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Artist Title Link
Journey Herbie Herbert: One Man's Journey Interviews
Jimi Jamison JIMI JAMISON & JIM PETERIK - 2008 INTERVIEW Interviews
Jack Ponti Jack Ponti (1997) Interviews
Jimmy Lawrence Skin Tag - Jimmy & Charlie (2001) Interviews
Jesse Damon Silent Rage's Jesse Damon Interviews
John Parker Talon - John Parker (2002) Interviews
John West John West (2002) Interviews
Josh Ramos Josh Ramos (2003) Interviews
Johnny Lima Johnny Lima (2003) Interviews
James Christian James Christian (2004) Interviews
Jeff Northrup Jeff Northrup (2004) Interviews
Jay Miles Jay Miles (2005) Interviews
James Christian James Christian (1997) Interviews
Jimi Jamison Jimi Jamison - Interview 1 (1997) Interviews
John Waite John Waite (1997) Interviews
Journey Journey - Jonathan Cain (1997) Interviews
Jonathan Cain Journey - Jonathan Cain (1997) Interviews
Jack Blades Jack Blades - Interview 1 (1997) Interviews
Jack Blades Jack Blades - Interview 2 (1998) Interviews
Jack Blades Jack Blades - Interview 3 (1998) Interviews
Joe Lynn Turner Joe Lynn Turner (1998) Interviews
Jim Peterik Jim Peterik (1999) Interviews
John Waite John Waite (1999) Interviews
John Sykes John Sykes (1999) Interviews
James Christian James Christian (1999( Interviews
Jimi Jamison Jimi Jamison (2000) Interviews
Jimmy Crespo Paul Shortino - Jimmy Crespo (2000) Interviews
Jeff Watson Night Ranger - Jeff Watson (2000) Interviews
Johnny Gioeli Johnny Gioeli (2000) Interviews
Journey Journey - Steve Augeri (2001) Interviews
Journey Journey - Jonathan Cain (2001) Interviews
Jonathan Cain Journey - Jonathan Cain (2001) Interviews
Journey Journey - Neal Schon (2001) Interviews
John Waite John Waite (2002) Interviews


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Jim Peterik (2007)

  Jim Peterik: The Roar Of A Lion. MelodicRock legend Jim Peterik is one of the true nice guys in the business. It's always great to catch up with him and on this occasion it is to discuss the new Pride Of Lions album as well as Jim's work with Kelly Keagy and Joe Lynn Turner among other things. Great to talk to you once again Jim. Looking forward to talking about the new Pride Of Lions album. To start though – and this may not be politically correct to ask of you - but what do you think of Robin McAuley now fronting Survivor? I've never had the courage to listen. I have not yet heard it. I thought it would upset me. I appreciated people sending it to me, but I just never listened. I love Robin…… Me too… He's great, so I have to plead ignorance. I haven't heard it. It sounds ok but it does risk not being Survivor anymore. Right, right I think we were fortunate when we made the transition from Bickler to Jimi because it went so smooth but not every singer can step in and create that sound. Let's talk about happier things ...

Jack Blades (2007)

  Night Ranger Part 1: Jack Blades. Jack Blades talks about Hole In The Sun - the new Night Ranger record, plus the new Shaw Blades record, Damn Yankees as always....anything else that comes to mind! So Jack, why is there a buzz for the new Shaw Blades record, besides the fact that it's bloody good? Well, I think that it's just one of those records that everybody likes. Everybody enjoys that music. Everyone's just excited about good songs and good music and hearing them from Tommy and I, and having Tommy and I work together again. Is it nice to feel missed? You know, it's very wonderful and very reassuring. We put the shows on tour, on sale and I think one or two of them are already sold out. And VH1 Classic hasn't even started the full court press on the promotion of the album. Yes, I just got the press release today actually. Yeah that's right and there's already such a great buzz out there. I think it's just the fact that the songs are the stars and that's what makes this such a fun record to have. Covers albums are very hit and miss and I'd ...

