

R.I.P HOWARD KAUFMAN (Manager to Def Leppard/Chicago/Aerosmith)

News Feed
The H.K. Management roster included Aerosmith, Stevie Nicks, Jimmy Buffett, Chicago, Lenny Kravitz and Def Leppard.
Howard Kaufman, a frequent collaborator of Irving Azoff's and an influential artist manager whose clients have included some of the biggest names in rock n' roll, has died, Billboard has confirmed. He was 79. The cause of death is as yet unknown.
Kaufman's longtime management company, H.K. Management, had an artist roster that included Aerosmith, Stevie Nicks, Jimmy Buffett, Chicago, Lenny Kravitz and Def Leppard.
In 1974, Kaufman teamed with Azoff to form Front Line Management, which notably guided the careers of the Eagles, Steely Dan, and Buffett, among others. The company disbanded in the early 1980s, around the time the Eagles began their long hiatus, but was resurrected by the pair in early 2005. The revamped Front Line experienced rapid growth and in 2008 was acquired by Ticketmaster, which named Azoff CEO.
From Bob Lefsetz:
He famously told a household name band he'd make them more money in two years than they had in the previous twenty.
And then he did.
Most people don't know who he was. Because unlike those that followed him into the business, Howard was not about fame, he was about protecting the interests of his artists, and money.
And everybody cares about the money. Knock around this business long enough and you'll hear the famous cliche... "It's not about the money, it's about the money."
And Howard started off as an accountant. He worked with James William Guercio. And then he went on to partner with Irving Azoff and steer the careers of Jimmy Buffett and Stevie Nicks and Aerosmith and Def Leppard and... You want someone in your corner, and that was Howard. He could be funny and he could be stern, but one thing's for sure, you could not pull the wool over his eyes.
The first time I met him was on a plane down to Chula Vista, to see Jimmy Buffett, and he told me Fleetwood Mac was gonna reform and I asked him about new material and he told me he'd be happy if they never made another record. This was 2003, he already knew where the bucks were buried, on the road. You see old does not mean dumb, does not mean over the hill, oftentimes it means wisdom and foresight and Howard had it.
And now he's dead.
I won't say he died before his time, prematurely, that he was cut down in his prime, he was 79, but yesterday he was in the office, manning the phones, working, he had time left on his clock.
Only it turned out he didn't.
This has been a very strange year. Although the press has gone on about the passing of legends, from Bowie to Frey to Prince to George Michael to lesser luminaries like Dan Hicks, even Leonard Cohen, the story has been about the individuals and their work.
But really, it's about the passing of an era.
This music business didn't sprout in its present incarnation overnight. There were a lot of twists and turns, it was invented along the way. Bill Graham may have institutionalized rock concerts, but it was Led Zeppelin's manager Peter Grant who flipped the script, who had Jimmy and the boys getting ninety percent of the money, because after all, everybody knew the show was gonna sell out.
And in the twenty first century, Jimmy Buffett was getting over a hundred percent of the gross. How can that be, you ask. Because even if you give him all the ticket revenue you're gonna make bank on parking and merch and food and beverage. Hell, if you're a guaranteed sell out there's enough money for everybody.
And there was plenty of money in the seventies. There were no billionaires. Rock stars were as rich as anybody in America. The only difference was, they were beholden to nobody. If they acted out, the manager just peeled off enough hundreds to make it right. It was the wild west, no wonder the Eagles made a concept album entitled "Desperado."
And we've had a couple of revolutions in this century. We had Napster and the changing of distribution to all you can eat streaming. And, of course, the internet has also fostered the social media revolution, and tech has made it so the cost of production has sunk.
But the era of the one of a kind musician, riding through town defining the game as he played it? That's through. Most of the business has become institutionalized.
So, it's not as simple as David Bowie's body of work, it's also about hearing of an act that's not on the radio and buying the album and becoming infatuated and going to see the act at a club or a theatre where they blow you away and you tell everybody you know and you drag them to the next show and eventually they get a song on the radio and everybody knows and you tell them you were there first but all the time you're foraging for new acts.
And the acts neither sounded the same nor used the same producers. And their skills were paramount, how they looked was secondary. If you couldn't sing, write and play, you couldn't make it.
And if you didn't have the right team, your career was a nonstarter.
You ended up with Howard. After you'd been ripped off by others, because Howard knew the landscape, he knew where every dollar was buried. In a world where concert promoters show you books that say they lost money, how do you figure out the real numbers? The kickback from the hall, the advertising shenanigans...only through experience.
There was a plethora of people who learned this way. There were no school programs, there were no books, because it was being invented along the way.
And now they're passing too.
You can read about some thirty year old wanker getting a promotion at the label but that person... It's like working on the assembly line making cars in Mexico. You're filling a role, but it's very different and with a lot less excitement than it was working at Ford a hundred years ago, never mind being Ford.
But the baby boomers remember. Right time, right place. The Beatles were on TV and it all blew up. But that was more than fifty years ago. Some of the music survives, but most of the story does not. How we got from there to here. From terrible sound systems with no production to great sound systems with hi-def projection. From tickets sold for $3 at record stores to clicking to buy on your mobile phone from StubHub for over a hundred.
I'll let others who knew Howard better tell his story. But I was always intrigued by both his intensity and his laughter, and his dedication to the job.
Because it's about the work.
Whether you're slinging burgers at McDonald's or pushing paper at Goldman Sachs, you spend a lot of time there and you've got to enjoy it. And, if you dislike where you are, you have to find a way to something better. To the point where the day before you die, despite having enough cash for your whole neighborhood to retire, you go to work, because you love it.
Howard Kaufman loved his job.
And those he represented loved him.
And in a world where we're all ultimately forgotten, that's all you can ask for.
From Irving Azoff:
Howard was a giant among men. He never sought the spotlight, but was the best in the business.
We worked together for more than 45 years. He was a great influence on me and taught me a lot.
Despite his major health issues, he always wanted to work till the end and I’m glad he got his wish.
It’s a tragic loss for our industry. He will be missed by me as well as scores of others he touched.




