settings. The video screens and high-tech productions that dominate tours today were developed by Herbie and the company he and Neal remain partners in – Nocturne – who are today behind tours by U2, Madonna, Metallica, Def Leppard and of course, Journey. Herbie also broke Swedish hard rock act Europe in America, not to mention taking Mr. Big, Roxette and Steve Miller Band to more Platinum sales and sold out worldwide tours. He is vocal in his opinions and calls it like he sees it, which doesn't always please some folks on the receiving end. But few people have been in the position Herbie was in and when the chance to interview an industry legend presents itself you don't turn that down. I have long followed the business side of the music industry, so Herbie's insights ...

HammerFall (2005)

HammerFall:How Swede It Is   Something a little different. Lucas Aykroyd of Vancouver, Canada talks to Sweden's HammerFall. Lucas recently interviewed HammerFall guitarist Oscar Dronjak for a Georgia Straight preview of the band's August 25 concert in Vancouver. There was a ton of left over material, so Lucas kindly sent in the full interview for fans to check out. HammerFall jumpstarted the European power metal revival with their 1997 release, Glory to the Brave. Since then, they've released four more studio albums (Legacy Of Kings, Renegade, Crimson Thunder, and 2005's Chapter V: Unbent, Unbowed, Unbroken). Their hook-laden sound, melding elements of Judas Priest, Europe, and Accept, has resulted in worldwide sales of more than 1 million albums. Interviewer Lucas Aykroyd caught up with guitarist and songwriting mastermind Oscar Dronjak in early August 2005, just after the start of the quintet's Canadian tour. How did you hook up with fellow power metal artists Edguy for this leg? Edguy are old friends of ours. We toured together in '99 in Europe. If you play a similar style of music, you tend to end up at the same festivals. So we kept in touch over the years. Most importantly, we have the same booking agency in ...

Heaven & Earth (2005)

  Heaven & Earth: All Is Revealed. Guitarist Stuart Smith talks Heaven & Earth - past and present - that re-release and missing lead singers included!   Stu, I guess the main objective of this interview is to promote the re-issue of the debut Heaven & Earth release…itself a bit of a classic. Now, why the need for a new version - especially as it's already been released in Asia and Europe separately? As you know we started our own label Black Star Records that, for the time being, is focusing on the States. The worldwide rights to the first Heaven & Earth album have finally reverted back to me and we felt that this would be an ideal first release as it's never been brought out officially over here. Did copies of the initial release make it through to the USA at the time, or are you finding fans are picking it up now? There were copies of this album in the States as the companies that released it in other territories had exported it over here, which was expressly against the contractual agreements we had with them but it's no use blaming a shark for being a ...

Harem Scarem (2003)

Harem Scarem: Classic Harem keeps taking melodic rock higher. The voice of Harem Scarem, Harry Hess, talks about the new album Higher, all things to do with the band and other stuff like producing and screaming on new tracks for Jack Frost. Hi Harry, good to talk to you as usual. Thanks for sending me a preview of the Jack Frost track. He was in a band called Sabotage or Savatage, I guess, for a while. He was the guitar player. He's done a bunch of different projects. I think one is called Seven Witches or something like that. That's right… He's from New Jersey. He's a guitar player and he called me up and asked me if I'd do two songs on his solo record with him, so I'm doing that. It's kind of funny. It's metal, and I'm yelling. It's hilarious. I thought, "Well that would be funny; I haven't done anything like that in like 20 fuckin' years." So I thought that would be entertaining and it sure is. Not since Blind Vengeance! That's right, exactly. I haven't yelled like this in a long time. I love your comment on the track rundown you did for me for ...

Johnny Gioeli - Hardline (2002)

I caught up with Johnny at this year's Gods 2002 Festival, but didn't get a chance for that interview. Instead, I talked to Johnny a few weeks ago via phone, catching Johnny hard at work in the office... I may get interrupted once or twice so you'll have to bear with me. This week Andrew you just wouldn't believe what's happened with my business. I have over 100,000 orders this week. Are you serious? I am dead serious as a heart attack. I have a client who has a huge hit, a television hit. It's a tiny Portable sewing machine and we can't keep up with the orders. We can't produce them fast enough in China. It's just unbelievable and that's just what's on backorder. For the weekend we sold 30,000 of the things. Someone's getting rich quick? Yup. We're all taking a piece of that action. You take it when you can because these television Infomercials have a life expectancy of about 8 months. If you get a year out of them that's great. So the business that you and Joey set up is really happening for you? Yeah it's out of control. Seasonally we average about 100 employees. We have 30,000 square feet of ...

Hair Of The Dog (2000)

I am totally floored at the quality of the album. Really? Yeah it was above and beyond what I was expecting to hear. Oh thank you. We're huge rock fans and I gotta tell you there were a lot of ways we could've done this record. The musical climate right now in the U.S and I'm pretty sure around the rest of the world and the thing we were up against when we made this record was to either do what we'd done all along and pay attention to our roots like early Van Halen, Aerosmith, Kiss and AC/DC or we could have gone the other way and totally gone industrial with loops and all different kinds of stuff and make that kind of record. But you know what we couldn't have done that because we're not that kind of band. We're a real rock band. I'm so pleased to hear that because several years ago there were a lot of bands making music influenced by the early '80's and the '70's and making records in that vein, but bands today, I don't know who they're influenced by. I wonder what did they grow up on. ...