Jon Fiore (2007)

  Jon Fiore: The Updating Of A Classic. Preview frontman Jon Fiore talks about the band's one and only album and his views on why success alluded the band, despite seemingly having all their cards lined up. He also talks about the Fiore albums recorded with the Harem Scarem guys and life as a session singer. Ok Jon, so it's great to talk to you again. It's been a long while. I was looking back through the site and it was 1998 when we last did an interview. Yeah, it was a long time ago when we were doing all that stuff with Harry and whatnot. I'll go over all that again but I thought I'd start back at the beginning. Sure. Well, you're back on the CD shelves with Preview again. I know, that's kinda nice. It's nice that it was out. I remember when those guys called me from Rock Candy and they said that they were gonna do the re-release. That was nice, you know, you don't expect much of any of this stuff to happen. Well it's great for the collectors. Yeah it's nice that it can get out there again and who knows? I don't know ...

James Christian (2006)

      House Of Lords frontman James Christian talks in detail about making the new HOL record, working with a new line-up and other such topics as working with Gene Simmons, the upcoming live album and how he nearly fronted Manic Eden! Thanks to Don Higgins for again transcribing the interview for me! Ok James…well we should talk about your latest child, that's the World Upside Down record. Yes, absolutely. I'm glad to be talking to you about it after the beating you gave me on Power & the Myth (laughs). But that's all right, it's all right, you have a job to do. Yeah, well I'm very glad to be talking to you also and I'm very much looking forward to getting this review on line so I can be forgiven. Because it is a great album and it will be a great review, so you obviously must be very pleased. I'm totally pleased. I'm relieved and pleased you know. As we were doing the record, I said, 'I know I've got something!' You just kind of feel it as every track comes together and everything you do and at the same time it was exhilarating ...

John Waite (2006)

John Waite: A complex journey...       This is my fourth John Waite feature interview in the course of running this site. This is my least favourite of all. The first three interviews featured a more enthusiastic JW - and were I think more enlighenting and insightful. This time around I just felt like there was no passion in John's demeanor. He gives a little insight here and perhaps I just caught him on a bad day, but the JW I remember is the more animated character I talked to in the past. Previous John Waite Interviews: 1 - 1997 / 2 - 1999 / 3 - 2001         Great to finally talk to you again. It's been a long time. Yeah, it's been a while. It has been a long while. You're back in the States after Europe? Yeah, I got back last week. We already played some gigs so we're just working a lot now. Just banging out the work as much as we can. Yeah you're concentrating on live work at the moment. You are an in demand performer aren't you? Yeah. It's something I'm really comfortable with. I just prefer to play live than be home and it gets me ...

Journey (2005)

The 2005 Journey Interviews     Deen Castronovo (Drums / Vocals) "2 weeks later we were going to do Soul SirkUS and my doctor, he prescribed me this stuff – he thought I was bi-polar. It took this stuff and was so dehydrated that it was like getting pure doses of this stuff – I had no water, no fluids and I almost died! I was in the Emergency Room and the doctor said, well you can either go on the road and die, or you can go home and get yourself well. And I had to tell Neal this. It broke his frickin' heart. Not only that, but it broke my heart that I had to hurt him. Because, I tell you Andrew, if it was not for Neal Schon, my career would not exist. I would do anything for him.... ....Using drugs and alcohol is definitely an instalment plan! I thank God for the guys in this band, if it is wasn't for them I'd probably be in a box six feet under." Online Now - Read Interview. Neal Schon (Guitars / Vocals) "This is something I have wanted to do for a long time. It wasn't an easy situation. Management weren't totally into ...

Joe Lynn Turner (2005)

Joe Lynn Turner: The Usual Suspect. Joe Lynn Turner talks about his new solo album, life with Richie, nursing Yngwie and some other great stories! Thanks to Ron Higgins for his work transcribing this interview!     Hey Joe, Nice to talk to you. Right. I appreciate your time. No, I appreciate your time. I mean, what took us so long to get on the phone and do an interview? I'm not sure. I don't know, because I love your site. I'm always on it. Thank you. I'm always checking things and checking new releases and who's doing what to whom. Honestly I am because I really do appreciate your take on what's good, what's not good, and so on. Well, hopefully I get it right most of the time. Oh, I think you do. That's what I mean, most people get it wrong most of the time, so you're on the other end of the spectrum. Thank you, Joe. I appreciate that. I mean that. No kidding. I'm not just kissing your ass. I'm not. I'm just saying, I check and see what you do. I listen to sound bytes and I go, “Hmm, I think Andrew's on it.” ...