One On One With Mitch Lafon - CHICAGO

Release Year: 
Podcasts & Radio

CHICAGO guitarist KEITH HOWLAND guests on Ep. 268 of One On One With Mitch Lafon.

Link To Interview:

In the show's only interview, Chicago's Keith Howland discusses the band's enduring legacy, touring with Earth Wind & Fire, making new music, guitarist Terry Kath, the Rock N' Roll Hall Of Fame, his outside project 'Button' with The Doobie Brothers' John Cowan & Ed Toth (the band was formerly known as Secret Agent Orange) and much more.

QUOTES from the interview:

The current tour with Earth Wind & Fire (time 1.46): "It's quite the spectacle. The closing thirty minutes of the show (the six song encore with both bands) is worth the price of admission alone. The rest is gravy."

Terry Kath (time 4.17): "Terry was one of my earliest influences maybe with Tony Peluso of The Carpenters. His solo on Goodbye To Love was one of the first rock guitar solos I ever heard."

(time 4.37): "My older brother brought Chicago II home. His drum instructor wanted him to check out Danny Seraphine. It was so cool, so diverse and so musical. We were fans from that point forward and Terry's guitar playing..."

Joining Chicago in 1995 (time 6.09): "It took my awhile to get over the 'pinch me' aspect. The audition was really surreal - when Robert Lamm started to sing I almost stopped playing because I was so flabbergasted that Robert Lamm was standing four feet away from me singing."

'Button' with The Doobie Brothers' John Cowan & Ed Toth (time 27.18): "It's really cool stuff. It's vocal pop but there's definite jam band elements. It's real organic. The record should be out before the end of the year."

Rock N Roll Hall Of Fame/ Peter Cetera talk starts at 20.45

For more about CHICAGO visit:

TWITTER: @chicagotheband



InTheStudio - CHICAGO 'II'

Wednesday, January 14, 2015
Podcasts & Radio

Chicago II Anoints Band As Hit Machine
Founding Member Robert Lamm Recalls Sophomore Effort

Dallas, TX - January 6, 2015.  North American syndicated Rock radio show and website InTheStudio: The Stories Behind Historys Greatest Rock Bands speaks to Chicago founding member Robert Lamm on the anniversary of the double album musical colossus Chicago II.

February of 1970, not even a year after their debut album Chicago Transit Authority, the band had shortened their name but not their fourteen-legged lineup. As former Bob Dylan sideman and Blood, Sweat and Tears founder Al Kooper told Lamm, Chicagos sound was the perfect marriage of brass and rock.

Chicago, born out of their city namesake also known as the Second City, made the bold Chicago II, a two disc set that would go on to sell a record two million albums and spawn their first Top 5 hit 25 or 6 to 4 and two Top 10 singles Colour My World and Make Me Smile.

Speaking with InTheStudio host Redbeard, keyboardist, singer, songwriter Robert Lamm sheds light on how three lead singers managed to front just one band. 

