MelodicRock Records is excited to unveil the full album credits for 'Voices From The Past' - a very special double CD voyage into the heyday of the Los Angeles 80s rock scene, with your hosts Jimmy Waldo & Steven Rosen.
Track Listing (& Featured Vocalists)
Disc 1:
01. Billy Trudell - (Ain't No Honor) Among Thieves 04:12
02. Jeff Scott Soto - Ice 04:29
03. Sherwood Ball - City Of Angels 03:34
04. Mike Val - Ricochet 04:16
05. Mike Val - When A Heart Beats Alone 04:14
06. Guy Perry - Lay This Ghost To Rest 03:59
07. Guy Perry - I Wish You Heaven 04:52
08. Paul Bardot - Hearts Under Fire 03:59
09. Paul Bardot - Blood In The Water 04:14
10. Mona Moore - Second Nature 03:45
11. Steve Plunkett - Still On My Mind 04:44
12. Steve Plunkett - Baby You're The Blood 03:32
13. Steve Plunkett - Tough Enough 04:01
14. Laura Creamer - Naked 04:34
15. Billy Trudell - When It Was A Game 04:19
16. Guy Perry - Water Under The Bridge 04:08
Disc 2:
01. JP Palalenka - Talking To Myself 03:34
02. Phil Brown - Phantom Of Passion 04:32
03. Mona Moore - (Don't Give Up) On Me 03:43
04. Mona Moore - Thrill Of The Chase 03:00
05. Jamie St. James - Answers In Your Eyes 03:37
06. Guy Perry - Toys Night Out 03:47
07. Greg Edelman - Blow The Beast 03:18
08. Mona Moore - Hold The Night 03:28
09. Laura Creamer - Still On My Mind (Second Version) 04:40
10. Jamie St. James - The Other Side 04:20
11. Mona Moore - Word Of Honor 04:50
12. Greg Edelman - Thinking Is A Dangerous Game 03:56
13. Jimmy Waldo - Island In The Sun (Inst.) 04:06
14. Paul Shortino - Fire Burns Twice 03:21
15. Desi Rexx - Too Far Gone 04:34
16. Mona Moore - Death Of A Kiss 03:15
Pre-order WALDO/ROSEN - Voices From The Past (2CD Set) $18 + $5 shipping worldwide (Out September 28)
Jimmy Waldo and Steven Rosen were a prolific writing duo at the height of hard rock’s popularity and were two of the go-to-guys for songs. But it didn’t stop there. This writing partnership lasted more than 30 years. And featured on these songs are the cream of the city’s musicians and singers – Jeff Scott Soto, Steve Plunkett, Billy Trudell, Keith Howland, Tim Pierce, Sherwood Ball, Tommy Thayer, Jamie St James, Marc Ferrari, Bob Kulick and more!
It is a story best told by Steven Rosen, who has penned a detailed essay for the liner notes. Here he summarizes:
Steven writes: "This songwriting partnership endured and survived the pummelling and pulverizing hammer of the music business, one that relentlessly and thoughtlessly banged you on the head with rejections and the closing of doors. Reaching out hundreds and hundreds of times to publishers, managers, music supervisors and anyone else who might listen to our music, we were summarily dismissed out of hand.
We’d sit for hours writing, recording, bashing our brains out and always coming away with something cool.
A handful of the songs here were things I wrote with other people and which Jimmy engineered. Jimmy had by the time we met, already played keyboards in New England and Alcatrazz and would go on to become a member in Blackthorne, Murder’s Row, Quiet Riot and ultimately Graham Bonnet’s band.
As time passed, we began writing with more specific artists and projects in mind. 'Naked' was written as a possible song for Heart; 'Ricochet' and 'When A Heart Beats Alone' were written for an L.A. glam rock band Jimmy was producing called Lace; 'City Of Angels' was written for the JapaneseNHK network; and 'Outlaws' was written for an indie film of the same name and so on.
Because we were writing for certain artists, we both knew we needed to pull in guitar players and singers who could convey a specific vibe. We were able to work with mad gifted players like Keith Howland (Chicago), Harry Cody (Shotgun Messiah), Tony Palacios (Guardian) and Lance Morrison (Don Henley, Rick Springfield).
And the singers? Oh, my god. Mona Moore brought drama and passion to these songs like no other vocalist I’d ever heard. Billy Trudell, working in Warpipes at the time, brought soaring and melodic thunder to 'When It Was A Game,' 'Runaway Fire' and '(Ain’t No) Honor Among Thieves.'
The songs on ‘Voices From the Past’ have remained dormant for years, residing in boxes, hidden in dusty corners. Giles Lavery, Graham Bonnet’s manager and a music historian with an encyclopedic knowledge of all things rock bordering on ultra-nerd, discovered these DATs, ADATs, reel-to-reels, hard drives and even cassettes deep within the bowels of Waldo’s garage. He started listening and was enthralled with what he heard. Giles rescued, resuscitated and resurrected these songs and for that Jimmy and I are eternally grateful."