Jack Blades (2004)

Jack Blades: 20+ years later – a solo album! Jack Blades is always a good interview - interesting conversationalist and of course there is always a dozen projects to talk about at any given time. This is my forth official interview with Jack and he remains as entertaining as ever - talking about his current passion, a new solo album. Thanks as always go to Ron Higgins for transcribing the interview for me. How are you Jack? I'm great, Andrew. How are you I'm good, thanks. Wait a minute. My wife is really upset with me right now. Oh, is she? No, it's okay. She's not upset with me anymore. What have you done? It's okay. I haven't done anything. How are ya? Working hard, mate. Working hard. And you? I've just got off the phone with Eric [Martin]. He told me you were going to call him today. He said you were swapping stories. Yep. We're swapping stories as it were. He tells me you guys are working on something. That's very good to hear. Did he tell you what it was? Not really. He said he couldn't really yet, but he just said you two were working on something for ...

Jeff Scott Soto (2002)

xx Jeff Scott Soto: The ultimate melodic rock vocalist tries it solo. Jeff Scott Soto has a resume a mile long and a career that's larger than life. But with over 15 years of rocking hard behind him, Prism is only his second solo album. Read why now is the time Jeff has decided to concentrate on himself. E-Mail interviews are normally kept for that section, but I've spoken to Jeff on many occasions and this interview is more than detailed enough to call it a full feature interview. Ok Jeff, let's start with the new album! Prism adheres to a more melodic 80's rock sound - something that you lived on in the early part of your career. Was it your intention to go back to that sound? In a way yes, & in a way no. I never usually have much 'intention' with anything I do until I'm doing it. Mostly what u get at the end is by chance or experimentation, even in the most commercial pretense. Some of the songs were written years ago during my run with certain bands or projects so you'll hear obvious comparisons, maybe even be able 2 tell when the tune was written. ...

A&R Guru John Kalodner (2002)

Interviewed September 2002 by Andrew J McNeice   A&R Guru John Kalodner started out in the music business with Atlantic in 1974. He started as photographer and the writer of artist bios and the company newsletter. After moving to His first signing was a then unknown act by the name of Foreigner. What does an A&R guy do? Over the years John has worked with Atlantic, Geffen and Sony Music. His job as an A&R guy became so blurred, a new title was invented by one of the artists John was working with. John Kalodner's job became being John Kalodner. So check the jacket of any artist John has worked with - the credits will read - John Kalodner: John Kalodner In the 80's, during his stint with Geffen Records, John is credited with bringing life and record sales back to Cher, Sammy Hagar and of course Aerosmith. He was also behind Whitesnake's big break into the US market in 1987. In the 90's he was behind the scenes bringing Journey back to life with Steve Perry back at the helm, and resigned Aerosmtih to his new home (and their old home) at Sony. But that's just ...

Jack Russell (2002)

xx   So Jack, are you happy with the response to 'For You' so far? Yeah, you know I really am. Some of the reviews I've got have just blown my mind especially coming from some of these really heavy hard rock magazines in Europe. I was expecting them not to understand the direction of the music and they loved it. So they loved it and the fans loved it. The bottom line is it's a record that I'm really proud of and that's what I've always set out to do when I make albums. Hopefully the public will like them but if not at least you have something that you can play on your own stereo and feel good about it. That's my main goal I like to make music that I enjoy listening to and if somebody else has a sense of what's good then maybe they'll buy it and enjoy it too. If not at least you can go broke with some integrity you know. I couldn't agree more. I don't think you'll go broke though. It's a fantastic sounding record. Thank you. For me it's just the most well realized album I've ever worked on. I ...

Johnny Gioeli - Hardline (2002)

I caught up with Johnny at this year's Gods 2002 Festival, but didn't get a chance for that interview. Instead, I talked to Johnny a few weeks ago via phone, catching Johnny hard at work in the office... I may get interrupted once or twice so you'll have to bear with me. This week Andrew you just wouldn't believe what's happened with my business. I have over 100,000 orders this week. Are you serious? I am dead serious as a heart attack. I have a client who has a huge hit, a television hit. It's a tiny Portable sewing machine and we can't keep up with the orders. We can't produce them fast enough in China. It's just unbelievable and that's just what's on backorder. For the weekend we sold 30,000 of the things. Someone's getting rich quick? Yup. We're all taking a piece of that action. You take it when you can because these television Infomercials have a life expectancy of about 8 months. If you get a year out of them that's great. So the business that you and Joey set up is really happening for you? Yeah it's out of control. Seasonally we average about 100 employees. We have 30,000 square feet of ...