For most of the time that we were writing songs, we never thought about what key (its in), is it going to be right for whoevers going to sing it.  We would basically write the song and see how far each one of us could go. So part of the idea about sharing lead vocals was necessity. (laughs).  - Robert Lamm

Footnote: after over 120,000,000 albums sold, the second biggest selling artist in America (behind only the Beach Boys) is still not in the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame.

Chicago II /InTheStudio interview part one is available now to STREAM at:

Direct Link to InTheStudio broadcast affiliate radio station list:

Direct Link to Chicago website:

Direct Link to InTheStudio website:

The Classic Metal Show - DRAGONFORCE, CHICAGO

Wednesday, August 20, 2014
Podcasts & Radio
The latest from The Classic Metal Show:

Interview with Michelle Kath, the daughter of late Chicago guitarist Terry Kath. She called in to talk about her documentary on her dad's life.

Interview with Sam Totsen and Henry Li of Dragonforce -

7TH HEAVEN - Spectrum (Review)

information persons: 
section name: 
01. Stoplight
02. It's You
03. Dance In The Rain
04. In The City
05. Living In Danger
06. Once In A Lifetime
07. We Live Life Young
08. Magic
09. Are We Up
10. When You Say My Name
11. Walk Another Mile
12. Join The Party
13. I'm Your Addict
14. Livin Life
15. Holding My Breath For You
16. Last Chance
17. Illusion
18. Until The Day I Die
19. Heads Or Tails
20. Jump Start 
section name: 


Produced By: 
Richie Hofherr
Running Time: 
Release Date: 
Musical Style: 
Pop/Melodic Rock/AOR
NTD Records
Friday, August 8, 2014
Chicago’s legendary 7th heaven return with yet another new studio album, this one featuring no less than 20 new cuts!
Back fronting the band for this album is the great Keith Semple, whose likable melodic tone is a perfect match for the happy go lucky anthemic pop/rock that guitarist and main writer Richie Hofherr seems to effortlessly churn out with spectacular regularity.
Maintaining the formula of past albums, there seems to be a couple of extra ingredients here to make this arguably the band’s best release yet.
First – the production quality is the best since the band’s classic Silver release. Extra thump in the drum department has gone a long way.
Second – the songs are simply unquestionably brilliant and totally infectious.
Each 7th heaven album manages to deliver several catchy pop/rock anthems to add to their already impressive list, but on Spectrum it’s simply song after song of instant hook gratification and sing-along perfection.
There’s a heartfelt emotion to this band’s music and that continues unabated here.
Just try and not sing along and tap your feet to the glorious fast moving anthems Stoplight, It’s You, in The City, Livin’ Life, Last Chance, Heads or Tails and a much improved re-recording of the last album’s best track We Live Life Young.
The band’s moodier side is amply explored on Dance In The Rain, Once In A Lifetime, Are We Up, Walk Another Mile, I’m Your Addict and Until The Day I Die.
Heartfelt ballads aren’t ignored either, with When You Say My Name and Holding My Breath For You both worthy of chart success.
Of course, with 20 tracks on offer there’s bound to be a few “misses”, but those will depend on tastes. For me the reggae of Join The Party and the rap infused duo of Living In Danger (despite another catchy chorus) and Jump Start represent the three tracks I reach for the skip button. But 3 skips out of 20 tracks is a ratio any major artist would be proud to boast.
7th heaven remain a Midwest phenomenon, but their worldwide cult following is only going to grow on the back of this superbly written and produced album of brilliantly catchy and likable melodic pop/rock gems.
Recommended for all readers to check out. Simply awesome.

REO SPEEDWAGON Fall Short at Los Angeles Concert

Monday, August 4, 2014
Tour News

By Gerry Gittelson Los Angeles correspondent

LOS ANGELES - In the context of all rock performances, REO Speedwagon proved relatively entertaining with an hour-long concert set Friday, Aug. 1 at the famed Greek Theatre. Yet based on the American group's own standards through decades of successful arena tours, hit singles and one of the greatest melodic-rock albums of all time in 1981 with 'Hi-Infidelity,' the fivesome pretty much stunk up the place.

Just about every hit song was ruined by intentionally slowing the tempo ' not to mention being tuned down at least one step ' and there was definitely something wrong with the way Kevin Cronin was singing; that's something unusual because Cronin is usually the best thing about REO Speedwagon.