As per usual, JK Northrup has done his complete remastering service on the tracks and Nello Dell’Omo has put together some classy artwork to match.
The double CD will be released via MRR on September 28.
Album Artwork by: Nello Dell’Omo
Pre-order WALDO/ROSEN - Voices From The Past (2CD Set) $18 + $5 shipping worldwide (Out September 28)
Disc 1:
01. (Ain’t No) Honor Among Thieves
Vocals – Billy Trudell
Guitars – Harry Cody
Keyboards – Jimmy Waldo
Writers – Steve Rosen/Patrick Dollahan
02. Ice
Jeff Scott Soto – Vocals
Bob Kulick – Guitar
Jimmy Waldo – Keyboards
Writers: Jimmy Waldo/Jeff Scott Soto/Arlene Matza
03. City Of Angels
Vocals – Sherwood Ball
Guitars/bass – Michael Angelo
Recorded by – Jimmy Waldo
Writers – Steve Rosen/Jimmy Waldo/Grover Jackson
04. Ricochet
Vocals – Mike Val
Guitars – Keith Howland
Bass – Lance Morrison
Keyboards – Jimmy Waldo
Drum programming – Jimmy Waldo
Recorded by – Jimmy Waldo
Writers – Mike Val/Steve Rosen/Jimmy Waldo
05. When A Heart Beats Alone
Vocals – Mike Val
Guitars – Keith Howland
Bass – Lance Morrison
Jimmy Waldo – Keyboards
Recorded by – Jimmy Waldo
06. Lay This Ghost to Rest
Vocals – Guy Perry
Guitars – Tony Palacios
Keyboards – Jimmy Waldo
Recorded by – Jimmy Waldo
Writers – Steve Rosen/Jimmy Waldo
07. I Wish You Heaven
Guitars – Tommy Thayer
Vocals/bass – Guy Perry
Keyboards – Jimmy Waldo
Recorded by – Brad Bailey
Writers – Steve Rosen/Tommy Thayer/Adam Wolfe
08. Hearts Under Fire
Vocals – Paul Bardot
Bass – Lance Morrison
Jimmy Waldo – Keyboards/production/drum programming
Writers – Steve Rosen/Lance Morrison
09. Blood In the Water
Vocals – Paul E. Bardot
Guitars – Keith Howland
Bass – Lance Morrison
Jimmy Waldo – Keyboards
Recorded by – Jimmy Waldo
Writers – Steve Rosen/Jimmy Waldo
10. Second Nature
Vocals – Mona Moore
Guitars – Steve Rosen
Bass – Ron de la Vega
Keyboards – Jimmy Waldo
Recorded by – Jimmy Waldo
Writers – Steve Rosen/Ron de la Vega
11. Still On My Mind
Vocals – Steve Plunkett
Guitars – Steve Plunkett
Keyboards – Steve Plunkett
Produced by – Steve Plunkett
Writers – Steve Plunkett/Steve Rosen
12. Baby You're The Blood
Steve Plunkett – Vocals
Bob Kulick – Guitars
Keyboards – Jimmy Waldo
Writers – Plunkett/Kulick/Waldo
13. Tough Enough
Steve Plunkett –Vocals, guitars, bass, drum programming/production
Writers – Steve Plunkett / Steven Rosen
14. Naked
Vocals – Laura Creamer (Bob Seger)
Guitars – Keith Howland
Bass – Lance Morrison
Keyboards – Jimmy Waldo
Drum programming/engineering – Jimmy Waldo
Writers – Steve Rosen/Jimmy Waldo
15. When It Was A Game
Vocals – Billy Trudell
Guitars – Harry Cody
Keyboards/drum programming – Jimmy Waldo
Writers – Jimmy Waldo/Steve Rosen
16. Water Under the Bridge
Vocals – Guy Perry
Guitars – Tommy Thayer
Bass – Guy Perry
Keyboards – Jimmy Waldo
Recorded by – Brad Bailey
Writers – Tommy Thayer/Steve Rosen
Disc 2:
01. Talking To Myself
Vocals – J.P. Palalenka
Guitars – Steve Rosen
Bass – Ron de la Vega
Keyboards – Ron de la Vega
Drums – Pete Christian
Writers – Steve Rosen/Ron de la Vega
02. Phantom Of Passion
Vocals/guitar – Phil Brown
Synclavier programming – Jimmy Waldo
Writers – Phil Brown/Steve Rosen
03. (Don’t Give Up) On Me
Vocals – Mona Moore
Guitars – Steve Rosen
Bass – Ron de la Vega (Patti Griffith)
Keyboards – Jimmy Waldo
Recorded by – Jimmy Waldo
Writer – Steven Rosen
04. Thrill Of the Chase
Vocals – Mona Moore
Guitars – Steve Rosen
Bass – Ron de la Vega
Keyboards – Jimmy Waldo
Recorded by – Jimmy Waldo
Writers – Steve Rosen/Jimmy Waldo
05. Answers In Your Eyes
Vocals – Jamie St. James
Guitars – Marc Ferrari
Keyboards – Jimmy Waldo
Recorded by – Jimmy Waldo
Writers – Steven Rosen/Mark Ferrari
06. Tough Enough (Second Vers)
Vocals – TBC
Steve Plunkett – Guitars, bass, drum programming/production