Mecca - Joe Vana (2002)

AOR Heaven NEH Records Z-Roxx Loud 1 Groove Machine Destiny Hot Tracks Target Wishing Well Perris Visual Vinyl             JOE VANA / Mecca - Lead Vocals / Co-Writer Well Joe, it's great to finally throw some questions at you and let the public at large get to know you at last! Thanks…let me start by saying I have been a HUGE fan of your site for over three years….I am thrilled to be part of it! I am just a music fan who did an album to get out the songs I wrote and have Fergie sing with me. Little did I know how it would end up!! I also wanted an album to showcase Mike Aquino. He is a really great guitarist and I hated seeing someone that good not getting a name for himself. Very kind of you to say, thanks. Joe, you and I have known each other for a few years now. You have been busy writing songs for a long time now and are breaking on to the scene as a new artist - is that in any way an overwhelming proposition for you? No. How can it be? I do ...

Mecca - Jim Peterik (2002)

AOR Heaven NEH Records Z-Roxx Loud 1 Groove Machine Destiny Hot Tracks Target Wishing Well Perris Visual Vinyl             JIM PETERIK / Mecca - Producer / Co-Writer [After about 10 minutes of needless chit chat!] All right Jim, well….I better get going and ask a few questions. Yes sir. Tell me, I think I know the story, but for the record I guess… you and Joe, how did you guys hook up? Well, I mean, that goes way back. <laughs> You're talking about when Joe was 13, in 1983, and I was in Survivor, of course, and making records and there was this little kid that would come over on his bicycle and knock on my door - I don't know how he knew I lived there - and, I would say, “Yes?”. The first time he says, “Well, I'm Joe and I'm a big rock fan, and I heard you're in Survivor.” Anyway, he seemed like a real nice kid, and I would let him come in and I think when he first came over I had just gotten test pressings of maybe Caught in the Game, perhaps. So here's this 13 year-old, and I'm getting my master ...

John Waite (2002)

Hey John, how are you going? I'm very good thanks, how have you been? Fantastic mate. I don't know if you remembered but I did interview you about 18 months ago... two years maybe. Well I do actually have a vague recollection, but it's a while ago. It was a while ago; in fact, it was when… just before When You Were Mine came out. Oh God, that is a while ago. So how have you been? Very good thanks. Very busy, thank God. Yeah, OK. Absolutely. Where are you calling from actually? From Tasmania, Australia. Oh you're calling from Australia, great. Fantastic. Any excuse to cover you, basically. God bless you. I've been trying to get a hold of you for an interview for about 3-4 months, I reckon. You're a busy man. Well it's all picked up recently. I've been doing the Journey thing, the Peter Frampton thing. The tour went on… It's been so busy, it's been like the old days, like knocking out an album and getting right back on the road. It's been very enjoyable. Fantastic. How did you find the experience with Journey? Well I didn't see much of them. I mean, Neal came out ...

Journey - Neal Schon (2001)

    Thanks for calling, great to talk to you again. Yeah, Rindell gave me a heads up yesterday, said we were going to finally do this, you know. I've been putting this off because I thought it would be better to do like sometime before the record was coming kept on getting pushed back. Is there any way I can get a little more volume out of your phone? Possibly. You can't hear me real well? Not that well. OK. Now I can hear you pretty well. Maybe its just a case of redialing or... <break> That's definitely what it is, it's a bit of my tinitus. So the years of standing next to an amplifier have taken there toll? That and a lot of the symbols, you know, symbols are like really loud when you get drummers up on risers, you know, the sound comes right down directly at your ears. And, you know, loud motorcycles <laugh>, loud guitars and loud motorcycles. You ride do you? Yeah Where about, just around your home there? Yeah, well, you know, I go for a longer ride sometimes with friends, you know, we'll go...I've ...

Journey - Jonathan Cain (2001)

      Thank you for the call, I've been looking forward to talking to you for a while. How are things? Things are good. Excellent. You must be in a pretty buoyant mood, two weeks out from the Arrival release. It feels a little anticlimactic with the Napster thing, you know, it kind of took a little of the shine off of it, but I think all in all, our fans are ready for it, and it's just nice to be surfacing with a new album and some new energy out there. It's been about a 6 month drawn out process now hasn't it? How have you found that? It's pretty odd isn't it? Well, I think you have to have some sort of launch today, and when you've been gone as long as we've been gone, and obviously we've made some changes, you have to be careful not to just drop it out in a crowd. I think when our schedule release in October... it looked awfully crowded and it didn't look like the record company was ready, nor I think, did we have the kind of tour we wanted either. I think we have a summer crowd, you ...