Perhaps this was on off-night because Cronin's voice might have been strained ' sometimes he was kind of talking the lyrics instead of actually singing them ' or perhaps REO Speedwagon felt it was a good idea to slow things down so considerably because they're touring with Chicago, a more mellow act than REO Speedwagon's usual tour-mates like Styx or Journey over the past ten years or so.

At any rate, the whole thing was rather disappointing because surely we were not the only ones who wanted to hear such selections as 'Keep On Loving You' and 'Can't Fight This Feeling' executed just as we remember them from our car radios.

Instead of jumping up and going crazy like most would on a summer weekend night in the band's adopted home city, the crowd mostly remained in their chairs and politely applauded, but it was clear to most of us that something was just not right.

Plus, Cronin did way too much talking between songs, even though he is generally charismatic and delightfully glib, and there were too many unfamiliar selections for such a short set. A lot of big hits were there, but there was a lot of filler, too, with 'Music Man,' 'That Ain't Love' and an abysmal new one called 'Whipping Boy.'

REO Speedwagon was rounded out by guitarist Dave Amato, bassist Bruce Hall (who like usual sang 'Back on The Road Again'), keyboardist Neal Doughty, and aptly named drummer Bryan Hitt.

To be fair, though the concert seemed like a double bill, Chicago played last and were the real headliners, so this was essentially their crowd and not REO Speedwagon's, though back in the day REO was probably bigger at its peak yet has not sold as many records total nor enjoyed as many hits overall.

Chicago killed, even without long-gone original singer Peter Cetera, as the jazzy six-piece really got the crowd going with their catchy soft rock.

Then, after Chicago has been going for a little more than an hour, REO Speedwagon returned to the stage to join in, so there were 11 musicians up there ' including three percussionists ' and together they all played six more songs, including 'Ridin' The Storm Out,' 'Keep On Loving You' and 'Roll With The Changes,' and by this point REO Speedwagon had pretty much salvaged the night and returned to our good graces.

The last song, Chicago's '25 or 6 to 4,' saw the singers from both bands taking turns, and the whole thing was pretty cool.

CHICAGO - Now (Review)

information persons: 
section name: 
The album walks a thin line between uptempo Westcoast pop and sultry jazz-infused ballads, all delivered with the sickly sweet harmony vocals expected from a band with 6 or 7 vocalists at work.
Good for fans of the band's earlier incarntions, beyond fluffy for those looking for the more recently used style.
section name: 


Produced By: 
Release Date: 
Musical Style: 
Frontiers Records
Monday, July 21, 2014
Chicago is the second iconic group to have a new release out in the same month of the same year (Yes being the other) from the same label. Much like the Yes album, appeal will squarely lay with longtime established fans over curious newcomers or part-time fans.
I count myself as a part-timer when it comes to Chicago. I loved the band’s edgier moments like the last studio album in 2006 (XXX) and the fabulous long kept under wraps Stone Of Sisyphus album, plus their more commercial moments such as the 80s friendly Chicago 16 through 21 albums. Some great AOR material on offer there.
When the band revert to their core 70s style, bring out the jazzy Westcoast sound and push their legendary brass section into a more prominent role, I find my finger reaching for the skip button.
Chicago 36, or “Now” as it is dually titled, offers some moments of melodic rock brilliance and some snappy arrangements and impeccable playing without question.
It’s also beautifully produced by the band. But at times it speeds down Pink & Fluffy Boulevard and heads Southbound on the Middle Of The Road Freeway.
So be warned those seeking the more guitar driven sound of XXX – this ain’t it!
That said, if you like classic Chicago, you aren’t going to get a more authentic experience than “Now”. The jazzy pop material is as catchy as it is breezy and the sound is straight out of 1978.


