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James Christian (2004)

James Christian: Meeting the man again.... James Christian talks about his new solo album, a follow-up to the highly regarded Rude Awakening CD. James, Meet The Man comes several years since your last solo album. Earlier in the year the House Of Lords album was released - what else have you been up to in the time since Rude Awakening was released? I have been very busy during that time. I have gotten married and I am now a father of a beautiful little girl. I have also been producing music for other artists. So 10 years goes by rather quickly. Meet The Man features songs from your vast catalogue of music - a choice was obviously made to record tracks demoed in the past - where any newly written tracks included, or are they all from the catalogue? All are from the past catalogue. There is so much great material that was never recorded and really deserves it place on a CD. Why look back in the first place? What was the criteria for a song making the final cut for this release? The reason why we look by is to take a glimpse into one of the greatest eras ...

Johnny Lima (2003)

Johnny Lima: A Californian boy! Johnny Lima talks about the frustrations of life within the melodic rock scene in 2003 and in detail about his new album Made In California. So Johnny, all this time we've been mates and I've been plugging away for you on the site, but this is our first interview?!! Thanks for pointing that out by the way...make me feel bad and all!! Yeah, I was beginning to think you didn't like me. HAHA! So Made In California is done, complete, finished and on the verge of a release. Can you believe that? I won't believe it until I have the finished product in my hand. I keep checking my mailbox, but nothing's arrived yet. Even better - can you believe you and Danny Danzi have album's released in the same month??? You mean to tell me Danny's album is out and that little bastard hasn't sent me one yet?!!! Not yet, but it's out in Japan December 17. Made In California is a great album - you must be very pleased with the results, but how do you view it now, looking back over the last few years and past albums? I still think it's a ...

Josh Ramos (2003)

Josh Ramos: Two Fires becomes one. Josh talks in detail about his great new AOR project Ramos. Hey Josh. Ok, here we go with some questions! First up - your saw my review, so you saw I really like the new album. Based on the albums you have been involved in previously, what was the game plan for the album before you hit the studio? I wanted to write songs, ideas that had been in my mind for some time, but I didn't want to use them with anyone else, I wanted to write the words and music for at least half of the CD. Sometimes it's hard when your in a project with someone else and you say to them, here's a song that I've written, it can cause friction, because the other person feels left out, or doesn't want to accept the fact that it's your vision, You have recorded and album that touches on your past, but also has a new sound in there too. Is this Josh Ramos asserting more of hi sown individual sound/style? Yes, I think so, a person needs to grow, and move in a different direction in order to find yourself, ...

John West (2002)

G'Day John, Congratulations on a fine new solo record. Earth Maker is your third solo CD - how do you compare it to the other two? Quite different actually. A new line-up, heavier sounds. Lyrical concept album. Two questions there - how did you set about writing for the story within this CD and what drew you to this particular story line? I had it come to me in a dream. I have Native American background, so it is very important to me. How long did you work on the lyrics and the music for Earth Maker and also, how long did the recording take? The whole thing took about two years to do. The record, while retaining the concept, is quite musically diverse. You have classic rock, modern heavy metal and traditional hard rock elements, not to mention a couple of epic tracks! Do you have a preferred style for writing? I don't want to limit myself to any one style. That is the whole point in doing a solo album for me. What about the band featured on this release? How do you know the guys? I've met and worked with all of them in the past on ...

Talon - John Parker (2002)

  Talon John Parker Interview.   Hey John! Congrats on the album. Hey Andrew, thanks !! Good to speak to you. So John, the Talon album is just a couple of weeks away from release - how long has the process of getting this thing started until now been? We started dialog with Now and Then back in August, 1999 !! We signed in April, 2000 and started setting up Studio, Producer, Songs, etc. Over the next year or so the Producer and Studio options for one reason or another had to be changed. Also, we changed Vocalists and recorded even more demos for final cutdown on the CD. We finally choose Los Angeles and Mikey Davis as the best "fit" and starting Tracking in November of last year. It has been a long road to this point, but we believed in waiting for the best opportunity to do the best CD possible !! Absolutley….Did you ever doubt you would get to this point? A couple times earlier last year we had some doubts, but always looked ahead to the big picture - that kept us on track and in focus. Have you had much feedback so far and are you happy with those ...

Silent Rage's Jesse Damon

  SO IT'S 2002 AND SILENT RAGE IS STILL A RECORDING ROCK GROUP! WOULD YOU HAVE EVER BELIEVED THAT YEARS AGO? Yes, because my experiences as a Recording Artist have been positive, and memorable. You don't always know what the future holds, but back then I knew that the music was such, a driving force for us, that we would be involved in it for the rest of our lives… HAS THE BAND BEEN IN HIATUS – MAKING THIS A FULL COMEBACK, OR HAVE YOU BEEN OCCASIONALLY GETTING TOGETHER IN CALIFORNIA? Yes the band had been on an extended hiatus, and this comeback brings a renewed desire! Occasionally Silent Rage would appear and perform a few songs at some LA clubs. YOU OBVIOUSLY KEPT IN CONTACT WITH THE REST OF THE GUYS? Yeah, we'd get together and socialize, you know, birthdays, holidays, some concerts, and even a cruise. Every Christmas Holiday, we throw our annual Silent Rage Christmas Party. WAS ANY OF YOU AT ALL HESITANT TO MAKE THIS COMMITMENT TO RECORD AGAIN? We all had questions, and concerns to hash out, and there were plenty of meetings to talk about our different schedules, and all the logistics involved, but when this ...