Journey - Steve Augeri (2001)

    I can not tell you how long I've been bugging Rindell to set this up for me, and hoping that it would come together. Because I am a huge fan of your work, let me say. I'm flattered, I truly am. I've read your reviews and the kind words that you've said about me. I'm thankful, I truly am. You have some big shoes to fill. I think you've done it with ease. For me, although I've been at this for nearly three years now, it still seems, for this first record, I still feel like we got a ways to go as far as finding the right niche. But I think we're on the right track. I think every time we play together whether it's rehearsal, recording or shows, we still get a little closer to our final destination. And I think as time goes by, I think by the next record, I think we're going to get it. If you like it this time out, I hope to think you'll really like it next time, cause I think it will be that much more where it should be. We did a lot of experimenting through the ...

Johnny Gioeli (2000)

  So Johnny, the first question I should be asking you, is what have you spent your time doing with life after Hardline? Well, me and Joey started an e-commerce company that's going real well. Really? In 2000 we're going public What exactly is the company? It's a company called FULLe-com. What we do is handle the complete end-to-end transaction for an Internet site. Pretty much the Internet company comes to us and we don't do anything on the front end, we don't build sites or anything like that. We're all back office. We'll handle all the credit card authorizations. We have 327,000 square feet of distribution. We ship the product direct to the consumer. We do all the data storage and online reporting. We run Internet business for about 600 corporations. We started in a little eight by eight office 2 years ago in a little 3 car garage. We have 55 employees just on this coast. We have offices in New York and Vienna, Austria. Who else is the 'we' in that?! My brother Joey and myself run the company. Joey is CEO of the company. My sister is also involved. You are either incredibly smart cookies or had some fantastic advice or both? ...

Night Ranger - Jeff Watson (2000)

February 2000 and Jeff watson is hard at work at his home studio on a new instrumental album. I talked to Jeff about that, Night Ranger's 20th anniversary, why Neverland never got the exposure it should have, the re-issue of Around The Sun and a bunch of other stuff.... G'Day Jeff! G'Day Andrew Hey how are you? I'm doing good, I'm working in the studio. Oh good, you got a few minutes to talk? Certainly. Tell me about what you're doing right now? At the moment I'm cutting a steel stringed classical guitar piece with a little bit of electric slide over them for another instrumental record like my first one, 'Lone Ranger' that came out early '90's. I'm shopping that in Japan, Europe and America. More of like the 'Windham Hill' and 'Higher Octave' kind of stuff. This is a little more intricate than that because it's a higher degree of difficulty due to some of the classical pieces I wrote. So that's coming out real good. I'm getting a real good response. I just did a song for a movie. It's a huge animation thing, a lot like Pokemon which is very very popular. I had never heard ...

Paul Shortino - Jimmy Crespo (2000)

Good of you to call Paul, how are thing's going with you and your new partner? Me and Jimmy are really hitting it off well and we're going to have a great big future together, he's a great player. Tell me how you two together? We got together, actually through a mutual friend of ours who used to play drums for Jefferson Airplane if you can believe that. Joey Cummings. We did a gig together. He gave me a call and Jimmy a call and that's how we hooked up. From that moment on it was like love at first sight. I fell in love with his guitar playing and he fell in love with my voice. We've taken it to a new level and in about a month we're really gonna let the cat out of the bag on what's really going on. I know you'll be pleasantly happy and a lot of people will with what we're coming out with. So that's how we hooked up and we've been rehearsing and we've been working on the new record. It's gonna be very heavy, very guitar and vocal orientated. Some of the good old hard rock coming back. Tell ...

Jimi Jamison (2000)

Congratulations on the new album. Thankyou. Have you heard it yet? I certainly have. I've heard it and reviewed it and I'm a big fan of it. Great, it's on your website. I haven't been able to get online for the last 10 or 15 days or so. It's the lead off review right now so. Actually my laptop is broken at the moment so I can't get online. Now going back about 18 months or so I heard a tape of demos for it which were a lot more mellow And obviously a lot more unfinished and at the time I thought it was going to be a fairly mellow pop album but you've really come out fighting with it. Yeah we changed it a little bit didn't we. How did the change come around? Well when you play live you have to rock you know, you have to be energetic, you can't play ballads all the time. So we just decided we wanted to make the songs a little harder instead of soft. Bigger variety. We always thought we had to follow a certain theme but I don't agree with that anymore. I think the fans deserve a wider variety of ...