Wednesday, July 9, 2014
News Feed
As their new album NOW: CHICAGO XXXVI hits U.S. stores today (July 8th), CHICAGO are excited to see the new video for the song “More Will Be Revealed” posted exclusively on  Check out the video here:  The new album was released today in the U.S. via Frontiers Records and captures the band—adored by generations of fans since they formed in 1967—at their “rock with horns” best.
Currently on tour in Europe, the band return to American shores for a tour with REO Speedwagon July 31 through September 9, to be followed by more headlining dates on their own.
The band--founding members ROBERT LAMM (keyboard, guitars, vocals), LEE LOUGHNANE (trumpet, guitar, percussion, vocals), JAMES PANKOW (trombone, percussion, keyboards, vocals), WALTER PARAZAIDER (woodwinds, backing vocals) along with JASON SCHEFF (bass, vocals), TRIS IMBODEN (drums, percussion), KEITH HOWLAND (guitars, vocals), LOU PARDINI (keyboards, vocals) and WALFREDO REYES, Jr., (percussion)—recorded the album on “The Rig,” their custom-made state-of-the-art mobile studio.  Penned by Robert Lamm, “More Will Be Revealed” is an uptempo signature CHICAGO song, replete with powerful horns and an immediately catchy funk groove.
Featuring 11 brand-new, original songs from the group known for their groundbreaking rock-with-horns sound, “NOW” CHICAGO XXXVI was written and recorded on the road during the band’s rigorous, never-ending tour schedule, playing for fans who have supported them since they formed in 1967.
After Europe, they return to the U.S for a tour with R.E.O. SPEEDWAGON including an August 1 date at Los Angeles’ Greek Theatre, an August 9 show in Chicago as well as New York-area shows August 16 at PNC Bank Arts Center in Holmdel, NJ and August 17 at Jones Beach in Wantagh, NY.  Tour dates can be found here:
“NOW” CHICAGO XXXVI is available via Amazon here, iTunes: and on the band's website here:
Check out the album’s EPK here:
Originally formed as the CHICAGO TRANSIT AUTHORITY in 1967, the band found almost immediate success and have become a bona fide institution of American music.  Their signature sound of solid rock songs augmented by the best horns in the business has endeared them to several generations of music fans.  Hit singles include “If You Leave Me Now,” “Saturday In The Park,” “Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is,” “Feelin’ Stronger Every Day,” “25 or 6 to 4,” “Beginnings,” “I’m A Man,” “Hard To Say I’m Sorry,” “(I’ve Been) Searching So Long,” “Look Away,” “Just You And Me” and “Old Days,” among others.  The band has accumulated a total of 47 gold and platinum records awards and their Chicago Transit Authority album was inducted into the Grammy Hall of Fame this year.  Chicago, the first American rock band to chart Top 40 albums in six decades, came in at #13 in Billboard magazine's list of Top 100 artists of all time, the highest-charting American band. 
Here’s the “NOW” CHICAGO XXXVI track listing:
--More Will Be Revealed
--Crazy Happy
--Free At Last
--Love Lives On
--Something’s Coming, I Know
--Watching All The Colors
--Nice Girl
--Naked In The Garden of Allah
--Another Trippy Day
Date:                   City:                                                                  Venue:
Mon 7/7
Frankfurt, Germany
Thu 7/10
Berlin, Germany
Fri 7/11
Leipzig, Germany
Sat 7/12
Wisen, Austria
Lovely Days Festival
Mon 7/14
Munich, Germany
Tue 7/15
Stuttgart, Germany
Fri 7/18
Langesund, Norway
Thur 7/31
Concord, CA
Concord Pavilion
Fri 8/1
Los Angeles, CA
Greek Theatre
Sat 8/2
Phoenix, AZ
Comerica Theater
Mon 8/4
Denver, CO
Red Rock Amphitheatre
Thur 8/7
Kansas City, MO
Starlight Theatre
Fri 8/8
St. Louis, MO
Verizon Wireless Amph.
Sat 8/9
Chicago, IL
First Merit Bank Pavilion
Sun 8/10
Indianapolis, IN
Klipsch Music Center
Tue 8/12
Detroit, MI
DTE Energy Music Th.
Wed 8/13
Cincinnati, OH
Riverbend Music Center
Fri 8/15
Hartford, CT
Sat 8/16
Holmdel, NJ
PNC Bank Arts Center
Sun 8/17
Wantagh, NJ
Nikon @ Jones Beach
Tue 8/19
Saratoga Springs, NY
Saratoga PAC
Wed 8/20
Boston, MA
Blue Hills Bank Pavilion
Fri 8/22
Atlantic City, NJ
Borgata Events Center
Sat 8/23
Raleigh, NC
Walnut Creek Amp.
Sun 8/24
Atlanta, GA
Chastain Park Amp.
Tue 8/26
Durant, OK
Choctaw Events Center
Wed 8/27
Cedar Park, TX
Cedar Park Center
Fri 8/29
Houston, TX
Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion
Sat 8/30
Oklahoma City, OK
Downtown Airpark
Sun 8/31
Dallas, TX
Gexa Energy Pavilion
Tue 9/9
Puyallup, WA
Washington State Fair
Headlining dates:
Thur 9/11
Saratoga, CA
The Mountain Winery
Fri 9/12
San Diego, CA
Sat 9/13
Modesto, CA
Gallo Center For The Arts
Sun 9/14
Paso Robles, CA
Villa Robles Amphitheatre