Skin Tag - Jimmy & Charlie (2001)

Skin Tag – Part One: Jimmy Lawrence   Thanks Jimmy for taking the time to talk about your new band Skin Tag! Sure Andrew, no problem, you were always very supportive of me, ....I appreciate that!!!!   Jimmy, you previously made your debut with a record that took several years to see the light of day, with the excellent melodic rock album The World Is Round, thru MTM Music. Yeah, every dog has it's day!   Was it frustrating for you to see that album be released and then have further label problems getting a second album recorded? I don’t know if frustrating is the right word. I am pretty numb from the dysfunction of the music biz.....It's kinda like that drunk uncle you see at the holidays. You don't really look forward to seeing him but you know you have to at some point. You try not to get too upset or pissed when he screws up because after all he's a drunk. That's how I view the music big drunk fucking uncle. You can't begin to try to figure it out. It will only frustrate you and make you crazy. Thankfully, I don't need it ...

Jack Ponti (1997)

November 1997 Hey Jack! Are you happy with the end result of Baton Rouge? Yeah I'm happy. It's Cool. I think it's better than the other two by a long shot! Thanks you, I appreciate that. You seem to have a bigger sound on this album. Well, it was a little bit different approach. So how did you approach it? I actually think we tried to make it a bit earthier. And it was pretty much Kelly and I were left to do what we wanted to do. We kind of had fun with it, rather than being microscopic. It sounds rawer. Yeah, definitely that kind of vibe. And there was no major label distractions? Yeah it was pretty much doing what we wanted to do, rather than doing what we were told to do. You have more fun that way. You have a huge guitar sound on this record. It was probably because of the studio really. More than anything else. Pretty much the same amps and the same guitars used on 'Baton Rouge', 'Shake Your Soul' and 'Lights Out In The Playground'. I think the difference in the sound is probably the studio this time around, as much as ...


    Jimi Jamison: The Two Jim's Crossroad Moment When Jim Peterik reunited with former Survivor buddy Jimi Jamison, high expectations were immediately raised. And a 15 track CD delivers some of 2008's best AOR moments, with Jimi sounding in fine voice and Jim Peterik providing some magic songs. Both Jim's talk about the creative process behind the album and what drove them back together again after all these years. I'm sorry that I missed you earlier-40 minutes or whatever? JP-No problem. We had a wonderful dinner and a couple of glasses JJ-(mumbles) JP-….of whatever. (laughs) JP- But, we're still coherent. I think. I think. Well, I'm stone cold sober so I'm not impressed. JJ-Well I'm sober, too. JP-It's 12 o'clock, noon, you'd better be stone cold sober. (laughs) I know but this job drives me to drink though, I can assure you. JJ-I can imagine. JP-I know about that. JJ-You've got so much information on that site. I don't know how in the world you do it. Well, tell me, what are you 2 vagabonds hanging out about tonight? Why are you hanging out together ...


Neal Schon: Doing It His Way Guitarist Neal Schon makes his claim for Guitar Hero status on the new Journey album Eclipse. I talked to Neal just prior to the band hitting the road in the USA for their 2011 Tour - Leg 1.   Hello Neal! Andrew! How are you, buddy? I'm doing ok. How are you? I'm doing good, man. We're just, you know, booking out here, trying to keep up with this, man; it's a lot of work! You know-the travel. Absolutely. We're just in from Italy-last night from Milan. We had a great show there. We just did sound check and I did another interview for Guitar Player Magazine. And so, here I am! I've been ready to do you for a while but I understand you had some other things going on. Oh yeah, sorry. I flaked out on you a couple of times there—held up and then kids. You know what it's like with 3 young kids. (laughs) I understand. It happens. So thank you at least for staying patient and good to talk to you again. Same here! Yeah! Are you completely sick of talking about this ...


Arnel Pineda: From Dusty Streets To Platinum Records Journey's frontman came from extremely humble beginnings, but his dreams came true thanks to the Internet and a God given gift. Now he's everyman's hero. I talked to the softly spoken frontman during the band's European 2011 tour.   Hey there. You are Andrew from Yes, that 's right, Arnel. How are you? I'm good. How are you? I'm good, mate! It's good to finally touch base with you! I know, (laughs) but I feel that I have known you for quite a while now. (laughs) Ok. You are ok to talk, then? Yeah yeah. Don't mind my voice-I'm just tired because the hotel where we checked in—it's not so good. It's so noisy outside and then the room service keeps on knocking on the door and we forgot to put the 'Do Not Disturb' card on the doorknob. Uh-oh. So, they are disturbing you all the time. Yes, but it's ok. It's ok. Have you got a show tonight or are you on a day off? We are on a day off and then…...

Herbie Herbert: One Man's Journey

Herbie Herbert is one of the music industries most colorful characters. For a period of time he was the #1 manager in the business, taking Journey – a band he put together with Neal Schon – to become a multi-Platinum selling stadium act. And in taking the band to the stadiums, he also helped pioneer the way we watch bands in such settings. The video screens and high-tech productions that dominate tours today were developed by Herbie and the company he and Neal remain partners in – Nocturne – who are today behind tours by U2, Madonna, Metallica, Def Leppard and of course, Journey. Herbie also broke Swedish hard rock act Europe in America, not to mention taking Mr. Big, Roxette and Steve Miller Band to more Platinum sales and sold out worldwide tours. He is vocal in his opinions and calls it like he sees it, which doesn't always please some folks on the receiving end. But few people have been in the position Herbie was in and when the chance to interview an industry legend presents itself you don't turn that down. I have long followed the business side of the music industry, so Herbie's insights ...