James Christian (1999(

Hey James it's Andrew from Australia. Have you got a few minutes to talk? Hey Andrew. Yeah of course. Great. I knew it would be you calling, You said around this time. Great thank you. I finally got it together to call you! So how's things? Great, couldn't be better. Good. Now I have a copy of Rude Awakening sitting here, the 5th anniversary release. Can you believe it's been 5 years? No I can't, that's a long time. Time is just flying by, moving too quick for me. I can remember when I brought this! Yeah, I can remember doing the House of Lords record and that was in '89 Still some of my favourite albums I must say. So what are you doing right now? Well right now I a have a business in Florida and I'm working also with my wife Robin Beck. She's got a new record coming out in 4 weeks or so. Well the promotions starts in about 4 days. I haven't heard about it yet? Well you will soon. I did some work, some background vocals for her. Basically I have a music company that I'm working with, me and my friend Mark Baker. Your old ...

John Sykes (1999)

My interview with John Sykes was more of a chat session! It was pretty laid back and I have basically run through his career, of which I am a big fan. There is a few interesting moments, especially when David Coverdale is discussed. Before you get into it a few updates from a brief chat with John last week. The album will indeed still have some elements of hip-hop, but not on every track and it will not be a George Lynch. I told John about that album and that is not what he is doing. It will mix elements of the classic Sykes sound with the new. Also out is the chance of doing any work with David Lee Roth (discussed below). John Kalodner was putting something together but is now unwilling to involve David further after the two met just a couple of weeks ago. That's about the update, besides the new album will be out in September-(ish) - now enjoy the interview! John! So how's things? Good, going very well Excellent. You've got a new record just about in the can? Well I'm working on it, I'm about two thirds of the way through it currently. ...

John Waite (1999)

A year on from my first Interview with John Waite and at a much more likable hour of the day - I caught up with the AOR legend via phone to his new Los Angeles home. More informal this time around, I really enjoyed this interview and thought John's replies were relaxed and quite funny in places. See what you think! Hey John. Andrew - how are you doing? Very well thanks. Yourself? Well I just knocked a big hole out of my guitar, trying to pick it up! Pretty good though - the sun's shining out here and everything's hunky dory! It's been a while since we had our last chat. Yeah, was that the one where it was like 3a.m. and you were sitting in front of a wood heater or something? That was me! Hahaha. Are you in the same place? Yeah, except this time it is a decent hour (midday) and it's summer, so I am not freezing my ass off! Yeah, it's tomorrow there isn't it? That's it! So you are in LA now - what inspired you to move out to LA? Well I was on the second single from my last album ...

Jim Peterik (1999)

  February 1999 A chat with the AOR song writing legend that is Jim Peterik. Jim has been playing in bands since the late 60's and is still going as strong as ever today. From the Ides Of March to a string of hits with Survivor, to his behind the scenes song writing with 38 Special, David Carl, Captive Heart and Fergie Frederiksen, to his new solo project World Stage, Jim has without doubt achieved legend status. Find out what Jim had to say when I spoke with him by phone a short time ago... So Jim, I will take you back a couple of years if you don't mind. No problem. The band was obviously at the top of it's game in the early to mid 80's and suddenly your lead vocalist Dave leaves. That was a tough break.. Ell it was. Dave was the original singer and we loved Dave. Still do. He has a great voice. He obviously sung our biggest hit, eye of the tiger and a lot of the early days in Chicago when we were building the following up and playing a lot of the clubs, Dave was the man. In fact the rumour is that ...

Joe Lynn Turner (1998)

  Joe Lynn Turner: The Usual Suspect. Joe Lynn Turner talks about his new solo album, life with Richie, nursing Yngwie and some other great stories! Thanks to Ron Higgins for his work transcribing this interview!     Hey Joe, Nice to talk to you. Right. I appreciate your time. No, I appreciate your time. I mean, what took us so long to get on the phone and do an interview? I'm not sure. I don't know, because I love your site. I'm always on it. Thank you. I'm always checking things and checking new releases and who's doing what to whom. Honestly I am because I really do appreciate your take on what's good, what's not good, and so on. Well, hopefully I get it right most of the time. Oh, I think you do. That's what I mean, most people get it wrong most of the time, so you're on the other end of the spectrum. Thank you, Joe. I appreciate that. I mean that. No kidding. I'm not just kissing your ass. I'm not. I'm just saying, I check and see what you do. I listen to sound bytes and I go, “Hmm, I think Andrew's on ...