Wednesday, July 2, 2014
News Feed
While on tour in Europe, iconic rock band CHICAGO will celebrate the Fourth of July, national US holiday with the release of a lyric video for their new song “America” this week.  Check out the clip here:  Their forthcoming album NOW: CHICAGO XXXVI is set for release on July 4th in Europe and July 8 in the U.S. via Frontiers Records. 
After the band--founding members ROBERT LAMM (keyboard, guitars, vocals), LEE LOUGHNANE (trumpet, guitar, percussion, vocals), JAMES PANKOW (trombone, percussion, keyboards, vocals), WALTER PARAZAIDER (woodwinds, backing vocals) along with JASON SCHEFF (bass, vocals), TRIS IMBODEN (drums, percussion), KEITH HOWLAND (guitars, vocals), LOU PARDINI (keyboards, vocals) and WALFREDO REYES, Jr., (percussion)--wrap up their European tour July 18, they’ll return to the U.S. for a busy summer of touring with REO Speedwagon, followed by more headlining dates of their own. 
LOUGHNANE says, “Hey everybody! We're touring in Europe for the next few weeks and we're going to miss being able to celebrate the 4th of July at home with our families. We hope you all enjoy the new album, NOW-Chicago XXXVl. Check out the ‘America’ video and watch for us in a town near you in August. We'll be touring with REO Speedwagon. Happy 4th!!”
“America,” "Now" and "Love Lives On" are available as instant grats with the iTunes pre-order (for those who don't know, this means the song will automatically download to their iTunes once they complete the pre-order purchase).
Featuring 11 brand-new, original songs from the group known for their groundbreaking rock-with-horns sound, “NOW” CHICAGO XXXVI was written and recorded on the road during the band’s rigorous, never-ending tour schedule, playing for fans who have supported them since they formed in 1967.
After Europe, they return to the U.S for a tour with R.E.O. SPEEDWAGON including an August 1 date at Los Angeles’ Greek Theatre, an August 9 show in Chicago as well as New York-area shows August 16 at PNC Bank Arts Center in Holmdel, NJ and August 17 at Jones Beach in Wantagh, NY.  Tour dates can be found here:
Pre-orders for “NOW” CHICAGO XXXVI are available on the band's website  here: as well as via Amazon here and iTunes:
Check out the album’s EPK here:
Originally formed as the CHICAGO TRANSIT AUTHORITY in 1967, the band found almost immediate success and have become a bona fide institution of American music.  Their signature sound of solid rock songs augmented by the best horns in the business has endeared them to several generations of music fans.  Hit singles include “If You Leave Me Now,” “Saturday In The Park,” “Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is,” “Feelin’ Stronger Every Day,” “25 or 6 to 4,” “Beginnings,” “I’m A Man,” “Hard To Say I’m Sorry,” “(I’ve Been) Searching So Long,” “Look Away,” “Just You And Me” and “Old Days,” among others.  The band has accumulated a total of 47 gold and platinum records awards and their Chicago Transit Authority album was inducted into the Grammy Hall of Fame this year.  Chicago, the first American rock band to chart Top 40 albums in six decades, came in at #13 in Billboard magazine's list of Top 100 artists of all time, the highest-charting American band. 
Here’s the “NOW” CHICAGO XXXVI track listing:
--More Will Be Revealed
--Crazy Happy
--Free At Last
--Love Lives On
--Something’s Coming, I Know
--Watching All The Colors
--Nice Girl
--Naked In The Garden of Allah
--Another Trippy Day
Date:                        City:                                                                        Venue:
Thur 6/26
Paris, France
Sat 6/28
Padova, Italy
Grand Teatro Geox
Tue 7/1
Barcelona, Spain
Wed 7/2
Madrid, Spain
Mad Garden Festival
Thur 7/3
Fuengirola, Spain
Sohail Castle
Sun 7/6
Bonn, Germany
Mon 7/7
Frankfurt, Germany
Thu 7/10
Berlin, Germany
Fri 7/11
Leipzig, Germany
Sat 7/12
Wisen, Austria
Lovely Days Festival
Mon 7/14
Munich, Germany
Tue 7/15
Stuttgart, Germany
Fri 7/18
Langesund, Norway
Thur 7/31
Concord, CA
Concord Pavilion
Fri 8/1
Los Angeles, CA
Greek Theatre
Sat 8/2
Phoenix, AZ
Comerica Theater
Mon 8/4
Denver, CO
Red Rock Amphitheatre
Thur 8/7
Kansas City, MO
Starlight Theatre
Fri 8/8
St. Louis, MO
Verizon Wireless Amph.
Sat 8/9
Chicago, IL
First Merit Bank Pavilion
Sun 8/10
Indianapolis, IN
Klipsch Music Center
Tue 8/12
Detroit, MI
DTE Energy Music Th.
Wed 8/13
Cincinnati, OH
Riverbend Music Center
Fri 8/15
Hartford, CT
Sat 8/16
Holmdel, NJ
PNC Bank Arts Center
Sun 8/17
Wantagh, NJ
Nikon @ Jones Beach
Tue 8/19
Saratoga Springs, NY
Saratoga PAC
Wed 8/20
Boston, MA
Blue Hills Bank Pavilion
Fri 8/22
Atlantic City, NJ
Borgata Events Center
Sat 8/23
Raleigh, NC
Walnut Creek Amp.
Sun 8/24
Atlanta, GA
Chastain Park Amp.
Tue 8/26
Durant, OK
Choctaw Events Center
Wed 8/27
Cedar Park, TX
Cedar Park Center
Fri 8/29
Houston, TX
Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion
Sat 8/30
Oklahoma City, OK
Downtown Airpark
Sun 8/31
Dallas, TX
Gexa Energy Pavilion
Tue 9/9
Puyallup, WA
Washington State Fair
Headlining dates:
Thur 9/11
Saratoga, CA
The Mountain Winery
Fri 9/12
San Diego, CA
Sat 9/13
Modesto, CA
Gallo Center For The Arts
Sun 9/14
Paso Robles, CA
Villa Robles Amphitheatre