Writers – Steve Plunkett/Steven Rosen
07. Toys Night Out
Vocals – Guy Perry
Guitars – Harry Cody
Bass – Tim Skold
Keyboards – Jimmy Waldo
Writers – Harry Cody/Tim Skold/Steve Rosen
08. Blow the Beast
Vocals – Greg Edelman
Guitars – Steve Rosen
Bass – Ron de la Vega
Keyboards – Jimmy Waldo
Recorded by – Brian Levi
Writers – Steve Rosen/Ron de la Vega
09. Hold the Night
Vocals – Mona Moore
Guitars – Steve Rosen
Keyboards – Steve Vonderheide
Writers – Steve Vonderheide/Steve Rosen
10. Still On My Mind (Second Vers)
Vocals – Laura Creamer
Guitars – Steve Plunkett
Keyboards – Steve Plunkett
Produced by – Steve Plunkett
Writers – Steve Plunkett/Steve Rosen
11. The Other Side
Vocals – Jamie St. James
Guitars/bass – Marc Ferrari
Writers – Steve Rosen/Marc Ferrari
12. Word of Honor
Vocals – Mona Moore
Keyboards – Jimmy Waldo
Recorded by – Jimmy Waldo
Writers – Jimmy Waldo/Steve Rosen
13. Thinking Is A Dangerous Game
Vocals – Greg Edelman
Guitars – Steve Rosen
Bass/keyboards – Ron de la Vega
Recorded by – Brian Levi
Writers – Steve Rosen/Ron de la Vega
14. Island In The Sun (New Inst. of Alcatrazz song)
Jimmy Waldo – All Instruments
Writer – Jimmy Waldo
15. Fire Burns Twice
Paul Shortino – Vocals
Paul Shortino – Guitar
Jimmy Waldo – Keybords
Drum Programming Jimmy Waldo
Writers – Jimmy Waldo/Paul Shortino
16. Too Far Gone
Vocals – Desi Rexx (D’Molls)
Guitars – Danny Johnson
Jimmy Waldo – Keyboards
Writers – Danny Johnson/Steve Rosen/Desi Rexx
17. Death Of A Kiss
Vocals – Mona Moore
Guitars – Steve Rosen
Bass/keyboards – Ron de la Vega
Programming – Jimmy Waldo
Recorded by – Jimmy Waldo
Writers – Steve Rosen/Ron de la Vega
Runaway Fire
Vocals – Billy Trudel
Guitars – Danny Johnson (Private Life, Steppenwolf)
Bass – Danny Johnson
Keyboards – Jimmy Waldo
Recorded by – Jimmy Waldo
Writers – Jimmy Waldo/Steve Rosen
Voice From the Past
Vocals – Ralph Morman
Guitars – Steve Rosen
Bass/keyboards – Ron de la Vega
Writers – Steve Rosen/Ron de la Vega
'Ice' featuring JEFF SCOTT SOTO – Vocals, BOB KULICK – Guitar, JIMMY WALDO – Keyboards. (Writers: Jimmy Waldo / Jeff Scott Soto / Arlene Matza)
Pre-order WALDO/ROSEN - Voices From The Past (2CD Set) $18 + $5 shipping worldwide (Out September 28)
In the show's only interview, Chicago's Keith Howland discusses the band's enduring legacy, touring with Earth Wind & Fire, making new music, guitarist Terry Kath, the Rock N' Roll Hall Of Fame, his outside project 'Button' with The Doobie Brothers' John Cowan & Ed Toth (the band was formerly known as Secret Agent Orange) and much more.
QUOTES from the interview:
The current tour with Earth Wind & Fire (time 1.46): "It's quite the spectacle. The closing thirty minutes of the show (the six song encore with both bands) is worth the price of admission alone. The rest is gravy."
Terry Kath (time 4.17): "Terry was one of my earliest influences maybe with Tony Peluso of The Carpenters. His solo on Goodbye To Love was one of the first rock guitar solos I ever heard."
(time 4.37): "My older brother brought Chicago II home. His drum instructor wanted him to check out Danny Seraphine. It was so cool, so diverse and so musical. We were fans from that point forward and Terry's guitar playing..."
Joining Chicago in 1995 (time 6.09): "It took my awhile to get over the 'pinch me' aspect. The audition was really surreal - when Robert Lamm started to sing I almost stopped playing because I was so flabbergasted that Robert Lamm was standing four feet away from me singing."
'Button' with The Doobie Brothers' John Cowan & Ed Toth (time 27.18): "It's really cool stuff. It's vocal pop but there's definite jam band elements. It's real organic. The record should be out before the end of the year."
Rock N Roll Hall Of Fame/ Peter Cetera talk starts at 20.45