Jack Blades - Interview 3 (1998)

Hey Jack, what's happening? I'm just sitting here waiting for you to call! I appreciate you taking the call Jack. I just want to touch on Neverland for a minute. Last time we talked I had it on the way, but it hadn't arrived yet. It is a bloody fantastic album! Why thank you. It is a very mature Night Ranger wasn't it? Yeah it was. I think this new Night Ranger is more immature Night Ranger. Ha ha! Great! Yeah, this one is a lot more fun. I think you are really going to enjoy this one. Neverland was a pretty serious album. Yeah, this one is pretty not serious. This is a pretty fun record. The Japanese called me last night. They are flipping out over it. They are really excited. I am really pleased, and even surprised to see another album so quickly. Well, so am I. Actually we just got off the road, and I started writing a bunch of songs, and we thought well, lets go in and cut them. And Zero said they would like another record. So we said okay, let's do it right now. So the band must really be smoking right ...

Jack Blades - Interview 2 (1998)

Well, by now a lot of you have heard Neverland and given it you're verdict. But for the rest of you who haven't.....the good news is that it is coming your way in July. But for now, here is some more insights into the reunion record. It was also time to get the lowdown on the Night Ranger rumour mill. So I called up Jack Blades to get a fill in, and while I was at it, quizzed him on each track from the album. How's It Going? Real good, the single comes out here June 9th and then the album comes out July 15th. Great Stuff. What is the label you've got? Columbia. Is that right? Is John Kalodner in there somewhere? John Kalodner is in the middle of it all. The new single was mixed by Bob Clearmountain. And we put a fifteen piece string section on the song 'Forever All Over Again', and had Clearmountain mix it, and it got mastered last Friday. Now we're getting everything ready, getting ready to do some radio promotion and all that kind of stuff. Well I hope that will be big, it's a killer song. Yeah, we're very happy. ...

Jack Blades - Interview 1 (1997)

In my opinion Night Ranger is THE American rock band. There are no other bands which typify the hard edged guitar, the anthem rockers, and the soaring ballads like these guys do. Their amazing harmonies stem from the advantage of having two lead vocalists, in bassist Jack Blades and drummer Kelly Keagy. The infamous guitar work is supplied by Brad Gillis and the eight finger tapper himself, Jeff Watson. The ‘man who put it all together’ for them, is keyboard player Alan ‘Fitz’ Fitzgerald. Together they have made some of the best American rock ever. Their classic albums ‘Dawn Patrol’, ‘Midnight Madness’, ‘Seven Wishes’, ‘Big Life’(especially Big Life!), and ‘Man In Motion’ have never been far from my CD player. I talked to Kelly Keagy earlier in the year, about the ‘Feeding Off The Mojo’ project, and now have the pleasure of talking to Jack Blades, who outside of Night Ranger, has recorded So what's going on Jack? Yeah, they’re putting on a guitar part, so I won’t have to worry about it for a couple of minutes. We are in the studio now, I have a studio in my barn, here on my ranch, and we ...

Journey - Jonathan Cain (1997)

Despite many of you probably thinking this was going to be another routine Q and A, and considering that Jonathan had already stated there were things he 'Could not discuss', I think the interview you are about to read will surprise you. Jonathan was quite open and honest with his answers, and I think let a few things slip over the course of the interview. At least, for once, we now know where things stand with one of the great bands of the era. So how are things! Oh, pretty good. Journey is still regarded today as the cornerstone of the AOR genre. People have said that, and we are flattered that people are still enjoying our music, and it's pretty cool that the records are continuing to do well. Congratulations on Trial By Fire. Yeah, we like that very much. It was kinda a labor of love. We just got together and wanted to do it the way we thought we should do it. We thought there was a kind of a void there. I think it's a great album. Thanks. Something I did notice about the album – everybody gets to shine somewhere. Yeah, we tried to do that. ...