Wednesday, June 18, 2014
News Feed






Iconic rock band CHICAGO continue the rollout of their new upcoming album NOW: CHICAGO XXXVI today (6/17) with the exclusive debut of the video and song “Now” today on  Check out the video here:  Set for release on July 4th in Europe and July 8 in North America via Frontiers Records, the new album--their 36th--carries on the tradition of one of the most beloved American bands.

CHICAGO also recently released a lyric video for another new song, “Love Lives On” last week on (  "Now" and "Love Lives On" are available as instant grats with the iTunes pre-order (for those who don't know, this means the song will automatically download to their iTunes once they complete the pre-order purchase).

The band—founding members ROBERT LAMM (keyboard, guitars, vocals), LEE LOUGHNANE (trumpet, guitar, percussion, vocals), JAMES PANKOW (trombone, percussion, keyboards, vocals), WALTER PARAZAIDER (woodwinds, backing vocals) along with JASON SCHEFF (bass, vocals), TRIS IMBODEN (drums, percussion), KEITH HOWLAND (guitars, vocals), LOU PARDINI (keyboards, vocals) and WALFREDO REYES, Jr., (percussion)—are headed to Europe next week for a 13-show tour of France, Italy, Spain, Germany, Austria and Norway before returning to the U.S.  for a 24-date run with R.E.O. SPEEDWAGON, followed by more headlining dates through September.

Featuring 11 brand-new, original songs from the group known for their groundbreaking rock-with-horns sound, “NOW” CHICAGO XXXVI was written and recorded on the road during the band’s rigorous, never-ending tour schedule, playing for fans who have supported them since they formed in 1967. They kick off a European tour June 26 in Paris, France before hitting Italy, Spain, Germany, Austria and Norway.  They return to the U.S for a tour with R.E.O. SPEEDWAGON including an August 1 date at Los Angeles’ Greek Theatre, have an August 9 show in Chicago as well as New York-area shows August 16 at PNC Bank Arts Center in Holmdel, NJ and August 17 at Jones Beach in Wantagh, NY.  Tour dates can be found here:

Pre-orders for “NOW” CHICAGO XXXVI are available on the band's website  here: as well as via Amazon here and iTunes:

Check out the album’s EPK here:

Originally formed as the CHICAGO TRANSIT AUTHORITY in 1967, the band found almost immediate success and have become a bona fide institution of American music.  Their signature sound of solid rock songs augmented by the best horns in the business has endeared them to several generations of music fans.  Hit singles include “If You Leave Me Now,” “Saturday In The Park,” “Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is,” “Feelin’ Stronger Every Day,” “25 or 6 to 4,” “Beginnings,” “I’m A Man,” “Hard To Say I’m Sorry,” “(I’ve Been) Searching So Long,” “Look Away,” “Just You And Me” and “Old Days,” among others.  The band has accumulated a total of 47 gold and platinum records awards and their Chicago Transit Authority album was inducted into the Grammy Hall of Fame this year.