Rubber - Harry Hess (1999)

Hey Harry. So the album is called Rubber then? Yep! So the album is called Rubber - maybe that's what you are going to call yourselves now for outside Japan? Yeah. We decided to change the name for everywhere except Japan, cause things are going so well for us in Japan, but we thought a good tie in would be to produce the same album cover and call the album Rubber. Sure, that makes for a smooth transition then doesn't it? Well hopefully, yeah..haha. Love the Rubber ducky by the way. Haha thanks! Canadian release date? Not until the New Year. They are going to be starting to go to radio in Jan - so either late Feb. or beginning of March release. It's going to be quite staggered because the Harem Scarem record isn't coming out anywhere but Japan. So we are really going to be concentrating getting things in motion for this release for Rubber and because it's a new thing they want to have a long build up time to get things organized. And we are also going to be working on other territories that we have let slip in the last few years. We are ...

Heartland (2005)

Heartland: Moving On To Better Things Heartland's Steve Morris and Chris Ousey discuss the band's cracking new studio album Move On. Steve is highlighted in green and Chris in blue. G'Day Chris and Steve, Great to take this opportunity to talk to you about the smashing new Heartland album - one which I have a lot of enthusiasm for. Chris - to you first - not too many people are still in the business closing in on 20 years since their debut album. We all know this business doesn't work on talent alone - how have you managed to stay in it for so long? Has it been that long? That's truly scary, but I don't think a passion for music can ever be discarded. I also class myself as very lucky that there's always been people interested enough in what I do, to want to help and encourage me to continue. I know I certainly hold this opinion, but do you consider yourself unlucky not to have broken into a wider audience and acclaim? You have a great standing within the melodic rock community, but with a voice such as yours, I think you are unlucky not to be a ...

Human Temple (2004)

Human Temple: Breaking through for their debut album. Finland's Human Temple talk about their debut album Insomnia and what else they get up to. Human Temple's debut album is in stores now. Are you happy with the result? - Yeah. We took our time working on the tracks, and I think you can hear it. When did the band form and how did you guys all know each other? - I've been in various bands with Petri (drums) ever since we were really young, and you could say that they were all sort of early versions of HT. The first official Human Temple line-up was formed in 1998. The other current members weren't in the band back then though. First to enter was our bass player Harri, from the cover band SEX A.M., guitarist Jari used to be in my solo band too and I've known keyboard player Tony for years. What bands were you in prior to Human Temple? - I have had a solo career since 1995, before that (and during all these years) I've been in many hard rock groups, but none of them have released anything. What are your personal influences as far as music goes? - ...

Hobbit (2004)

Hobbit: Standing Two Feet Tall! Hobbit are one unique band - and their All For The One concept album has been hailed by pomp and prog fans as a masterpiece. So those unfamiliar - here's the story behind the band, their influences and that legend of an album. You guys have a most unusual history if I dare say so. Your first foray into the business started out well, supporting a range of bands and creating quite a buzz. Why did it go wrong and where did it go wrong? Probably every rock n roll band that didn't become hugely successful will burn out one day. Hobbit had great potential and some good opportunities back in the early 80's. One thought is that we didn't have the right material for the time, but it was the legal problems with management that plagued us, as we look back. What was the last frustration to cause you to split? There wasn't really a single event or conflict between any of us. We pushed very hard for about 7 years. We four did not split on bad terms at all. We simply reached the end of our mission; it didn't work, and we all ...

Hugo (2004)

Hugo: The fire still burns... Hugo talks about the recording and release of his new solo album Fire In The Night and a little of the other things in his life.     G'Day Hugo, let's get straight to the new album - Fire In The Night. Where did the title come from? It's basically the idea of keeping that dream alive! Whatever it may be, it is a very powerful thing having a vision. Often, it's the one thing that keeps you positive and motivated. For me, it was having music. When I was growing up and I had a shitty day at school or work, I always knew that there was practice or a gig that weekend to keep me going!! It's something we all have and can never let go of!!!!! You had better let everyone know where it will be available from and how they can pay/purchase it..... You can get it by going to and please specify if you would like it autographed or personalized. I will be signing all copies that leave my hands!! It's my way of saying thanks for hanging in there while I figure out a way ...

House Of Lords (2004)

House Of Lords: A new decade, a new sound. The new House Of Lords album has a lot of people talking. Everyone has an opinion on this record, especially two of the people behind the record - bassist Chuck Wright and vocalist James Christian. Here is what they had to say about the recording and release of The Power & The Myth! Both interviews make for an interesting read.   CHUCK WRIGHT Hey Chuck, thanks for your time. First off, let me say that I know your web site is probably the most read melodic rock site on the net - congrats on helping to keep the genre alive…ok now the questions. The House Of Lords album is done....and it's about to be released. Did you think it would ever happen at some stages over the last year or two? There were a couple points when we almost threw in the towel. In the beginning, we had to deal with the name usage problem which was a major hurdle. We had serious logistical issues having everyone spread all over the country, coast to coast, and scheduling problems to deal with not to mention a tug of war with ...