John Waite (1997)

I am preaching to the converted in describing John Waite as a legend. The former singer for the Baby's, Bad English, and producer of five very fine solo records, is about to unleash his sixth solo record. It promises to break more new ground for a singer who has had his ups and downs, but is currently riding high with enthusiasm. I chose to leave the interview in it's original format, rather than into a life story, because as a conversation it was relaxed and light hearted - mostly! See what you think..... Andrew…. John, how are you! Andy baby! How are you doing? I am very well. Thank you. How are you? Great! It is an honor to speak to you. Thank you for taking my call. It's all right mate! How's Australia? Good actually. Where abouts are you? I am in Hobart, Tasmania. Almost at the bottom of the earth. Wow! It's about 6am and it's fairly cold. How's New York? Stinking hot – we are right in the middle of summer, so it's stinking hot. How are you these days? Great, boiling also! I have just finished a record, and it is about another 3 weeks until the single ...

Jimi Jamison - Interview 1 (1997)

Well, it was with a degree of caution that I broke the first question to Jimi Jamison, the man who joined Survivor half way through their grand career, and helped add a bunch of hit singles to their roster. I had to get straight to the point about what happened to the band after 'Too Hot To Sleep'. It has been a few years now, and I still don't think I have heard what really went on. So now Jimi's back, got that theme thing with Baywatch going on...and I thought it was a good time to get to the bottom of things. Jimi, How's it going? Everythings going really well. The band sounds great and we're writing and touring a lot. Jimi, I don't know how to put this, so I am just going to get straight to the point. What happened to Survivor after the 'Too Hot To Sleep' album? And just how ugly did it get?! You know, it never really got ugly. At least in my eyes. I mean , I don't hate or wish Jim, Frank or any of the guys any harm or bad luck. I hope they are successful and happy. You see ...

James Christian (1997)

James Christian has been going at it for over twenty years now, but it's been in the last several years that he has proved himself one of the best hard rock vocalists in the business, with three classic House Of Lords albums and a debut solo album from a couple of years ago. James also sang with Eyes and LA Roxx back in the early eighties, and has just had a compilation album from his first band with other AOR singer/songwriter Jeff Cannata, Jasper Wrath, released to the unsuspecting public. But where is that House Of Lords Re-union?   So James, last thing I heard fom you, was the House Of Lords re-union. What happened to that? There still might be a House Of Lords re-union soon. We have already written three songs. It all comes down to timing. The timing must be right. Okay. I had heard on the rumour mill, that was you had submitted tracks to the label, and they didn't like it. No it is not true. We never submitted any new tracks to the label at the time. But when we do, it will be on our terms. Why elso do a record after ...

Jay Miles (2005)

Jay Miles: A New Start Swiss born US resident Jay Miles talks about his ultra smooth debut solo album out now on MTM. Hi Jay, Thanks for taking the time to discuss the release of your new album 9 Hours. It's been a long time coming for you - are you relieved to see it done and on its way to CD stores? As you mentioned, it's been a very long time coming and I am already eager to go back to the Studio to record the next CD. I am very happy with our partners for Europe, they've done an extraordinary job to promote the CD and I am more excited about the reactions to the records so far than I am relieved to see it done... How long was the process of first writing the songs for the album (and selecting the ones you didn't write) and how long to get the album recorded? We started out by selecting a mere 300 songs from other songwriters out of Nashville and L.A.. Once we determined which songs would make it to our final selection, we then added the conforming material out of my personal song-catalogue and matched the tunes in ...

Jeff Northrup (2004)

Jeff Northrup: Producer, engineer and musician! Jeff Northrup talks over his recent work on the CD, plus Shortino/Northrup, working with Johnny Edwards and much more... So Jeff, you have just finished mastering my own CD Compilation - after doing a great job on Volume 1. Thanks again. Can you walk us through the mastering process? First of all, thanks for letting me be a part of such a great collection of songs and artists!! Mastering is definitely the icing on the cake so to speak, of making a good mix sound even better. After a song has been mixed, there are usually some frequencies that are fighting each other for their space in a song. i.e, the bass guitar may be in the same frequency as the kick drum, or there might be too much low end from the guitars fighting with the bass. What this causes is the song to sound a bit muffled in the low end of sound. By isolating these unwanted frequencies, you can sort of weed out the ones that are less desirable which makes that part of the mix sound clearer. The same goes for the high frequencies. There may too ...