Here’s the “NOW” CHICAGO XXXVI track listing:


--More Will Be Revealed


--Crazy Happy

--Free At Last

--Love Lives On

--Something’s Coming, I Know

--Watching All The Colors

--Nice Girl

--Naked In The Garden of Allah

--Another Trippy Day



Date:                   City:                                                                  Venue:

Thur 6/26

Paris, France


Sat 6/28

Padova, Italy

Grand Teatro Geox

Tue 7/1

Barcelona, Spain


Wed 7/2

Madrid, Spain

Mad Garden Festival

Thur 7/3

Fuengirola, Spain

Sohail Castle

Sun 7/6

Bonn, Germany


Mon 7/7

Frankfurt, Germany


Thu 7/10

Berlin, Germany


Fri 7/11

Leipzig, Germany


Sat 7/12

Wisen, Austria

Lovely Days Festival

Mon 7/14

Munich, Germany


Tue 7/15

Stuttgart, Germany


Fri 7/18

Langesund, Norway







Thur 7/31

Concord, CA

Concord Pavilion

Fri 8/1

Los Angeles, CA

Greek Theatre

Sat 8/2

Phoenix, AZ

Comerica Theater

Mon 8/4

Denver, CO

Red Rock Amphitheatre

Thur 8/7

Kansas City, MO

Starlight Theatre

Fri 8/8

St. Louis, MO

Verizon Wireless Amph.

Sat 8/9

Chicago, IL

First Merit Bank Pavilion

Sun 8/10

Indianapolis, IN

Klipsch Music Center

Tue 8/12

Detroit, MI

DTE Energy Music Th.

Wed 8/13

Cincinnati, OH

Riverbend Music Center

Fri 8/15

Hartford, CT


Sat 8/16

Holmdel, NJ

PNC Bank Arts Center

Sun 8/17

Wantagh, NJ

Nikon @ Jones Beach

Tue 8/19

Saratoga Springs, NY

Saratoga PAC

Wed 8/20

Boston, MA

Blue Hills Bank Pavilion

Fri 8/22

Atlantic City, NJ

Borgata Events Center

Sat 8/23

Raleigh, NC

Walnut Creek Amp.

Sun 8/24

Atlanta, GA

Chastain Park Amp.

Tue 8/26

Durant, OK

Choctaw Events Center

Wed 8/27

Cedar Park, TX

Cedar Park Center

Fri 8/29

Houston, TX

Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion

Sat 8/30

Oklahoma City, OK

Downtown Airpark

Sun 8/31

Dallas, TX

Gexa Energy Pavilion

Tue 9/9

Puyallup, WA

Washington State Fair


Headlining dates:


Thur 9/11

Saratoga, CA

The Mountain Winery

Fri 9/12

San Diego, CA


Sat 9/13

Modesto, CA

Gallo Center For The Arts

Sun 9/14

Paso Robles, CA

Villa Robles Amphitheatre



Wednesday, May 7, 2014
Podcasts & Radio

Chicago Transit Authority: From Mass Transit to Mass Appeal
Keyboardist/ Singer / Songwriter Robert Lamm Shares Insiders Perspective

Dallas, TX - May 6, 2014.  North American syndicated Rock radio show and website InTheStudio: The Stories Behind Historys Greatest Rock Bands hops aboard the Chicago Transit Authoritys 1969 self-titled debut album this week.

Chicago Transit Authority was the inaugural run on what became a record-setting marathon into rock history. The uncommonly talented seven piece outfit blew away all conventional wisdom by making their debut a double album, spawning three big hits, Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is?, Beginnings and Questions 67 & 68. With the CTA album in 1969, Chicago, the abbreviated hometown name they soon adopted, set out on the first leg of a spectacular 45 year ride that would see them become the second highest-selling American band in history, second only to the Beach Boys.

The man behind those initial hits and many more, keyboardist / singer / songwriter Robert Lamm spoke to InTheStudio host Redbeard about the musical foundations of the Chicago Transit Authority.

We knew we wanted to do something original. We knew we wanted to break new ground... We wanted to open up the concept of Rock songwriting. We wanted to be able to play something as far out as Frank Zappa and still be able to dance to it, and still have it be able to be programmed on radio.

Chicago Transit Authority /InTheStudio interview part one is available now to STREAM at:

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