Harem Scarem (2003)

Hess and Harem: Harem Scarem's frontman Harry Hess talks solo, the early years and what's coming for Harem 2003.   The Solo Album Hi Harry….Why right now for your solo debut? It came down to having a bunch of songs that didn't fit the H.S direction, so it was really born out of that. How long did the album take to write and then record? I did it off and on for about a year but doing a lot of other tings in between. Does the end result match your expectations? Pretty much, there's always things you'd change listing back, but I can't complain. You write great pop songs, have you ever or will you ever, offer your catalogue of songs for license to pop artists looking for material? Funny you ask! I'm in the process of sending out material right now to some publishers and such. I'm very busy doing other bands and mixing that I never take advantage of having some of those songs. The solo style sees your love of good pop/rock and a little of the modern pop rock sound that Rubber was, will future solo albums be the soul outlet for this style, ...

Dreamtide - Helge Engelke (2001)

Helge Engelke T h e Dreamtide I n t e r v i e w     xx   To the outsider, it seemed Fair Warning were on a roll in recent years, with both Japanese and European deals in place, plus some successful recordings behind you. At what point did it seem there was some unhappiness within the band? We started out in 1990 as a five piece band. In 1995 Andy became seriously ill and it took him more than two years to recover. During that time Andy didn't have much input in FW. Even after Andy got better, his interest in FW seemed to have ceased. After the recordings for "Go", the original drummer CC left. In 1997 we toured to promote the "Go" album. Due to his physical condition Andy could not play all of the set and we had a guest guitarist (Henny Wolter). Most of the set was played by Henny and Andy joined for the last three songs of the concerts. On top of this we had a new drummer (Phillippe Candas) who, even though being a great drummer, proved to be not the perfect match for FW because of personal animosities after a second tour ...

Dreamtide - Helge Engelke (2001)

Helge Engelke T h e Dreamtide I n t e r v i e w     xx   To the outsider, it seemed Fair Warning were on a roll in recent years, with both Japanese and European deals in place, plus some successful recordings behind you. At what point did it seem there was some unhappiness within the band? We started out in 1990 as a five piece band. In 1995 Andy became seriously ill and it took him more than two years to recover. During that time Andy didn't have much input in FW. Even after Andy got better, his interest in FW seemed to have ceased. After the recordings for "Go", the original drummer CC left. In 1997 we toured to promote the "Go" album. Due to his physical condition Andy could not play all of the set and we had a guest guitarist (Henny Wolter). Most of the set was played by Henny and Andy joined for the last three songs of the concerts. On top of this we had a new drummer (Phillippe Candas) who, even though being a great drummer, proved to be not the perfect match for FW because of personal animosities after a second tour ...

Rubber - Harry Hess (Track By Track)

HAREM SCAREM - RUBBER RELEASED IN JAPAN SEPTEMBER 29th. RELEASED IN CANADA IN FEBRUARY 2000     It's Gotta Be Probably the simplest song on the record. Basically 4 or 5 chords in total. It's very descriptive of the new sound. It's bare bones rock. Who-Buddy Is a uptempo kind of Cheap trick thing. People have called it just that. Coming Down Is a ballad. It's got a bit of an Eagles/country sound to it, dare I say! More of an Eagles / southern rock kinda of feel. Stuck With You Is the first single in Japan. It reminds me of old ELO. It's not necessarily sounding like that, but that's what it reminds me of. It always struck me as coming from something like that. Sunshine Is the biggest production number on the whole record and will actually be the first single here in Canada. That's more of a mid tempo number and the most production in terms of sounds and things like that going on. Face It Is the most uptempo song on the record. It has been described as a Cheap trick / Jellyfish type of thing. Trip Pete actually sung and wrote on this! That is something new for people ...

Harem Scarem (Track By Track)

EXCLUSIVE - HARRY PREVIEWS THE ALBUM!: Harem Scarem's long anticipated return album Weight Of The World has already been confirmed for release February 21 in Japan and March 11 in Europe, via Now & Then / Frontiers Records. Now, I am pleased to offer this exclusive preview of the album's tracks - with descriptions from vocalist Harry Hess. The album is being mastered this week in Toronto. At the start of November, I already detailed the involvement of ex-Harem Scarem drummer and part-time vocalist Darren Smith, who was asked by Harry Hess to supply background vocals for all the songs on the new album. The idea was to have the vocal feel similar to the first two albums. Let's see what Harry thinks of the albums songs. (Comments in Orange) Weight Of The World (Hess/Lesperance) The tittle track of the record. This song encompasses everything that we have done as songwriters in the last 11 years. It's got everything in it. Big guitars, big drums big backing vocals, very melodic and a great solo. Lyrically it is about how the pressures of everyday life can sometimes drag you down, but to always stay positive. We try to convey an uplifting message in all ...